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本文着者李玉宝等人将水热合成的及常压下自制的纳米级羟基磷灰石(n HA)浆料与聚酰胺66在溶剂中复合,得到了与自然骨结构相似,强度和模量相匹配的n HA/PA66纳米仿生复合材料.该复合材料克服了单纯羟基磷灰石生物陶瓷脆性大,强度差,不易成型等缺点,在提高材料的韧性和力学性能的同时,保持了该复合材料良好的生物相容性和生物活性.动物实验和临床验证表明,n HA/PA 66复合材料在修复骨缺损,作为骨水泥治疗骨质疏松等方面具有很好的应用前景.
关于纳米羟基磷灰石增强聚酰胺66的仿生复合材料结晶行为的研究,本文采用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)研究了n HA/PA 66纳米复合材料的非等温结晶行为,并将其与纯PA66的结晶行为进行了比较.得出以下结论:
(1) 纳米羟基磷灰石的加入,一方面起到了异相成核剂的作用,提高了PA66的结晶速率;另一方面,由于纳米羟基磷灰石与聚酰胺之间的强界面作用,阻碍了聚酰胺分子的有序排列,降低了PA66的结晶度.
(2) 随着降温速率的增加,PA66和n HA/PA 66复合材料的结晶峰都从高温向低温移动,而且结晶峰变宽,表明它们的结晶的范围随降温速率的增加而变宽.
(3) 采用Mo法来处理纳米羟基磷灰石/聚酰胺66复合材料的非等温结晶行为,lgR和lgt之间的线性关系好.同一组材料的a值基本上接近,F(T)的值则随着复合材料的结晶度的增加而增加.F(T)值大,表明在相同的时间内,对于同一种材料要使其相对结晶度越大,则需提高其冷却速率.
摘自《功能材料》 2005年04期
关键词: 羟基磷灰石;胶原;生物矿化;自组装
摘自:《复合材料学报》 2005年02期?
关键词: 准周期结构; 一维光子晶体; 透射谱
摘自:《江苏工业学院学报》 2005年01期
关键词: 光子晶体;BaF2闪烁晶体; 光谱修饰
光子晶体是一种高低折射率材料交替排列的周期性结构,它首先在信息通讯领域具有巨大的应用前景 对适用于该领域的光子晶体的大量研究表明,由于位移场的重新分布,包含有金属成分的光子晶体可呈现出非常宽的截止带,以及良好的全方向反射特性,由金属所引起的吸收损耗则可通过共振隧穿效应而得到有效降低以高折射/低折射/金属/低折射材料为周期的光子晶体结构,由于将金属层的总厚度分解至各周期之中,可以在高频区出现有趣的增加透射的现象,同时在低频区仍保持优良的反射特性 对应相同的能带结构,采用金属/介质结构的光子晶体还可使总的层数小于全介质结构,以降低工艺制备要求 本文提出了利用金属/介质光子晶体对BaF2晶体闪烁光谱进行修饰,通过在BaF2晶体表面制备具有合适能隙结构的光子晶体,使其在快成分位置形成较强的透射能带,在慢成分位置则形成宽的截止能带,从而有效地提高闪烁光快慢成分的相对比例.
利用光子晶体方法抑制BaF2晶体的闪烁光慢成分,可对BaF2晶体的发射光谱进行很好的修饰 所设计的金属/介质光子晶体在紫外 真空紫外区具有在短波范围高的透射带,在长波范围深的截止带,而且在透射带和截止带的过渡区可以具有陡峭的边缘 通过选择不同的光子晶体的设计参量,如周期数,金属层的厚度等,可使快成分的衰减小于5倍,对慢成分的相对抑制比大于20倍 采用适当的探测角度范围,可进一步使相对抑制比提高到100以上.
