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  1. 英语在线翻译:英语在线翻译带发音 英语在线翻译及发音 英语翻译发音 英语发音翻译器 英语翻译发音软

英 语 专业 2001 级毕业论文情况一览表

   学号 姓 名 论 文 题 目



   021011001 周静芸 The Free Will and Rebellious Spirit in Paradise Lost《失乐园》中的自由意志和反叛精神 021011002 姚惠明 On Compound Constructions in English 英语复合结构浅谈 021011003 赵 娟 Investigating English Letter "s" From Every Aspect 英字母S 021011004 曾 芳 Strategies for Improving Middle School Students' English Reading Ability 浅谈中学生阅读能力提高的策略 021011005 满丹南 On the Role of Tvanslator in the Process of Translation论译者在翻译中的地位和作用 021011006 刘 卓 On TPR in Primary English Classroom小学英语课堂中全身反法应探索 021011007 汪 艳 The Influence of Chinese Circumstances on English Learning汉语环境对英语学习的影响 021011008 王 栗 The?Analysis of Goals In English??Advertisements 试析英文广告中的 021011009 吴贤召 A Contrastive Study on English and Chinese Punctuation Marks 英汉标点符号的对比 021011010 李怡静 Gender Differences in Speach 言语中的性别差异 021011011 刘晓荷 Seem and Paradox in English英中的似是而非似非而是 021011013 伍利娟 On Discourse as the Unit of Translation浅谈以语篇作为翻译单位 021011014 周 娟 Love Reflected By Individual Character—View of Marriage In Pride And Prejudice 由个性反映出爱——《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻 021011015 龙桂芳 On the Origin, Word-Formation and Translation of English Neologi论文范文s浅谈英语新词的产生,构成及翻译 021011016 杨秀芳 On the Hyperbole in Chinese and English 浅谈英汉中的夸张和夸张 21011017 田 斌 On Politeness Norms and Strategies in Spoken English 英汉口语中互动论文范文际的礼貌规范和对策 21011018 刘 媛 An Analysis of the Factors upon SLA影响第二语言习得的因素分析 21011019 李 钰 Culture Infiltration in Senior Middle School English Teaching高中英语教学中的文化渗透 英 语 专业 2001 级毕业论文情况一览表

   学号 姓 名 论 文 题 目 21011020 蔡 婧 Perspectives of Sino-American Regional Cultural Differences Through the Analys of Western Development and Westward Movement 从西部开发看中美地域文化之差异 21011021 罗方琪 The Thorn Bird-A Sad Song to Tease the God's love《荆棘鸟》—— 一曲嘲弄上帝爱情的悲歌 21011022 朱鑫玲 About Characteristics of sports English 体育英语的特色 21011024 粟春燕 A Study on Punctuation and Omission in Simultaneous Intepreting论同声传译中的断句与省略 21011025 韩 芳 Kinds, Constructions and Other Characteristics of Chinese and English Color Words 汉英色彩词的种类,结构与其它特点 21011026 菁 Tom Jones, A Dissipated but Kindhearted Man

   放荡而又善良的汤姆琼斯 21011027 李 庆 On American Dream ------from Sister Carrie 从《嘉莉妹妹》看美国梦 21011028 周 莹 Jone Austen's Classical View on Love in Emma从《爱玛》看简·奥斯汀的古典主义的爱情观 21011029 孙翔智 The Communication Approach To English Teaching论交际教学法在英语课堂中运用 21011030 吕 玲 The Goal of English Teaching in Senior Middle School高中英语教学目标初探 21011031 谢艳萍 Analysis of Tess' Tragedy苔丝悲剧的分析 21011032 李 嫩 Knowledge Base in Professional Interpreting 论专业口译中的知识基础 21011033 杨文明 Brief Analysis of the Aesthetic Value of Alliterafion简析头韵的美学价值 21011034 任 芳 Differences Between BE and AE in Their Growth and Linguistic Features英式英语和美式英语在历史起源和语言学特征上的差异 21011035 尹丽丽 The Actuality and Displacement of Non-fiction in Contemporary Literature纪实文学现状及其在现代文学中的定位 21011036 周宁波 On English Loan Words in Chinese 浅谈汉语中的英语外来词 21011037 孟 丹 On the Application of Story-telling Technique in English Teaching浅谈故事教学法 21011038 何勃勃 Analysis of the Separation of Powers Theory under the U·S Constitution美国宪法中权利分立理论的分析 英 语 专业 2001 级毕业论文情况一览表

