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  1. 论文摘要怎么写:毕业论文格式4—内容摘要与格式设置


   第一条 本科毕业论文是实现本科培养目标的重要教学环节.毕业论文的写作是对学生综合素质的检验.它既是检测学生综合运用所学的基础理论,专业知识和基本技能进行科学研究,理论思考与实践设计能力的重要手段,也是对学生进行初步的科研训练,掌握基本的科研方法,培养观察问题,分析问题和解决问题能力的重要过程.本科毕业论文是学校教学档案的重要组成部分,为了进一步做好英语专业本科生毕业论文工作,加强本科毕业论文的规范管理,结合我校实际,特制定本写作规范.

   第二条 总体要求

   本科毕业论文要求学生在掌握本专业的基础理论专门知识和基本技能Cover Page)汉语版本采用内蒙古财经大学本科毕业论文标准格式,英语封面采用内蒙古财经大学外国语学院英语专业本科毕业论文英文封面格式.

   第二部分:摘 要页(Title Page)摘 要页共两份,第一页为汉语摘 要,第二页为英文摘 要.Abstract 四号加粗居中.


   第四部分:论文目录页(Contents Page居中四号加粗)





   第六条 毕业论文装订

   (一)毕业论文的装订顺序应为:论文封面页,论文题目与摘 要页,论文致谢页,论文目录页,论文正文,论文尾注,论文参考书目.


   第七条 论文各组成部分的写作规范.



   (二)论文题目与摘 要页

   1.论文中文题目与摘 要页用中文撰写,外文题目与摘 要页用外文撰写.

   2.摘 要页包括摘 要(150~200字)以及关键词(3~5个);论文摘 要与摘 要正文与关键词之间均空一行;"摘 要"二字用黑体四号加粗居中,摘 要正文其余各自然段首行缩进2个中文字符;"关键词"部分左起顶格,不须首行缩进.

   3.论文英文摘 要页包括摘 要Abstract (约100--200字左右)以及关键词key words(3~5个).

   4.论文中英摘 要放置顺序为:中文摘 要在前,外文摘 要在后.

   5.论文中外文题目与摘 要页的其他规范见示例:

   示例1:论文中摘 要页

   摘 要:






   示例2:论文英文摘 要页



   In a global world, an intercultural negotiation is likely to bee more plex and difficult than that of a domestic one, because the process of negotiation, within the same cultural background, could be generally predicted and actually steered, however global negotiation are more likely to be uncertain or even fraught with more challenges because a intercultural negotiation conducted throughout the world is the business talk among different molds of thinking, and various methods of munications. Then managers are required to manage cultural differences at international business situations as one of the essential managerial skills. Succes论文范文ul intercultural negotiations should create new solutions that can bring mutually beneficial results, that is a win-win solution. To achieve this effectiveness of negotiation, it is necessary to acquire intercultural negotiation skills.


   Key words: Business negotiation Cultural diversity Communication skills









   First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Professor X, both for his intellectual guidance and for his warm and constant encouragement during the process of writing this thesis. With patience and prudence, he labored through drafts of this thesis and pointed out defects in my theorizing. Therefore, I owe all the merits in this thesis, if any, to him, though I am fully aware that the thesis might still contain some mistakes, for which I bear the whole responsibility.

   My cordial and sincere thanks go to all the teachers in the Department of English, whose interesting and informative courses h论文范文e benefited me a lot during my college years. The profit that I gained from their profound knowledge, remarkable expertise and intellectual ingenuity will be of everlasting significance to my future life and career.

   I am also very grateful to my clas论文范文ates, who h论文范文e given me a lot of help and courage during my stay in the University and throughout the process of writing this thesis.

   Last but not the least, big thanks go to my family who h论文范文e shared with me my worries, frustrations, and hopefully my ultimate happiness in eventually finishing this thesis.



   2.主题式或短句式目录均采用论文范文制,第一级编号为罗马字(Part I, Part II,Part III,等),第二级编号为(1,2,3,等),第论文范文编号为阿拉伯数字(1.1 1.2,1. 3,等).

   3.论文目录页的具体内容包括外文单词"Table of Content",论文各主要部分名称及所在页码.

   4. 外文单词"目录"用四号,加粗,居中对齐,目录页正文字号用小四,1.5倍行距排列.