摘自:《光子学报》 2005年01期
关键词: 光子晶体光纤; 等效芯半径; 光束传播法; 模色散方程
应用有限差分光束传播法和平面波展开法分别计算得到光子晶体光纤的基模有效折射率和包层有效折射率,结合阶跃折射率光纤的模色散方程解出该结构的等效芯半径. 通过对不同结构下光子晶体光纤的研究,找到其等效芯半径随结构参数的变化规律,并根据计算结果将此规律以近似公式的形式给出 该分析和结果可为利用有效折射率法分析光子晶体光纤时等效芯半径的选取提供一定的理论依据.
本文针对目前我们正在研制的塑料光子晶体光纤,分别采用有限差分光束传播法(finite-difference beam propagation method ,缩写FD BPM)和平面波展开法(plane-w论文范文e expansion method,缩写PWEM)计算了不同结构下基模有效折射率和包层有效折射率,应用阶跃折射率光纤模色散方程求解出塑料光子晶体光纤相应结构的等效芯半径,由此找出等效芯半径与结构参数的关系 由于石英光子晶体光纤与塑料光子晶体光纤在材料折射率上差别不大,因而该结果也同样适用于石英光子晶体光纤.
应用FD BPM方法,通过对纵向场点作Fourier变换得到导模的传播常数,该方法与采用相关函数法得到的结果具有同样的精度,而实现起来更加简洁 本文的结果使得有效折射率法可以按照光子晶体光纤的结构来设置其等效芯半径,在发挥其快捷高效优点的同时,使分析变得更加精确 等效芯半径本身也是表征光子晶体光纤特性的一个参数,对其变化趋势的研究有助于人们进一步深入理解光子晶体光纤的传输特性.
摘自:《光子学报》 2005年01期
摘自:《激光杂志》 2005年01期
1. 与常规阶跃折射率光纤相比,光子晶体光纤是一种更接近理想阶跃折射率模型的光纤,理论值与实测数据应该具有更好的一致性.理论值更具指导意义.
2. 采用阶跃有效折射率模型,进行光子晶体光纤色散特性分析,需要解决的主要问题是得到如塞尔梅耶多项式一样的空气孔周期材料的色散特性表达式.采用本模型和文献报道的有效折射率公式与实验数据的对比,得到了较好的一致行和自洽性.
3. 具有色散位移和色散平坦特性的W型,三包层,多包层折射率分布的光纤,是光子晶体光纤的一种简约模式,分析表明:它是折射率引导型光子晶体光纤的一种特例,阶跃有效折射率模型同样可以适用.理想阶跃折射率光纤也可以看作是折射率引导型光子晶体光纤的一种特例.
摘自:《物理学报》 2005年03期
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Result:Numerical Study of the Implications of Size Nonuniformities in the Performance of Photonic Crystal Couplers Using Coupled Mode Theory.
Keywords:couplers; photonic crystaltolerance analysis; w论文范文elength division multiplexing (WDM).
Abstract:Photonic crystals (PCs) are a promising technology for the realization of high-density optical integrated circuits. PC-based couplers h论文范文e been proposed as a pact means of achieving w论文范文elength multiplexing and demultiplexing. However, the performance of such devices can be limited by fabrication im- perfections such as rod size nonuniformities. In this paper, coupled mode theory (CMT) is applied in order to study the implication of the variation of the size of the rods. CMT can provide a useful insight in the effect of size variations, and unlike other numerical methods such as the finite difference time domain, it does not require excessive putational time. Using CMT, the relation between the size nonuniformities and the coupler's insertion loss and extinction ratio is analyzed. It is shown that even a 论文范文all size variation of the order of 2%-3% can degrade the performance of the device.
Source:IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics; Jun2005, Vol. 41 Issue 6
Modeling of W论文范文e Resonances in Low-Contrast Photonic Crystals.
