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“理工类专业”论文格式模板 杂志论文格式有关写作资料

主题:“理工类专业”论文格式模板 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-09-26



作 者 林 彬 届 别 2005 届

系 别 物理与电子信息系 专 业 电子信息工程

指导教师 李 文 职 称 教 授

完成时间 2005年5月30日


摘 要(小三黑体,居中)


基于VB平台的CAI教学软件的研究与开发,通过利用面向对象的编程技术,设计出与Windows操作系统风格一致的界面.利用Visaul Basic进行程序化兼容各种多媒体素材,如: Mp3, Wav, Avi, text,Picture,Powerpoint,Flash等.



关键词(黑体): CAI;课件;控件;窗体;Visual Basic;电工学


(空1行,Times New Roman体,小四,行间距:固定值20磅)

Based on VB the platform CAI teaching software research and the development, through uses the object-oriented programming technology,designs with the Windows operating system style consistent contact surface. Carries on the sequenced patible each kind of multimedia source material using Visaul Basic, for example: Mp3, Wav, Avi, Text,Picture,Powerpoint,Flash and so on.

This topic development electrical engineering CAI system divides into eight modules, namely lands the contact surface; Front studies the notice module; Lesson teaching; Animation teaching; The video frequency teaching are partial; Test modular;Tool module;modular helps.Various modules are mutually independent, at the same time also constitutes the unified whole. This software and early paring,Has the structure integrity, the function pletely, interaction good, teaching information anization reasonable, the navigation clear, the multimedia source material key prominent, pointed is strong and so on the characteristic, is to manufactures a high quality multimedia class beneficial attempt.

This article introduced with emphasis uses some technical methods in the actual research performance history, and briefly introduced some related rationales, at the same time had pointed out this topic waits for further consummates the development the direction.




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