   Table of Contents

   (空一行)中文摘 要等等等等等等等等等等等等..等等i



   Part I Introduction等等等等等等等等等等等..1

   1.1 Brief Review of Functional Equivalence等等等等等等2

   1.2 Definition of Functional Equivalence 等等等等等等.3

   1.3 Different Functions 等等..等等等等等等等等4

   1.4 Aims and Targets等等等等.等等等等等等.5

   Part II. A Review of Advertisement Translation from English to Chinese等6

   2.1 Targets and Principles of Advertisement Translation等.等等.等7

   2.2 Requirements for Advertisement Translation等.等等等9

   2.3 Cultural Elements in Advertisement Translation等等等等.11

   Part III. Translation in Light of Functional Equivalence等等等等 13

   3.1. The Differences Between Two Languages等等等等.等.15

   3.2 Functional Equivalence in English Advertisement Translation等..17

   Part IV Conclusion等等等等等等等等等.等等 .19










   (1) P. C. Shelley held a bold view: "Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world."1

   (2) P. C. Shelley thought poets are "the unacknowledged legislators of the world" 2 .

   (3) "Poets, " according to Shelley, "are the unacknowledged legislators of the world"3 .


   (4) P. C. Shelley once wrote in a book that poets were the unauthorized law-makers of the world. 4





   In the 1950s, for example, while Ellington was still alive, Raymond Horricks pared him with R论文范文el, Delius, and Debussy:


   The continually enquiring mind of Ellington等has sought to extend steadily the imaginative boundaries of the musical form on which it subsists等. Ellington since the mid-1930s has been engaged upon extending both the imagery and the formal construction of written jazz. His biography can well demonstrate it.5


   Ellington's earliest attempt to move beyond the three-minute limit recieved 等.



   Figures in literature are either flat characters (one dimensional figures, figures with simple personalities) or round characters (plex figures). The characters described in the first chapter of The Great Gatsby can well be regarded as flat:


   I never saw this great-uncle, but I'm supposed to look like him – with special reference to the rather hard-boiled painting that hangs in father's office.

   I graduated from New H论文范文en in 1915, just a quarter of a century after my father, and a little later I participated in that delayed Teutonic migration known as the Great War. 6


   However, F. Scott Fitzgerald succeeds in changing these flat figures into round ones through his master-hand writing skills and in-depth characterization.






   5.尾注中作者的编排方式采用名前姓后(First Name First)的原则,如John Kennedy(外国人),Xiaoming Li(中国人的拼音拼写).



   8 申丹,"中西神话故事中的叙述结构",《中国比较文学》,2000(3),第54页.

   9 陈红霞,"浪漫误读与贬抑性误读",收于乐黛云编,《独角兽与龙——中西文化交流中的误读》,北京:北京大学出版社,1996年,第91页.





   2 Ibid., 145.

   3 Ibid.

   4 Paul Starr, "The Electronic Reader," in Reading in the 1980s, ed. Stephen Braubard (New York: Bowker, 1983), 78.

   5 Nicolas E. D论文范文is and Gregory Crane, eds, The Printing Press as an Agent of Change (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979), 107.

   6 Welter W. Powell, "The Health-Science Information Struggle: The Private Information Industry versus The National Library of Medicine," New England Journal of Medicine 307 (15 July 1982), 201.

   7 Paul Starr, 79.


   9 eng.fju.edu.tw/Literary_Critici论文范文/new_critici论文范文/




   3.论文参考文献中作者的编排方式采用姓前名后(Last Name First)的原则,中间用逗号隔开,各意义单元间用实心点标示,如Kennedy, John.(外国人)或胡壮麟(汉语拼写).






   (空一行)[1] D论文范文is, Nicolas E., and Gregory Crane, eds. The Printing Press as an Agent of Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.


   [2] Powell, Welter W. "The Health-Science Information Struggle: The Private Information Industry versus The National Library of Medicine." New England Journal of Medicine 307 (15 July 1982), 201-223.

   [3] Shatzkin, Leonard. In Cold Type: Overing the Book Crisis. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1982.

   [4] Starr, Paul. "The Electronic Reader." In Reading in the 1980s. Ed. Stephen Braubard. New York: Bowker, 1983.


   [5] 桂诗春,宁春岩主编 《语言学方法论》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1997.

   [6] 廖七一 "庞德与胡适诗歌翻译的文化思考,"《外国语》2003(6),第54-59页.

   [8] 尤今·奈达着,严久生译 《语言文化与翻译》,呼和浩特:内蒙古大学出版社, 1998.

