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英语专业优秀论文大纲格式范本 英语专业优秀论文大纲怎么写有关写作资料

主题:英语专业优秀 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-03-02




  1. 五、新课程改革下我国优秀中学英语教师素质的研究论文提纲
  2. 四、信息技术下优秀大学英语学习者学习模式个案研究论文提纲范文
  3. 三、基于语料库的英语专业优秀硕士学位论文中三词词块的研究论文提纲格式范文模板
  4. 二、大学一年级非英语专业优秀生与困难生阅读策略之对比研究论文提纲范文
  5. 一、优秀幼儿英语浸入式教师专业成长的个案研究论文提纲范文






1. 研究背景

1.1 问题的提出

1.2 文献综述

1.2.1 有关教师素质的研究

1.2.2 有关优秀教师素质的研究

1.2.3 优秀英语教师素质的研究

1.2.4 新课改下的优秀英语教师的素质的研究

2. 研究设计

2.1 研究思路

2.2 研究方法

3. 研究一:优秀英语教师素质的文献研究

3.1 研究目的

3.2 研究对象

3.3 研究方法

3.4 研究结果

4. 研究二:优秀中学英语教师素质的调研

4.1 研究目的

4.2 研究方法

4.3 研究对象

4.4 研究过程

4.5 调查结果与分析

5. 研究三:优秀英语教师的个案研究

5.1 研究目的

5.2 研究对象

5.3 研究方法

5.4 研究结果

6. 研究四:优秀英语教师素质的理论建构

6.1 优秀的英语教师会把教书育人看作是生命的一部分

6.2 优秀的英语教师应具有高水准的专业水平

6.3 优秀的英语教师应与时俱进,具备优异的教育教学能力

6.4 优秀的英语教师应有良好的个人修养,具有人格魅力

7. 研究五:优秀中学英语教师素质的培养

7.1 加强高校对中学英语教师培养的规范性

7.2 通过对在岗英语教师的培训培养优秀的英语教师

8. 总结论

9. 研究的不足和后续深化的研究







Index to Tables

Index to Figures



Chapter 1 Literature Reviews

1-1 Reviews of Studies on Foreign Language Teaching/Learning Based on Information Technology

1-1-1 Overviews and Characteristics of Foreign Language Teaching/Learning

1-1-2 Reviews of Studies on Foreign Language Teaching/Learning Abroad

1-1-3 Reviews of Studies on Foreign Language Teaching/Learning in China

1-2 Reviews of Studies on Learning Modes

1-2-1 Contents of Learning Modes

1-2-2 Reviews of Studies on Learning Modes Abroad

1-2-3 Overviews of Studies on Learning Modes in China

1-3 Reviews of Studies on Good Language Learners

1-3-1 Reviews of Studies on Good Language Learners Abroad

1-3-2 Reviews of Studies on Good Language Learners in China

1-4 Reflections of this Study

Chapter 2 Research Designs

2-1 Reviews of Research Methodology

2-2 Research Contents and Tracks

2-3 Selection of the Case

2-4 Investigation Instruments and Datum Collection

Chapter 3 Analysis of Investigation Results about Four Categories of Learning Behaviors

3-1 Results Investigation and Analysis of Traditional Learning Behaviors

3-2 Results Investigation and Analysis of Autonomous Learning Behaviors

3-3 Results Investigation and Analysis of Interactive Collaborative Learning Behaviors

3-4 Results Investigation and Analysis of Inquiry Learning Behaviors

Chapter 4 Construction of GLL’s College English Learning Modes Based on Information Technology

4-1 Theoretical Basis of English Learning Modes Based on Information Technology

4-1-1 Linguistic Theories

4-1-2 Learning Theories

4-2 Contents of English Learning Modes Based on Information Technology

4-3 Construction of English Learning Modes Based on Information Technology

4-3-1 Construction of Traditional English Learning Mode

4-3-2 Construction of Autonomous English Learning Mode

4-3-3 Construction of Interactive Collaborative English Learning Mode

4-3-4 Construction of Inquiry English Learning Mode

Chapter 5 Analysis and Assessment of Effectiveness of Four Learning Modes

5-1 Analysis of Effectiveness of Four Learning Modes from the Investigation-53

5-1-1 Analysis of Effectiveness of Four Learning Modes from an Aspect of Knowledge Application