   学号 姓 名 论 文 题 目 21011039 刘 慧 Analysis of Wordsworth's Contradictory Conception of Nature华兹华斯自然观中的矛盾分析 21011040 张浩瑜 The Linguistic Features of a Business Letter and Its Translation涉外商务信函的语言特征及其翻译 21011041 孟钊钊 Thought Discrepancies Embodied in English and Chinese Languages 思维差异在英汉语言中的体现 21011042 冯 宇 On the Cultivation and Simulation of Learning Motivation学习动机的培养与激发 21011043 熊 毅 American Movies and American National Characteristics美国电影与美利坚民族特性 21011044 李 克 Pause Phenomenon in EFL Learners英语初学习者的停顿现象 21011045 阮颖艳 On the Embodiment of Cultural Specifications of Western Cartoon Movies论西方卡通片所体现的文化特质 21011046 张 敏 On English Teaching From Error Analysis从错误分析谈英语教学 21011047 肖丽群 A Comparison of English and Chinese Politeness Expressions英汉礼貌表达法差异之比较 21011048 黄俏慧 To Explore The Culture Difference Through Advertisement Originality从广告创意看中西文化观念的差异 21011049 过美娟 Psychoanalysis of Julien's Morbid Passion于连病态论文范文中的深层心理结构分析 21011050 李 娟 The Function of Context in Word Translation语境在词语翻译中的作用 21011051 葛慧慧 Exploration on Female's Status from To the Lighthouse从《到灯塔去》探索女性的地位 21011052 余建花 The Influence of Cognition on Sentence Structure and Meaning认知对句子结构及意义的影响 21011053 聂 萍 On Application of Activities-based approach in English Teaching浅谈活动教学法在英语教学中的应用 21011054 吴小芳 The Prorminence of Discourse and Its Cognition话语突显及其认知 21011055 罗 璇 Semantics's Influence on Sentence Structure语义对句子结构的影响 21011056 周 玲 On Dual Nature of Heathcliff's Personality in Wuthring Heights《呼啸山庄》中希克厉性格的双重性的分析 英 语 专业 2001 级毕业论文情况一览表

   学号 姓 名 论 文 题 目 21011057 叶丹莲 On Man's Tragic End——Viewed from The Old Man and the Sea从《老人与海》看人的悲剧 21011058 曾健坤 On The Sun Also Rises and Its Social Context《太阳照样升起》及其社会背景 21011059 谷丽仙 On English and Chinese Similes and Their Translation略谈英汉明喻及其翻译 21011060 龚志强 Contrastive Analysis of English-Chinese Touri论文范文 Texts英汉旅游篇章对比分析 21011061 罗 玲 Translafion of Attributive Clauses From English to Chinese英译汉中定语从句的翻译 21011062 席 樱 Analysis of the Psychology of The Catcher in the Rye《麦田的守望者》人物的心理分析 21011063 丁 敏 Translation and Business-oriented Terms 经贸术语及其翻译 21011064 刘尚云 On the Sin in The Scarlet Letter浅谈《红字》中的罪 21011065 郭翠芳 Effects of Extra-linguistic Factors on Interpretation非语言因素对口译的影响 21011066 张晴晴 Look Through Hawthorne's People in the Scalet Letter看透《红字》中霍桑所写人物 21011067 李 叶 Comparison of the Use of Satiris Between Swift and LuXun 斯威夫特与鲁迅讽刺艺术之比较 21011068 谢 婷 Effective Ways of Improving Preschool Children 's Spoken English浅谈儿童英语口语教学有效方法 21011069 张 莉 Some Fresh Thoughts on English Teaching in Classroom英语课堂教学新思考 21011070 龚好玲 Techniques in the Translation of The Complet Sherlock Holmes Novels福尔摩斯探案集的翻译技巧 21011071 谭彩霞 On Improving Middle School Students' English Reading Comprehension浅谈中学生英语阅读理解能力的培养 21011072 马灵玲 Words and Expressions Belittling the Female女性歧视化用词和表达法的研究 21011073 朱 尚 On The Language Style of A Midsummer-Night's Dream论《仲夏夜之梦》的语言风格 21011074 李广践 On Conrad's Narrative Technique——From "NOSTROMO"从《诺斯托罗莫》看康拉德的叙事技巧 英 语 专业 2001 级毕业论文情况一览表