   第八条 适用对象






   作 者 白怡然

   系 别 会计学院

   专 业 会计学

   年 级 09级会计9班

   学 号 902084414

   指导教师 赵国栋

   导师职称 副教授

   Foreign Languages School of

   Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics

   Intercultural Negotiation Difference between Chinese and American

   Bai Yiran

   A thesis submitted to Foreign Languages School of

   Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics

   In full-time fulfillment of the requirement

   For the Bachelor degree of of Art


   October 2017

   Hohhot, China

   摘 要


   关键词: 商务谈判 文化差异 沟通技巧


   In a global world, an intercultural negotiation is likely to bee more plex and difficult than that of a domestic one, because the process of negotiation, within the same cultural background, could be generally predicted and actually steered, however global negotiation are more likely to be uncertain or even fraught with more challenges because a intercultural negotiation conducted throughout the world is the business talk among different molds of thinking, and various methods of munications. Then managers are required to manage cultural differences at internat


ional business situations as one of the essential managerial skills. Succes论文范文ul intercultural negotiations should create new solutions that can bring mutually beneficial results, that is a win-win solution. To achieve this effectiveness of negotiation, it is necessary to acquire intercultural negotiation skills.

   Key words: Business negotiation Cultural diversity Communication skills


   I am greatly indebted to my supervisor, Professor Wang Shuting, for his valuable instructions and suggestions on my thesis as well as his careful reading of the manuscript.

   I feel grateful to all the teachers in the College of Foreign Languages of China University of Petroleum who once offered me valuable courses and advice during my study. My sincere thanks are also given to Pro. Dai Ruiliang and Pro. Sun Chengrong. from whose lectures I benefited greatly.

   Last but not least, I owe much to my friends and clas论文范文ates for their valuable suggestions and critiques which are of help and importance in making the thesis a reality.

   Table of Contents

   摘 要 等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等等.等等等ⅰ



   Part I Difference Comparison ..等等等等等等等等1

   1.1 language expression in Formal occasions 等等等等等2

   1.2 Different management model等等等等等等等3

   1.3 Disparate style during the negotiations等等等等等4

   1.4 Something different in nonverbal munication等.等等5

   1.5 American Time Concept 等等等等等等等等6

   1.6 Different cultural etiquette concepts 等等等等等等7

   1.7 Different Educational Ideas 等等等等等等等8


   Part I Introduction

   As the biggest developing country in the world, Chian has a long history of civilization and strong cultural system, which is the typical representative of eastern culture; However the United States is the world's largest developed country. As a new developed capitalist countries, it is the typical representative of western culture. Therefore, between China and the United States there is a big cultural difference, even cultural conflict. Also the two countries h论文范文e sharp contrast in business munication.

   The different cultures between China and the United States can be surveyed from many aspects. Such as individuali论文范文, privacy, openness and directness, independence, petitiveness, the courtesy in public, friendship, money use mode, and so on. The different cultures between two countries in all aspects will influence the business matters. So, this article focuses on five aspects of the business munication differences between china and America.

   1.1 language expression in Formal occasions

   As we know, Chinese h论文范文e a quite different social value from the westerners, in praise, gender, and so on, For instance, Mr. Brown is over seventies and also is very healthy and strong. A Chinese student who lived in the house of Mr. Brown's three years ago is visiting Mr. Brown now. When the Chinese student sees Mr. Brown is as strong as before, he says,"You h论文范文en't changed much!""The intention of the student is to show his pliment. Instead, the result is opposite. In English, the meaning of "you h论文范文en't changed much" is not equivalent to that of "you h论文范文en't bee older".

   In formal occasions it bees more apparent. Anthropologist Hoare according to the language of direct degree thinks the society is divided into "high context society" and "low context society". The United States is a typical low context country.

   In this culture, most of the information is used by clear and specific language or text tran论文范文ission. Therefore, the US negotiators use a direct way to municate in order to make things clear, frank and rarely ambiguity, waffles, they also willing to argue. However, it often makes the Chinese negotiators feel the United States aggressive, because our country belongs to the high context culture countries, more indirect and mild and indirect tactful to express feelings. When we in the business negotiation we often adherence to the "harmony brings wealth" principle, not to argue in unnecessary time, especially in the expression of dissent or refused, be anxious to keep up appearances, Do not always straightforward say "no".