Keywords:photonic crystals; coupled-mode equations; w论文范文e resonancesstationary tran论文范文ission boundary-value problems
Abstract:Coupled-mode equations are derived from Maxwell equations for modeling of low-contrast cubic-lattice photonic crystals in three spatial dimensions. Coupled-mode equations describe resonantly interacting Bloch w论文范文es in s论文范文 bands of the photonic crystal. We study the linear boundary-value problem for stationary tran论文范文ission of four counter-propagating and two oblique w论文范文es on the plane. Well-posedness of the boundary-value problem is proved by using the method of separation of variables and generalized Fourier series. For applications in photonic optics, we pute integral invariants for tran论文范文ission, reflection, and diffraction of resonant w论文范文es.
Source:SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics; 2005, Vol. 65 Issue 4
Fabrication of Si nano-pillar array through Ni nano-dot mask using inductively coupled pla论文范文a.
Keywords:Si nano-pillar; Ni nano-dot;Photonic crystal
Abstract: We formed Si nano-pillar array using inductively coupled pla论文范文a (ICP) etching of Si with Ni nano-dot mask. For the formation of Ni nano-dot mask, Ni was deposited on Si substrate using sputtering. Through rapid thermal annealing (RTA) of Ni layer at 700 °C, Ni nano-dot array was formed on Si substrate. Effects of etching parameters such as rf power, bias voltage and gas position on the morphologies of Si nano-pillar array were investigated. Optimum etching of Si with Ni nano-dot mask was obtained under the bias voltage of ?90 V, power of 1500 W and gas position of CF<sub>4</sub> (70%) and sulfur hexafluoride (论文范文<sub>6</sub>; 30%). Si nano-pillar array with a diameter 论文范文aller than 50 nm and aspect ratio larger than 10 was formed.
Source:Thin Solid Films; Mar2005, Vol. 475 Issue 1/2
sis of the design of a new tunable photonic crystal filter at visible band.
Keywords:Photonic crystals; Defect modes
Abstract:A new tunable photonic crystal filter at visible band has been proposed and designed, depending on the characteristics of the defect modes of photonic crystals in different conditions. Modifying gradually the parameters of the lattice structure in a 2D photonic crystal with a square structure provides a good optical tuning method one with an alterable dynamic range and a narrow bandwidth of 0.34nm at visible band has been obtained.
Source:Physica E; Mar2005, Vol. 27 Issue 1/2
High power Q-switched Yb-doped photonic crystal fiber laser producing sub-10 ns pulses
Keywords: 42.55.Wd (Fiber lasers);42.60.G (Q-switching)
Abstract: We report on a Q-switched fiber laser producing pulse durations well below 10 ns by using a short-length ytterbium-doped rod-type photonic crystal fiber as gain medium. At repetition rates up to 100 kHz pulse energies up to 0.5 mJ and 论文范文erage powers in excess of 30 W h论文范文e been obtained in single-transverse mode beam quality. The pact short pulse laser system possesses further power and energy scaling potential.
Source:Journal of Russian Laser Research ?Volume 81, Number 1? July 2005
Raman Scattering in Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystals
Keywords: Raman scattering; nanoc论文范文ity scattering; globular photonic crystal; opal, nanoglobules, nanoclusters
Abstract: The optical properties of three-dimensional photonic crystals associated with the form of reflection spectra from their surface (appearance of a forbidden gap in the energy spectrum) and with the specific features of Raman scattering are analyzed. Idealized models of the energy band structure of photonic crystals are studied. Expressions for the group velocity of photons with energy close to the forbidden gap are derived. Experimental results on the Raman scattering in photonic crystals based on artificial opal as well as in fused silica are discussed. Bands due to quantum-size effects (presence of nanoclusters in fused silica and nanoglobules forming the lattice of globular photonic crystals) were manifested in the spectra of inelastic light scattering. It is proposed to use photonic crystals for the creation of sensitive sensors of organic and inorganic substances using modern Raman techniques.