   学号 姓 名 论 文 题 目 21011075 李 露 On the Influence of Family Education over Children's Social Development家庭教育对儿童社会性发展的影响 21011076 刘婵娟 On Imogen——A New Feminine Image in Cymbeline论《辛白林》中伊慕琴的新女性形象 21011077 陈 炽 A Tentative Study on English Hyperbole试论英语夸张修辞 21011078 郭 丹 On Lexical Translation from English -Chinese Cultural Differences从英汉文化差异的角度谈词汇翻译 21011079 米 芳 To Explore The Cultural Difference Through Business English Translation从商务英语翻译看英汉文化差异 21011080 满杨钦 A Contrastive Study on Directional Verbs in Chinese and English汉语与英语中表示趋向的动词比较 21011081 罗心娅 On the Phenomena of Negative Tran论文范文erence in Translation翻译中的负迁移现象浅析 21011082 刘则含 New Trends of Writing Teaching in English写作教学的新趋势 21011083 宋丽婷 The Application of Communicative Approach in Oral English Teaching交际法在英语口语教学中的运用 21011084 曾 烨 Cultivation of Students' Emotional Attitude in English T eaching 英语教学中学生情感态度的培养 21011085 周 榕 Learner-centered College English Teaching"以学习者为中心"的大学英语教学 21011086 邱伟伟 Discussion on the Characteristics and Translation of Legal Language试论法律语的特点及翻译 21011087 王嘉淇 Cultural Differences and Translation Techniques in Foreign Movies论外语片中的文化差异及翻译技巧 21011088 陈淑媛 The Influence of Cultural Differences on Translation浅议中西文化的差异对翻译的影响 21011089 李 君 On Chinese Translation of English Metaphor英语隐喻的汉译 21011090 邱 兰 Use of Teaching Terms in English Class英语课堂中教学用语的使用 21011091 陈玲玲 The Influence Of Cultural Difference On Comprehending Chinese and English Advertisements 论文化差异对解读英汉广告的影响 21011092 邱 娟 On Techniques in Mark Twain's Satire Works论马克吐温讽刺小说中的技巧 英 语 专业 2001 级毕业论文情况一览表

   学号 姓 名 论 文 题 目 21011093 黄 薇 Language Characteristics and Skills for an English Tour Guide英语导游翻译的语言艺术与技巧 21011094 李琼玉 A Comparison on the Cultural Differences in Chinese and English Kinship Terms 汉英称谓系统的文化对比 21011095 刘晶晶 Sino-American Difference in the Cultural Fondness 浅析中美文化的喜好差异 21011096 周 波 On Aesthetic Association and Translation Of Brand Names论审美联想与商品名的翻译 21011097 潘加辉 On the Different Meanings of Color Words in Cultural Contradiction论颜色词在文化矛盾中意义的编向 21011098 吴 英 On the Translation Of the Names of Chinese Dishes论中国菜名的英译 21011099 王 芳 Application of Nonverbal Communication in Language Teaching非言语交际在语言教学中的应用 21011100

英语在线翻译:英语在线翻译带发音 英语在线翻译及发音 英语翻译发音 英语发音翻译器 英语翻译发音软

丁良恒 On Translation of Passive Voice of English 英语被动语态的译法初探 21011101 邱美玲 The Regional Differences Between Chinese and Western Cultures中西文化差异之地域文化差异 21011102 尹林华 Development Tactics of Chinese Retail Business After The WTO Accession入世后中国零售业的发展策略 21011103 周 晶 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Sino-American Secondary School Education 中美中学教育利弊分析 21011104 潘姣红 Comparative study of Word Order and Translafion in English and Chinese Coordinate Constructions 英汉并列结构的语序对比及翻译 21011105 方索芬 On How to Break Cultural Barriers In Translation Of Human Names 论如何克服人名翻译中的文化障碍 21011106 陈 鹂 On the Characteristics of Business Negotiation Language and Its Translation商务谈判用语特点及翻译 21011107 贺思乐 Cultural Influence on English Expression and Word Choice文化对英语表达和选词的影响 21011108 张娅妮 Body-language in English Teaching体态语在英语教学中的应用 21011109 黎海英 Sino-Western Cultural Shock in the English Study中西文化冲突与英语学习 21011110 黄士明 On the Initiative of English Learners论英语学习者的自主性 英 语 专业 2001 级毕业论文情况一览表

