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主题:人类基因组计划 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-02-29





  1. 人类基因组计划:杨焕明:基因研究专家 中科院遗传所人类基因组中心主任

A complete DNA read-out for every newbom wi11 be technically feasible3 and affordable in less than five years, promising a revolution in healthcare, says Jay Flat1ey, the chief executive of Illumina. Only social and legal issues are likely to delay the era of &,quot,genome sequences, &,quot, or genetic profiles. By 2019 it wi11 h论文范文e become routine to map infants&,apos, genes when they are bom, Dr Flat1ey told The Times.

This wi11 open a new approach to medicine, by which conditions such as diabetes and heart disease can be predicted and prevented and drugs prescribed4 more safely and effectively. The development, however, wi11 raise difficult questions about privacy and access to individuals&,apos, genetic records. Many people may be reluctant to h论文范文e their genome read, for fear that the results could be used against them by an employer or insurance company. The prospect of genome screening for all has emerged because of the plummeting5 cost of the relevant technology.

The Human Genome Project, which published its first rough sequence of mankind&,apos,s genetic code in 2001, cost an estimated $4 billion. By the time the scientists James Watson and Craig Venter had their genomes mapped two years ago, the cost had fallen to about $1 million.

Genotyping services, which examine about 2 million of the genome&,apos,s 6 billion DNA letters for clues to disease, are already 论文范文ailable to comsumers for about $1 ,000. Those with deeper pockets can h论文范文e their whole genome mapped for about $100,000.

Illumina is preparing to launch a much cheaper whole-genome service within two years. It has already begun seeking consent from its first customers, who are likely to pay between $10,000 and $20,000. Last month, Illumina announced a deal with a British company that is developing a new approach to sequencing that could bring costs down further.

In an interview with The Times. Dr Flatley said a genome sequence should be 论文范文ailable for less than $1 ,000 in three to four years.

&,quot,The limitations are sociologica16 , when and where people think it can be ap-plied, the concems people h论文范文e about misinformation and the background ethics 7 questions. 1 think those are actually going to be the limits that push it out to a ten- year timeframe,&,quot,he said.

人类基因组计划:杨焕明:基因研究专家 中科院遗传所人类基因组中心主任

A baby&,apos,s genome can be discovered at birth by a heel-prick blood st, similar to the one that is already usedωscreen for inherited diseases such as cystic fi- brosis8 By examining which genetic variants9 a person has inherited, it is possible to identi市raised risks of developing an array of conditions, including cardiovas- cular10 disease and many cancers. Those at high risk can 吐len be screened more regularly, or given drugs or dietary adviceωlower their chances ofbecoming ill.

As DNA affects the way certain drugs are metab- .lisedl1 , personal genomes could also be used to en- sure that patients get the medicine that is most likely to work for them and least likely to h论文范文e side-effects.

Personal genome sequencing, however, will raise legitimate concems about privacy.

&,quot,Bad things can be done with the genome. It could predict something about someone - and you could potentially hand the information to their employer or their insurance company,&,quot, said Dr Flatley. &,quot,Legislation has to be passed.&,quot, Complete genetic privacy, however, was unlikely to be possible, he added.

&,quot,People h论文范文e to recognize that is horse is out of the bam, and that your genome probably can&,apos,t be protected, because everywhere you go you le论文范文e your genome behind.&,quot,

As the benefits become clearer, however, he believes that most people will want 也eir genomes read and interpreted. The apparent benefits would soon eclipse12 the hazards.

一家世界领先的基因组测序公司的负责人预 言,十年后,每个婴儿出生时都会有自己的基因编 码图谱.

伊路米纳公司论文范文执行官杰伊·弗拉特利表 示,不到五年内,完整地读出每个新生儿的DNA 在技术上将变得切实可行,并且在论文范文上也能承 受得起,这预示着卫生保健领域将发生一场革 命.不过,社会及法律方面的问题有可能会延缓 &,quot,基因组测序也就是基因时代的到来.弗拉特 利博士对《泰晤士报》说,到2019 年,绘制新生婴 儿的基因图谱将成为例行程序.

这项技术将为医学开创一种新的方法,通过 这种方法,糖尿病和心脏病等疾病可以得到预测 和预防,并且能够更加安全有效地对症下药.然 而,这一发展趋势将引发有关隐私和个人基因记 录调阅权限的难题.很多人可能并不愿意读出其 基因,因为他们担心有关结果可能会被雇主或保险公司利用,以至于对其不利.由于相关技术的成本急剧下降,对所 有人进行基因组测序的前景已经出现.

人类基因组工程在2001 年发布了其第一个人类基因编码的序 列草图,花费约40 亿美元.到科学家詹姆士·沃森和克雷格·文特 尔两年前绘制出他们的基因组图的时候,花费已经下降到了约100 万 美元.

基因测型服务通过检查基因组的60 亿组DNA 字母序列中的200 万个来寻找关于疾病的蛛丝马迹.消费者只需要花上大约1000 美元 就可以享受到这项服务.更有钱的人还可以花大约10 万美元,绘制 出完整的基因组图谱.

伊路米纳公司准备在两年内推出论文范文低廉许多的整套基因组绘 制服务,它已经着手寻找第一批顾客,这些顾客可能需要为此支付 一万到两万美元.上个月,伊路米纳公司宣布和一家英国公司达成了 协议,这家英国公司正在开发一种新的基因组测序方法,能够进一步降低成本.


&,quot,限制因素都来自社会层面,例川认为应该在何时何地 使用这项技术,人们对于错误信息以及背后的道德问题的 忧虑.我认为,实际上这些将限制其发展,使其推迟至十年 之久他说道.

通过查验取自足跟的血液(一种类似于用来诊断囊性 纤维化病等遗传性疾病的方法),就能在婴儿出生时发现其 基因组.通过检查一个人获得了哪些遗传的基因变异体, 就有可能知道他患哪些疾病的风险较高,其中包括心血管 疾病以及多种癌症.那些高危人群从而可以通过更经常的 检查、药物治疗或饮食调理来减少他们患病的风险.

由于DNA 影响着某些药物的新陈代谢,个人基因组图 谱还可以用来保证病人得到最有效、副作用最小的药物.

然而,个人基因组测序将引起人们对于隐私的担忧, 这些担忧是合乎情理的.

基因组图谱可能会被不正当利用.它可以对某人的 某种情况作出预测一一你可以将这样的信息交给他的雇 主或保险公司弗拉特利博士说道.&,quot,必须建立相应的法 律法规.&,quot,然而,绝对的基因保密不太可能,他补充道.

&,quot,人们应该认识到,这就好比冲出马棚的马,你的基因 组可能得不到保护,因为无论你走到哪里,你的基因组就 会留在哪里.

但是,一且好处变得更加明显,他认为多数人会愿意 自己的基因组被读取及解析,那些显而易见的好处将很快 会盖过各种风险.



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