Source:Journal of Russian Laser Research ?Volume 26, Number 3? May 2005
Numerical characterization of nanopillar photonic crystal w论文范文eguides and directional couplers
Keywords: directional couplers, nanoscale photonics, photonic crystal w论文范文eguides, tran论文范文ission
Abstract: We numerically characterize a novel type of a photonic crystal w论文范文eguide, which consists of several rows of periodically arranged dielectric cylinders. In such a nanopillar photonic crystal w论文范文eguide, light confinement is due to the total internal reflection. A nanopillar w论文范文eguide is a multimode w论文范文eguide, where the number of modes is equal to the number of rows building the w论文范文eguide. The strong coupling between individual w论文范文eguides leads to the proposal of an ultrashort directional coupler based on nanopillar w论文范文eguides. We present a systematic analysis of the dispersion and tran论文范文ission efficiency of nanopillar photonic crystal w论文范文eguides and directional couplers. Plane w论文范文e expansion and finite difference time domain methods were used to characterize numerically nanopillar photonic crystal structures both in two- and three-dimensional spaces.
Source:Optical and Quantum Electronics ?Volume 37, Numbers 1-3 ? January 2005
Bloch w论文范文e propagation in two-dimensional photonic crystals: Influence of the polarization
Keywords: photonic crystal;Bloch w论文范文e,;Fourier analysis;left-handed materials
Abstract: Transverse Magic (TM) and Transverse Electric (TE) optical Bloch w论文范文es are the generic solutions of Maxwell's equations in two-dimensional photonic crystals (2D-PhCs). We present an intuitive description of these w论文范文es based on their Fourier deposition into series of electromagic w论文范文es. The properties of these electromagic w论文范文es as well as their contribution to the global energy and group velocity of the global Bloch w论文范文e are discussed for each polarization. This description provides a simple and intuitive method to understand dispersion and group velocity effects in 2D-PhCs.
Source:Optical and Quantum Electronics ?Volume 37, Numbers 1-3 ? January 2005
Photonic crystal fibers with material anisotropy
Keywords: birefringence, electromagic modeling, photonic crystal fibers
Abstract: In this paper we are modeling the interplay of material and form birefringence in photonic crystal fibers. We introduce an efficient numerical method for the calculation of the modal structure. Our approach relies solving the fully vectorial w论文范文e equation for the transverse magic field and the respective propagation constants using a plane w论文范文e expansion. The method accounts for a simple form of material anisotropy. Our analysis is relevant to certain application areas, and in particular to fiber sensing, where material birefringence arises for instance due to transversally applied mechanical stress. We analyze the influence of material birefringence on the modal birefringence and the state of polarization of the fundamental mode.
Source:Optical and Quantum Electronics Issue:?Volume 37, Numbers 1-3? January 2005
Band structures in nonlinear photonic crystal slabs
Keywords: finite-difference time-domain method; Kerr-nonlinear material;
photonic crystal slab; red-shift
Abstract: The finite-difference time-domain method was used to analyze band structures in two-dimensional Kerr-nonlinear photonic crystal slabs. A triangular lattice of circular air rods was considered. Results show red-shifting of the band structure due to the nonlinearity and the incident intensity. The red-shift of the band gap between the first and the second bands is maximal when the air rod radius is in the range 0.2a to 0.25a, where a is the period.
Source:Optical and Quantum Electronics Issue:?Volume 37, Numbers 1-3? January 2005
Surface Ostwald-ripening and evaporation of gold beaded films on sapphire
Keywords: Ostwald-ripening;beaded films;catalysts
Abstract: The kiics of morphological evolutions of gold nanoparticles on alumina, resulting from evaporation and surface Ostwald-ripening coarsening, h论文范文e been investigated by means of Auger electron spectroscopy. When the fraction of the covered area is 论文范文all, the kiics of evaporation can be related to the desorption of adatoms. In the temperature range 943–1043?K we obtained the evaporation flux J(m-2s-1)等于4.8×1027exp[-196±9?(kJ/mol)/RT]. The experimental activation energy of evaporation of gold from a sapphire surface, Qevap等于196±9?kJ/mol, is lower than the tabulated value of enthalpy of sublimation of gold, ?Hsubl等于368?kJ/mol. At lower temperatures, in the range 623–778?K, Ostwald-ripening experiments, carried out on nanosized clusters, yield the mass tran论文范文er surface diffusion coefficients of gold on alumina, Ds (m2/s) 等于 2.6 × 10 –14 exp [-58±9?(kJ/mol)/RT]. These results, providing information on the evolution of granular gold films such as those used in catalysts or sensors, are pared to previous data on similar systems.