5-1-2 Analysis of Effectiveness of Four Learning Modes from an Aspect of Operational Skills

5-1-3 Analysis of Effectiveness of Four Learning Modes from an Aspect of Emotional Motivations

5-2 General Assessment of Effectiveness of Four Learning Modes

5-2-1 Assessment of Effectiveness of Four Learning Modes from Aspects of Knowledge Application

5-2-2 Assessment of Effectiveness of Four Learning Modes from Aspects of Operational Skills

5-2-3 Assessment of Effectiveness of Four Learning Modes from Aspects of Emotional Motivations

5-2-4 Assessment of Effectiveness of Four Learning Modes from Aspects of Learning Environment




Appendix A(攻读学位期间发表论文目录)

Appendix B(研究期间所用问卷及其他调查材料)






Chapter One Introduction

1-1 Background of the Study

1-2 Significance of the Study

1-3 Research Objective and Questions

1-4 Organization of the Thesis

Chapter Two Literature Review

2-1 Development of Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching

2-2 Lexical Approach

2-2-1 Nattinger & DeCarrico's Lexical Approach

2-2-2 Micheal Lewis' Lexical Approach

2-3 Concept of Lexical Chunks

2-4 Studies of Lexical Chunks Abroad and at Home

2-4-1 Studies Abroad

2-4-2 Studies at Home

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework

3-1 Definitions of Lexical Chunks

3-1-1 Becker's Definition

3-1-2 Nattinger & DeCarrico's Definition

3-1-3 Wray' Definition

3-2 Categories of Lexical Chunks

3-3 Functions of Lexical Chunks

3-4 Second Language Acquisition

Chapter Four Design of the Research

4-1 Corpora Used for the Study

4-1-1 Learner Corpus

4-1-2 Academic Journal Corpus

4-2 Software Used to Identify and Analyze Lexical Chunks

4-2-1 Retrieving Tool

4-2-2 Significance Test

4-3 Data Collection

4-3-1 Criteria for Extraction

4-3-2 Identification and Extraction of Lexical Chunks

Chapter Five Results and Discussions

5-1 General Analysis of Lexical Chunks in the Two Corpora

5-1-1 Collection and Refinement of the Lexical Chunks

5-1-2 The Most Frequently Used Lexical Chunks

5-1-3 The Shared Lexical Chunks in the Two Corpora

5-2 Structural and Functional Analyses

5-2-1 Structural Analyses

5-2-1-1 An Overview of Structural Classification

5-2-1-2 Major Findings and Dicusssions on Structural Classification

5-2-2 Functional Analyses

5-2-2-1 An Overview of Functional Classification

5-2-2-2 Major Findings and Discussions on Functional Classification

Chapter Six Conclusion

6-1 Conclusion

6-2 Pedagogical Implications

6-3 Limitatious of the Present Study

6-4 Suggestions for Further Studies


有关论文范文主题研究: 关于英语专业优秀论文提纲范文文献 大学生适用: 10000字学士学位论文、2000字专升本毕业论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 300 写作解决问题: 论文框架怎样写
毕业论文开题报告: 文献综述、论文设计 职称论文适用: 技师论文、职称评初级
所属大学生专业类别: 英语专业优秀方面 论文提纲推荐度: 经典大纲




List of Tables


Chapter 1 Introduction

1-1 Background Information

1-2 Significance of the Study

1-3 Purpose of the Study

1-3-1 General statement

1-3-2 Hypotheses

1-4 Organization of the thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2-1 Meta-cognitive Theories