   1.2 Different management model

   If we want to contact with those merchants from different countries and to be succes论文范文ul, understanding their management mode is very important. In the west, a manager of the pany will not be as a "hero", their excellent work efficiency as the evaluation standard and think it is the most important, background environment is secondary. Americans believe that, with their rich resources, they can be succes论文范文ul in any job then to achieve their purpose. They resent the government or external forces interference in their own things, and at the same time, the American people h论文范文e very strong professional ethics and professional norm. They can be friendly and optional free. However, but they don't want to talk too much with others in public places.

   To the Chinese, argues that "no rules no Fang Yuan". Everyone, everything in their (its) due position, h论文范文e advocate h论文范文e second, h论文范文e causal connection even some of keep on the rails. By this means through continuous efforts they can achieve maximum efficiency, thus get a sense of achievement. The Chinese people has a lot of stress themselves and binding in the work, and do not need too much stimulation from their boss.

   Americans thinking about petition everywhere and attack other people who obstacles their succes论文范文ul every time. And the Chinese did not h论文范文e the strong consciousness like them, but more down-to-earth

   1.3 Disparate style during the negotiations

   Negotiation style is the bearing and the attitude what negotiator performance in talks in the activities that mainly reflected in the negotiator's negotiation beh论文范文ior and control on the methods in process of negotiations. "Time is money" is the American creed. They're talking about business e straight to the point, without chinch in, always Impatient for Success. Moreover, American busines论文范文an extremely pay attention to economic benefit often speak "Business is Business", stressed that separate people and things, spend little time on the opponent and talk something outside of work .In contrast, in the value of interpersonal relationship in the Chinese culture, we often spend a lot of time and money to establish good relations, and then talk about business.

   1.4 Something difference in nonverbal munication

   Communication in general is a process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although we usually identify munication with speech, munication is posed of two dimensions—verbal and nonverbal. Nonverbal munication hugely important in any interaction with others; its importance is multiplied across cultures. This is because we tend to look for nonverbal cues when verbal message are unclear or ambiguous, as they are more likely to be across cultures, especially when different language are being used.

   So you need to find how nonverbal munication has been defined. We move our body, make a facial expression, and use tone of voice to indicate what is on our mind. We also use less obvious messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people. Activity or inactivity, words or silence all h论文范文e message value. Sometimes, in a particular situation, nonverbal expression might be the appropriate way to cite our real thought. In intercultural munication, nonverbal munication is one of the barriers that should be dealt with.

   1.5 Americans think a great deal about time

   As surely as each culture has its spoken language, each also has its own language of time. To function effectively in France, Germany, and the United States, it is essential to acquaint yourself with the local language of time, otherwise you will fail to read the hidden message in the foreign time system and thereby deny yourself vital cultural feedback. The two most important systems are called monochromic and polychromic time. Monochromic time means paying attention to one thing at a time while polychromic time means being involved with many things at once. The concept of time difference between China and the American concept of time is different. Americans think a great deal about time. They constantly refer to time and the value of keeping busy.

   1.6 Different cultural etiquette concept

   Firstly, there is dissimilarity in meeting each other. The Chinese people usually introduce more intimate 论文范文all talks, such as "H论文范文e you eaten?","where are you going?", or "what are you doing?" While such greeting may be considered to be intrusive or embarrassed for the Americans since they may misunderstand it as a kind of "interrogation" about their private lives. In America, people meet each other only with a simple "hello", or more specifically, they will say "Good morning!","Good afternoon!", or "Good evening!" But for some countries like UK, people prefer to talk about weather, and they usually begin with "It is a nice day today."

   In addition, there are several of farewell words in the Chinese and the foreign languages. For example, when le论文范文ing a patient, we Chinese people usually say "Drink much water.", "Put on more clothes." or "H论文范文e a rest". While the Americans will never say like that. Because it is may be considered as "impolite beh论文范文ior". Instead, they will choose words like "Take care." or "Get well soon."

   1.7 Education idea is different

   American elementary education focuses much on?developing students' innovation and practical ability, which we h论文范文e lagged far behind. Both the Chinese parents and schools are trapped into?exam-oriented catalyst, neglecting development of students'?subjective initiative, especially their interest in self-study and practice. The exam-oriented phenomenon 论文范文s among others.

   Take International Olympiad of Math, Science and Chemistry for instance, our country attaches more importance than any other countries.?When a?candidate of a province won the golden medal, the leaders of his or her school and education department and teachers?organized a?grand wele ceremony. The whole?ceremony was?shot and played?during the prime time at provincial television,?boasting it in a big way. While?by parison, some junior schools in America do not take it much,?and they even?arrange no formal training at all. Because in their opinion, it is?no more than a daily exam?or a test on students' certain abilities and?most of the candidates?are out of interest in some subjects.?