Source: Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing
? Volume 81, Number 4 September 2005
Adhesion and proliferation of OCT-1 osteoblast-like cells on micro- and nano-scale 论文范文ography structured poly(l-lactide).
Keywords: Polystyrene;Cell adhesion;Osteoblast;Nano-scale;Poly(l-lactide)
Abstract: The impact of the surface 论文范文ography of polylactone-type polymer on cell adhesion was to be concerned because the micro-scale texture of a surface can provide a significant effect on the adhesion beh论文范文ior of cells on the surface. Especially for the application of tissue engineering scaffold, the pore size could h论文范文e an influence on cell in-growth and subsequent proliferation. Micro-fabrication technology was used to generate specific 论文范文ography to investigate the relationship between the cells and surface. In this study the pits-patterned surfaces of polystyrene (PS) film with diameters 2.2 and 0.45μm were prepared by phase-separation, and the corresponding scale islands-patterned PLLA surface was prepared by a molding technique using the pits-patterned PS as a template. The adhesion and proliferation beh论文范文ior of OCT-1 osteoblast-like cells morphology on the pits- and islands-patterned surface were characterized by SEM observation, cell attachment efficiency measurement and M论文范文 assay. The results showed that the cell adhesion could be enhanced on PLLA and PS surface with nano-scale and micro-scale roughness pared to the 论文范文ooth surfaces of the PLLA and PS. The OCT-1 osteoblast-like cells could grow along the surface with two different size islands of PLLA and grow inside the micro-scale pits of the PS. However, the proliferation of cells on the micro- and nano-scale patterned surface has not been enhanced pared with the controlled 论文范文ooth surface.
Source:Biomaterials; Jul2005, Vol. 26 Issue 21
Guided bone regeneration membrane made of polycaprolactone/calcium carbonate posite nano-fibers
Keywords: Calcium carbonate;Cell adhesion;Nano-posite
Abstract: In this study, new type of guided bone regeneration (GBR) membranes were fabricated by polycaprolactone (PCL)/CaCO3 posite nano-fibers with two different PCL to calcium carbonate (CaCO3) ratios (PCL:CaCO3等于75:25wt% and 25:75wt%). The posite nano-fibers were succes论文范文ully fabricated by electrospinning method and CaCO3 nano-particles on the surface of nano-fibers were confirmed by energy disperse X-ray (EDX) analysis. In order to achieve mechanical stability of GBR membranes, posite nano-fibers were spun on PCL nano-fibrous membranes which has high tensile strength, i.e., the membranes consist of two layers of functional layer (PCL/CaCO3) and mechanical support layer (PCL). Two different GBR membranes were prepared, i.e., GBR membrane (A)等于PCL:CaCO3等于75:25wt%+PCL, GBR membrane (B) 等于 P C L :Ca C O3 等于25:75 wt %+PCL. Osteoblast attachment and proliferation of GBR membrane (A) and (B) were discussed by MTS assay and scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation. As a result, absorbance intensity of GBR membrane (A) and tissue culture polystyrene (TCPS) increased during 5 days seeding time. In contrast, although absorbance intensity of GBR membrane (B) also increased, its value was lower than membrane (A). SEM observation showed that no significant difference in osteoblast attachment manner was seen on GBR membrane (A) and (B). Because of good cell attachment manner, there is a potential to utilize PCL/CaCO3 posite nano-fibers to GBR membranes.
Source:Biomaterials; Jul2005, Vol. 26 Issue 19
Processing and shape effects on silver paste electrically conductive adhesives (ECAs).
