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主题:糖尿病专科医院 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-02-25





  1. 糖尿病专科医院:重点专科建设--济宁市中医院糖尿病科

文·图/ 弘医堂



Beijing Hongyitang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is focus on the characteristics and advantages of TCM since it inception, offer a platform for academic teams and specialists. After years of development,set up a number of specialized departments and research center with the characteristics and advantages of TCM. Each specialized department is guidance by academic leader in clinical, research and teaching activities on TCM. The specialized department including:Hepatobiliary,Gas t roenterology, Pediatrics, Andrology, Dermatology,Nephropathy, Diabetes, Rheumatic and Immunological, Herbal Paste, Oncology, and three centers of Ophthalmology, Traditional Chinese Therapies and Gynecology Research. We provide a full range of TCM specialty care.

肾病专科 Nephropathy Department



主要诊治:急性肾炎、泌尿系统感染、慢性肾炎、肾盂肾炎、I g A肾病、隐匿性肾炎、各型慢性肾炎、肾病综合征、紫癜性肾炎、狼疮性肾炎、糖尿病性肾炎、慢性肾衰早期(肾功能不全、氮质血症)、慢性肾衰晚期(尿毒症)及各种难治性肾病.

Department of nephropathy has gathered the academic inheritors and disciples of Prof. Zhao Shaoqin (the descendant of a TCM family served a Chinese emperor’s court physician for three generations) Prof. Dong Yihua, Prof. Wu Zemin, Prof. Wang Xiuqin, Prof. Xu Shu, Prof.Jia Chunhua, Prof. Peng Jianzhong, Prof. Zhao Zongjiang, Prof. Yang Lianzhu, Prof. Feng Guoan, Prof. Zhang Zengyu turns on clinic. Following the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, diagnosis syndrome and take the differentiation treatment, pure Chinese medicine, reasonable diet and moderate exercise combined with comprehensive treatment method, not only can rapidly improve symptoms, but also can make the test indicators gradually improved or restored to normal, and to strengthen their physique health purposes.

The Department serves to treat acute nephritis, infections related to the urinary system, chronic nephritis, pyelonephritis, IgAnephropathy,latent nephritis, Various types of chronic nephritis,Nephrotic syndrome, Purpura nephritis, Lupus nephritis, diabetic nephritis, chronic renal failure in early stage(renal insufficiency and azotemia), chronic renal failure in late stage (uremia), and various types of nephropathy difficult to treat.

糖尿病专科 Diabetes Department



Department of diabetes consultation experts’ team is led by famous TCM diabetes experts, Dr. Fu Jinghua, Dr. Wang Zhenhai, Dr.Liu Shuqing, Dr. Lin Guoyu, Dr. Feng Guoan and Dr. Fang Wei that with rich clinical experience on the occurrence, courses, prognosis and complication of diabetes, superb skill and has good results. We open the external treatment of diabetes, like massage, acupuncture,dietetic therapy and exercise, it has good result and also improve the life quality.

The Department serves to treat mainly in type Ⅱ diabetes and early complications, supplemented with type I diabetes and complications.



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