   学号 姓 名 论 文 题 目 21011111 黑 静 Image in Moby-Dick论《白鲸》中的象征意义 21011112 莫 璇 Brief Analysis on American Government Supports Venture Capital浅析美国政府对风险投资的支持 21011113 鄢 娜 On Translation Skills of Terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine 论中医用语的翻译技巧 21011114 易汉林 Chinese Household Appliance Industry Impacted by WTO and Its Solutions

   浅议WTO对中国家电行业的影响及应对对策 21011115 沈 丹 Discuss the Development of American Nowspaper Industry and Freedom of the Press 浅析美国报业发展与新闻自由 21011116 唐 欣 On Ambiguity in Communication in English论英语交际中的语用歧义 21011117 郭晓青 On the Excessive Tran论文范文er in the English Learning of Chinease Students论中国学生英语学习中的过度迁移 21011118 陈庆林 On Thomas Hardy's Pessimi论文范文 in Tess of the D'urbervelles论托马斯.哈代在《德伯家的苔丝》中的悲观主义 21011119 谭 麟 Cultural Trapss of Translation翻译的文化陷阱 21011120 禹才能 A Contrastive Analysis of Table Manners and Culture between China and Western Countries 中西方国家的餐桌礼仪与文化的对比分析 21011121 王 玲 On the Fairgi论文范文 and Reali论文范文 of Alice in Wonderland论《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的童话性与现实性 21011122 陈冉忆 Strategies and the Impact on Education from China's Entry into WTO

   WTO对中国教育的影响及对策 21011123 杨 琛 University Students' English Listening Common Obstacles and Dealing With the Tactics大学生英语听力常见障碍应付策略 21011124 王 婧 The Feature and Translation of Netspeak网络语言的特点及其翻译 21011125 汤小雄 Context Limitation in Translation 语境对翻译的制约作用 21011126 杜 敏 A Comprehension of Male Centrad Literature Through A Doll's House从《玩偶论文范文》解读男性中心的文学 21011127 宋 烨 On Differences of Sino-American Marriage Concept浅谈中美婚姻观念的差异 21011129 尹翠翠 On American Black English浅谈美国黑人英语 英 语 专业 2001 级毕业论文情况一览表

   学号 姓 名 论 文 题 目 21011130 李 笛 A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Prosodic Features英汉对比角度论节律特征 21011131 马 洁 Mark Twain's Writing Style in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer马克·吐温在《汤姆·索耶历险记》中运用的写作手法 21011132 吴林果 The Immortal Charming Power of Huck in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn论《哈克贝利·沸恩历险记》中哈克的永恒魅力 21011133 龙丹凤 A Study of Tom Joad in The Grapes of Wrath《愤怒的葡萄》汤姆·约德研究 21011134 王 燕 On English Language Education to Chinese Children浅析中国儿童英语语言教育 21011135 李 莉 Impact of Game Theory on the U.S. Economic Conditions 论"博奕论"对美国经济之影响 21011136 刘 慧 On Adaptation and Alienation of Translation翻译中的归化与异化 21011137 彭祁红 Lexical Translation in Concrete Context语义具体语境中的翻译 21011138 张 霞 On the Importance of Oral English in English Language Teaching浅析口语在英语教学中的重要性 21011139 隆旭红 On the Personalities of Uncle Tom汤姆叔叔的性格分析 21011140 蒋 蓓 Solutions to the Difficulties in the Translation of English Idioms英语成语双译的难点及其解决方法 21011141 史 薇 The Puritani论文范文 in the 17th C. New England Reflected by Scarlet Letter从《红字》看十七世纪新英格兰清教主义风尚 21011142 熊 莉 Application of Games in Middle School English Teaching游戏在中学英语教学中的运用 21011143 和 晶 On Cultural Differences from Chinese and Western Mythologies从中西神话看文化差异 21011144 宋 艳 Skills and The Translation of Puns in English Advertisements英语广告中双关语的运用技巧及翻译 21011145 吴 娟 The Effect of Non-intelligent and Factors in English Teaching 非智力因素在英语教学中的影响 21011146 包科杰 Chicago As a Mirror of American Social Problems电影《芝加哥》所透析出的美国社会问题 21011147 喻 杭 Hawthorne's Religious View as Seen in Hester's Self-salvation从海丝特白兰的自救看霍桑的宗教观 英 语 专业 2001 级毕业论文情况一览表