2-1-1 Introduction of meta-cognitive concept

2-1-2 Elements of meta-cognition

2-1-3 Components of meta-cognition

2-2 Meta-cognitive Strategy Training in Reading

2-2-1 Instructional models for strategy training

(1) Winograd and Hare's model

(2) Oxford's model

(3) Cohen's model

(4) O'Malley & Chamot's model

2-2-2 Means of strategy training

(1) Teacher's modeling

(2) Verbal reports

2-2-3 The meaning of strategy training

2-3 Reading

2-3-1 Definition of reading

2-3-2 Models of the reading process

(1) Bottom-up Model

(2) Top-down Model

(3) Interactive Model

Chapter 3 Methodology

3-1 Research Questions

3-2 Methods of quantitative research

3-2-1 Participants

3-2-2 Instruments

3-2-3 Procedures

3-3 Methods of qualitative research

3-3-1 Verbal reports

3-3-2 Representative one

3-3-3 Representative two

3-3-4 Representative three

3-4 The training program

3-4-1 Teachers'roles in strategy instruction

3-4-2 Students'roles in strategy learning

Chapter 4 Data Analysis

4-1 Data elaboration of overall strategy use

4-2 Use of ELS by levels

Chapter 5 Conclusion

5-1 Research Findings

5-2 Limitations

5-3 Recommendations


Appendix Ⅰ Pre-training Test Paper

Passage One

Passage Two

Passage Three

Passage Four

Appendix Ⅱ Student Background Questionnaire

Appendix Ⅲ Reading Strategy Questionnaire

Appendix Ⅳ Strategy Training Program

Appendix Ⅴ Verbal Reports







第1章 绪论

1-1 研究的缘起

1-1-1 社会背景

1-1-2 《纲要》对幼儿教师的专业要求

1-1-3 浸入式课题组对于英语教师素质的要求

1-2 研究的基本内容

1-3 研究的目的及意义

1-4 研究的局限性

第2章 文献综述

2-1 相关概念界定

2-1-1 关于浸入式的概念界定

2-1-2 对于幼儿教师专业成长的概念界定

2-1-3 对于优秀幼儿浸入式教师的界定

2-1-4 幼儿园优秀浸入式教师专业成长

2-2 国内外关于浸入式的研究综述

2-2-1 国内关于浸入式的研究综述

2-2-2 国外关于浸入式的研究综述

2-3 国内外关于幼儿教师专业成长的研究综述

2-3-1 国内关于幼儿教师专业成长的研究综述

2-3-2 国外关于幼儿教师专业发展的研究综述

第3章 研究设计

3-1 研究的具体问题

3-2 研究方法

3-2-1 访谈法

3-2-2 实物分析法

3-2-3 文献法

3-2-4 观察法

3-3 研究对象的选取

3-4 研究对象的具体介绍

第4章 研究内容及结果分析

4-1 关键事件对幼儿优秀浸入式教师的专业成长的影响

4-1-1 教师参加英语浸入式课题组,并积极投身浸入式教学

4-1-2 幼儿园支持性的英语浸入式环境

4-1-3 教师开展英语浸入式教学、学习与研究活动

4-2 关键人物对优秀幼儿英语浸入式教师的专业成长的影响

4-2-1 资深英语老教师的引领与影响

4-2-2 园长(教研组长)的支持与关怀

4-2-3 班级汉语教师的帮助与配合

4-2-4 课题组专家的培训与指导

4-3 优秀浸入式教师自身的素养及努力对其专业成长的影响

4-3-1 成长的动力:职业幸福感

4-3-2 认真坚持的工作态度和饱满的工作热情

4-3-3 良好的职业责任感

4-3-4 浸入式教师的专业自主发展意识

4-3-5 浸入式教师的有效教学反思

第5章 结论与建议

5-1 研究结论

5-1-1 幼儿浸入式教师自身的教学素养是专业成长的决定性因素

5-1-2 浸入式教师注重在教研活动中实现专业成长

5-1-3 浸入式教师注重在积极合作的教师文化中实现专业成长

5-1-4 幼儿园领导对浸入式教学研究及教师专业成长的有效管理和支持

5-1-5 浸入式教师从总结、反思、敢于挑战自我中实现专业成长

5-2 对有志成为优秀幼儿英语浸入式教师的若干建议

5-2-1 全面地了解浸入式教学模式,转变传统的英语教学观念

5-2-2 努力提升自身的专业知识和教学素养水平

5-2-3 有效利用和整合各种教育资源,不断促进自身的专业发展

5-2-4 把握关键事件对于幼儿英语浸入式教师的特殊作用

5-2-5 充分发挥关键人物对于幼儿英语浸入式教师专业成长的重要作用

5-3 有待深入研究的问题

5-4 研究反思

5-4-1 对研究方法的反思

5-4-2 对本研究的反思







[1] 英语专业优秀论文题目推荐 英语专业优秀论文题目怎么拟
[2] 英语专业优秀论文大纲格式范本 英语专业优秀论文大纲怎么写
[3] 英语专业优秀论文摘要怎么写 英语专业优秀论文摘要范文参考
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