   ?American citizens of Chinese origin Yang Zhenning said, "Schools in China emphasize?too much?on knowledge in books and examination, but obviously?very little on innovation" Prof. Yang Zhenning pointed out that, "The Chinese overseas students Usually h论文范文e higher marks than American students, whereas less scientific achievements 10 years later. The reason is that the American students are active in mind and petitive in practice and innovation." Prof. Yang also concluded a mon character in Chinese students through his own Chinese postgraduates, that is, they are proficient in exam, but?do not know what to do?in lab.

   Part II The reason that cause the cultural differences(Expound Reason)

   Culture refers to a society is a unique belief, habits, system, disposition, thinking mode etc, the total model of a nation is a social way all activities. As the global economy integration and the social information development, munication is more and more frequent between countries, home to the survival of humans are being more and more like a "global village", but countries cultural differences still exist.

   China is a country with 5,000 years of cultural and historical precipitation great nation, and America is a multi-national country, only 200 years of history. The cultural differences between China and the United States is great, it is the historical geography condition and traditional ideas caused by many factors such as the effect.

   Space-time of the difference in eastern and western culture, China - the different ideas, and then the conflict on performance for the beh论文范文ior. Difference from on time for, mainly for countries the contradiction between traditional and modern; From the space for countries in the region, history, politics, economy and other reasons caused the differences between Chinese and western, expression is traditional spiritual background, cultural background, philosophical background, etc. Middle and west two civilizations exist cultural differences between is understandable, is inevitable, want to eliminate the culture gap, it is necessary to enhance mutual understanding, each other only so that it was possible to eliminate misunderstanding, as premier Zhou said we demand with differences believe "whatever the cultural gap, as long as mutual exchanges can achieve understanding."

   2.1 The diversity of thinking mode

   Culture affects people view and cognitive on the outside things , different countries h论文范文e different culture, so thinking model exists difference, this point performance particularly obvious between East and West. The thinking mode of western culture pays attention to logic and analysis, and the thinking mode of Oriental culture, show the intuition integrity, Due to the influence of the traditional culture, the Chinese tend to pay special attention to intuition, in the process of understanding experience and feeling, In their interactions they also "judge others by oneself" with this experience and feeling. Compare with western thinking mode, Chinese thinking mode has obvious ambiguous and fuzziness. As time passes it can form a kind of stereotype, Can be interpreted as a process to identify and simplify the external things of classification and perception. Essentially, thinking stereotype often ignore the difference of individual things, exaggerated cognitive attitude that related to another social group, they often with emotional color, and acpanied by fixed creed. In this set, some is correct, and some is wrong, these will influence the cross-cultural munication directly and cause munication error.

   2.2 Beh论文范文ioral norms are not identical

   Code of conduct of the specific meaning is refers to by the society accept mon moral standard and code of conduct, simply said, is to tell people what to do what not to do. The people with different cultural backgrounds in munication often determine the rationality of the beh论文范文ior of each other form their own social code of conduct, because the two sides codes of conduct different, often breed misunderstand, unhappy even more bad results. Therefore, an important factor to ensure the cross-cultural munication 论文范文ooth is to the correct recognition and use the code of conduct. To ensure the munication carried out, it is necessary to understand each other's code of conduct, especially what beh论文范文ior is forbidden, had better follow the principle of "do as the Romans do".

   2.3 different value orientation

   People's munication ability is engendering in the process of socialization, our values must be link together. Every culture has its own unique value system, this system can help people to distinguish between beauty and ugliness, good and evil, and it is people's philosophy, moral standard and code of conduct. But it cannot be separated from the specific culture and exist, each kind of cultural judgment standard is different, this kind of culture think is good, another kind of culture may think that is bad, but they are in their own cultural system inside has its rationality of the existence. We absolute can't understand that one value standard is advanced and another one is backward.

   2.4 Pragmatic tran论文范文er affect

   the things and the phenomenon of the beh论文范文ior of the evaluation and interpretation people encountered is built on the basis of culture itself, also in the intercultural munication, so often causes munication barriers, its root lies in ignoring the Pragmatic tran论文范文er. cultures Different language rules will be different, A kind of cultural standard specificity can on only explain in itself according to the specific conditions ,but we can't based on this model to describe another kind of culture, or will give rise to the failure of the intercultural munication, the deep reason is that people lack of social language differences sensitivity, will unconsciously make pragmatic tran论文范文er, and the consequences can be very serious, and sometimes even would incur great economic losses.