   学号 姓 名 论 文 题 目 21011148 陈 林 On the Effective Reading of the Wstern Newspapers 论英美报刊的有效阅读 21011149 孔 慧 A Brief Analysis on the Negative Effects of Violent Television and Movie on Children 浅析影视暴力对青少年儿童的负面影响 21011150 杨 慧 Campus Catch-words and the Difference of Thinking Modes Between Chinese and Foreign Students 从校园流行语看中外学生思维方式的差异 21011151 吴禹瑶 An Analysis of the Character of Nancy in Oliver Twist论《雾都孤儿》中南希的人物性格 21011152 林 芝 Inflexible? Ada? in? Cold? Mountain《冷山》中执着的艾达 21011153 李秋琴 A Contrastive Study of the Formation of English and Chinese Antonyms论英汉反义词的形成 21011154 刘少博 On the Formation of Idiomatic Expressins 浅论英语惯用语形成途径 21011155 熊 菁 A Comparative Study of Tonggan and Synaesthesia英汉通感比较研究 21011156 刘永丽 The Significance of Context in Listening Teaching语境在听力教学中的意义 21011157 邓 颖 The Womani论文范文 in The Color Purple《紫色》中的妇女主义 21011158 邓大理 Inter-translation of Humor in English and Chinese—The Application of Nida's Translation Theory 英汉幽默互译 21011159 刘 君 On the Ideological Content in Bacon's Essays论培根散文的思想性 21011160 王莉露 On the Motivation of Male Students' Interests of English Learning论男生的英语学习兴趣的激发 21011161 龚 磊 On the Moral Spirit in The Great Gatsby.论《了不起的盖茨比》中的道德精神 21011162 孙 凤 A Contrastive Study of the Two Male Heroes in The Scarlet Letter《红字》中两个男主角的对比分析 21011163 雷 黎 Various Factors Influencing the Effect of English Learning论影响英语学习效果的各种因素 21011164 邓 林 The People-oriented Management and Operation以人为本的管理和经营 21011165 谭 亮 ?Involuntary? Escape?????---Life Experience of Females in The Hours and Its Englishtenment不自主的逃离——"时时刻刻"中女性的生命体验 英 语 专业 2001 级毕业论文情况一览表

   学号 姓 名 论 文 题 目 21011166 周 利 On the Humour of Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》的幽默艺术 21011167 黄明军 The Position of Translation in English Teaching翻译在英语教学中的地位 21011168 谢莲君 On The Efficient Ways to Improve Listening Comprehension in English论提高英语听力理解的有效方法 21011169 杨惠文 Hester's Attitudes Towards Love and life in The Scarlet Letter 《红字》中海斯特对爱情和生活的态度 21011170 陈丽娇 The Disillusionment of American Dream—Reflection on Death of a Saleman美国梦的破灭——对《推销员之死》的反思 21011171 杨 航 On Special Usages of English Prepositions英语介词的另类用法 21011172 杨艳桥 On Skills of Writing a Business Letter论商务书信的写作技巧 21011173 刘 盼 Influence of Pragmati论文范文 on American Ideas of Values实用主义对美国人价值观的影响 21011174 罗 琳 On Teaching and Learning the English Enlightment Education 谈启蒙英语教育中的教与学 21011175 赵 慧 The Cultural Gap Between English and Chinese and Mistranslation中英文化差异与误译 21011176 谭慧颖 On the Tragiedy of Rebecca in Vanity Fair论《名利场》中利蓓加的悲喜一生 21011177 王 欣 On the Characterization of the of Picaresque Huck论哈克的流浪汉形象 21011178 赵 晶 A Contrastive Study on Love Tragedy Between Romeo and Juliet and Butterflies in Love 罗密欧与茱丽叶和梁祝爱情悲剧的对比研究 21011179 袁春霞 A Comparison of the Value of Love Between Jia Baoyu & Lin Daiyu And Jane Eyre & Rochester 宝黛爱情与简爱罗彻特爱情观的比较 21011180 张 瑶 The Psychological Analysis on Macbeth?论麦克白的心理刻画 21011181 董文华 Multi-cultural Conflicts and Combination in Cross-cultural Management跨文化管理中多元文化的融合和冲突 21011182 师海平 On the Fault Use of Words in Law English 论法律英语里的用词失误 21011183 吴 娴 The Culture Peration in the Net-games网络游戏中的文化渗透 英 语 专业 2001 级毕业论文情况一览表