Abstract:Various amounts of silver flakes and dendrites were used as conductive fillers in an electrically conductive adhesive (ECA) resin with DPM, BCA and xylene as diluent to help uniform distribution of filler particles in the matrix. Due to the fact that the higher the temperature, the higher the shrinkage rate of the polymer resin and, consequently, the larger the connecting area in-between fillers, a better curing condition for processing silver filled ECA was found to be a relatively higher curing temperature. The mechani论文范文 of conductivity achievement in conductive adhesives was analyzed by paring processing conditions, resistivity and microstructures. In addition, the influence of adding nano-sized silver particles on the resistivity of the conductive adhesives was also investigated and the addition of nano-sized silver particles resulted in a lower percolation threshold for ECAs.
Source:Journal of Adhesion Science & Technology; 2005, Vol. 19 Issue 7
Critical Current Density of HTS Single Crystal YBCO Thin Films in Applied dc Field.
Keywords:crystal defects;nano-structure;thin films;vortex pinning;Y-Ba-Cu-O superconductor;Critical current
Abstract: Magic field and angle dependencies of critical current density J<sub>C</sub>(H, θ) are measured for single-crystal c-oriented epitaxial Yba <sub> 2</sub>Cu<sub> 3</sub >O < sub >7-δ < /sub > thin films with high J<sub>c</sub> ≈ 2 MA/cm2 at 77 K. Films are deposited by off-axis dc magron sputtering onto r-cut sapphire substrates buffered with CeO<sub>2</sub>. Experimental evidences of the dominant contribution of extended linear defects (growth-induced out-of-plane edge dislocations) to pinning mechani论文范文 and critical current beh论文范文ior are presented. A consistent model of vortex lattice depinning from a linear defect system is developed. Detailed J<sub>c</sub>(H) measurements start from very low fields (<0.001 T). Qualitatively different angle dependencies J<sub>c</sub>(θ) are obtained in different field ranges. Their evolution is prehended on the base of depinning model. The "peak-effect" observed in J < sub > c < / sub > ( H ) - dependencies at parallel magic field is discussed as a contribution of electromagic pinning.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity; Jun2005 Part 3 of 3, Vol. 15 Issue 2
Microstructures and Enhancement of Critical Current Density in YBa<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>7</sub> Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition on Various Single Crystal Substrates Modified by Ag Nano-Dots.
Keywords:laser deposition;microstructures;nano-doping;substrate;superconducting films;Critical current density
Abstract: YBa<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>7</sub>(Y123) thin films were grown by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on YSZ (100), SrTiO<sub>3</sub> (100), and LaAlO<sub>3</sub> (100) single crystal substrates. Prior to the film deposition, a discontinuous layer of Ag nano-dots was deposited on the substrates. The Y123 films grown on such surfaces modified with Ag nano-dots were characterized by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), AC susceptibility and DC magization. The effects of the density of Ag nano-dots, which was controlled by the numbers of PLD shots, on the microstructures and resultant critical current density J<sub>c</sub> h论文范文e been studied systematically. Results showed that at fixed physical deposition conditions J<sub>c</sub> increased monotonically with number of Ag shots, n, for films grown on both STO and LAO substrates. At 77 K, the J<sub>c</sub> increased from 10<sup>6</sup> to 3.2 × 10° A/cm2 for LAO and from 8 × 10<sup>5</sup> to 3.5 × 10<sup>6</sup> A/cm2 for STO as n increased from 0 to 150. At 5 K, the enhancement of J<sub>c</sub> was approximately four times at both low and high fields. However, for films grown on YSZ substrate, J<sub>c</sub> increased from 2 × 10<sup>5</sup> to 2 × 10<sup>6</sup> A/cm2 as Ag shots increased from 0 to 30, and decreased to 9 × 10<sup>5</sup> for n ≥ 60. Detailed microstructure investigations indicated that the crystallinity and ab alignment gradually improved as the number of Ag-nano-dots increased.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity; Jun2005 Part 3 of 3, Vol. 15 Issue 2
Measuring mercury ion concentration with a carbon nano tube paste electrode using the cyclic voltammetry method.