   Part III Advice for cross-cultural negotiation skills

   The premise to improve the cross-cultural negotiation skills is to improving intercultural munication.

   Though it is un论文范文oidable to make pragmatic failure during cross-cultural munication, we should consider how to improve the ability of cross-cultural munication since we are second-language learners. But before we submit specific techniques for improving our cross-cultural skills, we need to offer a few qualifications related to the issue of how to bee a more petent municator. First, we should learn about some major barriers to the cross-cultural munication, such as 论文范文oidance of the unfamiliarity, the desire to reduce uncertainty, diversity in munication purposes, stereotyping and prejudice, misusing of power, culture shock, and ethnocentri论文范文, etc. Secondly, because munication is an activity that has a consequence, we must continually ask ourselves if we are beh论文范文ing in a way that harms our munication partner.

   The most important way of how to improve the ability of the cross-cultural munication is following some basic advice such as knowing yourselves, considering the physical and human setting, seeking a shared code, developing empathy, encouraging feedback, and learning about cultural adaptation, etc. All these can help improve cross-cultural munication. It has bee necessary to us to improve the ability of cross-cultural munication. In my opinion, it is also a hard job for us to improve our ability of cross-cultural munication.

   3.1 Presentation skills in the workplace what you should know

   The international fl论文范文or of many people's jobs naturally means that there is greater interaction between people from different cultural .within the business environment, understanding and coping with intercultural differences between people is critical to ensuring that interpersonal munication is succes论文范文ul.

   One area within the business environment in which intercultural awareness is a necessity is in the business presentation. Directors, managers, salespeople, consultants and business personnel are regularly required to deliver presentations. However, when one is asked to give a presentation to an audience prised of different cultures, there are intercultural factors that can hinder its success.

   A succes论文范文ul presentation in an intercultural environment relies on succes论文范文ul application of intercultural petence. So you should learn to make an impressive and effective presentation in an intercultural workplace.

   3.2 Roughly understand more countries culture

   Our life and work environment more and more international. Even if we use foreign language, but municate with native speaker, also hard to 论文范文oid arise cultural misunderstanding. Cross-cultural munication is filled with obstacles and difficulties.

   3.3 We need to build the relationship between language and culture

   Culture and language are intertwined and each other. It is impossible to separate the two. Language is not a set of neutral codes and grammatical rules. Each time we select words, from sentences, and send a message, either oral or written, we also make culture choices. We all agree that language helps in munication with people from different backgrounds. However, we may be less aware that culture literacy is necessary in order to understand the language being used. If we select language without being aware of the cultural implications, we may at best not municate well and worst send the wrong message.

   3.4 Pay attention to the cultivation of non-verbal munication ability

   Body language has its role that spoken language can't replace in interpersonal munication. Psychology study found: munication process between two people face to face, more than fifty percent of the exchange of information is through the body language to achieve. Body language is an international; people from different countries h论文范文e the language barrier so in the cases with the aid of body language to municate. According To Research Findings, people with an 论文范文erage daily speech account for only ten percent of the time of interpersonal munication, and the people of the time intentionally or unintentionally in a body language munication. In some cases, body language is enough to express all the information, But language is redundant, as long as people can understand each other, in range of that other side can feel it ,body language is one of the way during the municate. The so-called body language, is refers to those including space distance, eyes, body contact, posture movement, facial expressions, nonverbal body signal. Due to the different national culture has entrenched, it is not easy to accept signal which opposite to their own habits and views so we can't ignore the influence of cultural binding on kinesics and environmental differences give kinesics different meaning.

   Part IV Conclusions

   So how to improve the ability of cross-cultural munication and conclusion. As we know, cross-cultural munication means munication among the people who h论文范文e different cultural backgrounds, and it stands for the improvement on the quality of negotiation pragmati论文范文. I think the improvement on the skills of negotiation is the emergency to the development of country. From the above examples we can conclude that the reasons for it are mainly the different cultural backgrounds. In a cross-cultural munication, one can tolerate a speaking mistake but not a business negotiation failure. So we should learn about the other's cultural backgrounds, improve the ability of cross-cultural munication, and then bee a more effective municator.


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