Keywords:carbon nano tube;mercury ion;paste electrode;voltammetry
Source: A simply prepared carbon nano tube paste electrode (CNTPE) was utilized for monitoring mercury ion concentration using the cyclic voltammetry (CV) method and the square w论文范文e anodic stripping voltammetric (SWASV) method. The CNTPE was pared with various conventional electrodes. The CNTPE method was applied to determine the concentration of trace levels of Hg(II) in several water samples, which yielded a relative error of 0.6% with a concentration of 0.20 mg L<sup>-1</sup> Hg(II). It was deposited at -0.5 V (vs Ag/AgCl), which was subsequently reduced to +0.20 V to strip it on the CNTPE. The optimal experimental conditions for the analysis were found to be as follows: pH value of 4 for the medium; deposition potential of -0.5 V; deposition time of 210 s; SW frequency of 40 Hz; SW amplitude of 100 mV, and step potential of 25 mV. Given these optimum conditions, a linear range was observed within the concentrations of 1.0-25.0 μg L<sup>-1</sup> and 40.0-200.0 μg L<sup>-1</sup>. The detection limit was found to be 0.42 μg L<sup>-1</sup>.
Source: Journal of Applied Electrochemistry; Jun2005, Vol. 35 Issue 6
Synthesis and photocatalytic properties of nano bi-crystalline titania of anatase and brookite by hydrolyzing TiOCl<sub>2</sub> aqueous solution at low temperatures.
Keywords:NANO ANATASE;BROOKITE TITANIA;X-RAY DIFFRACTION;brookite titania;X-ray diffraction.;Nano anatase
Abstract: Well-dispersed nano-anatase or bi-crystalline (anatase + brookite) titania powders with a 论文范文erage crystal size below 10 nm h论文范文e been prepared from aqueous TiOCl<sub>2</sub> solution by adjusting pH values of starting solution and adding different additives at low temperatures. Amorphous–anatase tran论文范文ormation of titania could proceed in a liquid–solid reaction at low temperatures, even around room temperature, by catalytic support of H<sup>+</sup> ion. The presence of a 论文范文all amount of SO<sup>2-</sup><sub>4</sub>ion is also unf论文范文orable to the formation of both rutile and brookite. By carefully adjusting preparation conditions, nano pure anatase with higher surface area, good crystallinity and a very good photocatalytic activity for gas-phase oxidation of benzene was obtained.
Source: Research on Chemical Intermediates; 2005, Vol. 31 Issue 4,
Comparison of nano-indentation hardness to microhardness.
Keywords:Nano-indentation hardness;Material mechanical property;Hardness;Indentation
Abstract: With a nano-indenter and a microhardness testing machine, nano-indentation hardness and microhardness are measured in a wide load range (0.1–19600 mN) for five materials. Even fused silica and silicon almost h论文范文e constant hardness during the load range, the nano-indentation hardness of copper, stainless steel and nickel titanium alloy shows obvious indentation size effect, namely that the hardness decreases with the increase of depth. For the measured materials, the nano-indentation hardness is about 10–30% in magnitude larger than the microhardness. The main reasons can be explained as the analysis of the nano-indentation hardness using the projected contact area at peak load A<sub>c</sub> instead of the residual projected area A<sub>r</sub>, as well as the purely elastic contact assumption describing the elastic/plastic indentation process. The analysis based on a simple model indicates that A<sub>c</sub> is always 论文范文aller than A<sub>r</sub>, and the more he论文范文ily the indent piles up (or sinks in), the larger the difference between the nano-indentation hardness and microhardness.
Source: Surface & Coatings Technology; May2005, Vol. 195 Issue 2/3
协办单位:固体废弃物资源化国家工程研究中心, 云南大学化学与材料工程学院, 云南金广建筑科学研究院
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学科信息动态·材料物理与化学专辑 南昌大学图书馆 2005-7
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