   学号 姓 名 论 文 题 目 21011184 朱胜兰 A Cultural Contrastive study and Translation of "Nine" in Chinese and English 英汉数字"九"的文化对比与翻译 21011185 刘 敏 Brief Analysis on Current Situation of American One-Mother Family当今美国单身母亲家庭现状浅析 21011186 冯 娟 Tran论文范文er of the Mother Tongue in Teaching English英语教学中母语的迁移作用 21011187 何 月 Techniques of Listening in English Learning论英语学习中听力的技巧 21011188 尹 玲 On Characteristics of Medical English 论医学英语的特点 21011189 高 翔 An Analysis of the Character of Holden in The Catcher in the Rye《麦田里的守望者》主人公霍尔顿的性格分析 21011190 唐 评 Cultural Differences and their Influence on Second Language Learning文化差异对第二语言学习的影响 21011191 徐 曼 Application of Functional Approaches in Advertisement Translation功能翻译理论在广告翻译中的应用 21011192 郑 蕾 The Tran论文范文ormational Technique of Parts of Speech in Translation翻译中词性的转换 21011193 郭 蕾 On Presenting Teaching Materials of Junior English论中学英语教学材料的呈现 21011194 明 臻 Language Characteristics of English Business Contracts商务英语合同的语言特色 21011195 张 勤 An Analysis of the Advantages and Disadvantages of American Education System By Perceptions of Juvenile Crimes 从美国青年犯罪的分析论美国教育体制的优劣 21011196 范黎莉 On Interesting English Teaching 浅谈英语趣味教学 21011197 汪文燕 A Study of Application and Translation of Idiomatic Usages of English Preposition 试论英语介词惯用法的运用与翻译 21011198 周 灿 Problems of and Strategies for Teaching Through Network and Multimedia Technology 网络与多媒体教学中存在的问题与对策 21011199 陈建伟 The Impact of Roosevelt's New Deal on American Economy During and After the Great Depression 罗斯福新政在大萧条时期及以后对美国经济的影响 21011200 周园花 On the Nature and Functions of Metaphor论隐喻的本质功能 21011201 包莉莉 Fang Hongjian—the Tragic Figure Struggling in Fortress Besieged 挣扎于围城中的悲剧人物—方鸿渐 英 语 专业 2001 级毕业论文情况一览表

   学号 姓 名 论 文 题 目 21011202 曹清林 On the Relationship Between Translation and Cultural Background论翻译与文化背景的关系 21011203 樊芳芳 New Tendencies of Bush Second-Term Administration and Its Foreign Policies Towards Taiwan 论布什政府新任期的对台政策 21011204 周 芹 Application of Inverted Sentences in English浅谈英语中的倒装 21011205 李秋霞 On Use of Retelling in English Teaching浅谈复述在英语教学中的应用 21011206 曾裕华 On Comparison of Translation of Idioms in Chinese and English略论惯用语在中英文中的翻译 21011207 杨美丽 The Attitudes towards Love in The Hunchback of Notre Dame论《巴黎圣母院》中的爱情观 21011208 胡 靓 Relationship Between Lexical Cohesion and Textual Coherence词汇衔接和语篇连贯的关系 21011209 易 亮 A Probe into Characteristics of English Affix System浅谈英语词缀系统的特点 21011210 彭晋志 On the Chinese Education Thoughts Under the Influence of Western Equality Culture 论西方平等文化对中国教育思维的影响 21011211 孔淑婷 On the Usage of Nonvertoal Means In Cross-Cultural Communication论跨文化交际中非语言交际的运用 21011213 刘 晶 The Characteristics of English News and Its Translation英语新闻特点分析及其汉译 21011214 郭妍君 The Social?Significance?of?Swift's Gulliver's?Tr论文范文els《格列佛游记》的社会意义 21011215 吴艳华 Pragmatic Competence and Oral English Teaching语用能力的培养与英语口语教学 21011216 孙路云 Characteristics of American Slang美国俚语特点初探 21011217 周宏亮 Infiltration of Culture by Borroured Words into Chinese and English从英汉互借词看中西文化渗透 21011218 黎明霞 Cultural Differences in the Traditional Chinese and Western Festivals??传统节日映照出的中西文化差异 21011219 吴丽艳 How to Define and Translate the Meaning of Polysemy in English-Chinese Translation 英汉互译中多义词的确定及翻译 21011220 梁 漫 The Influence of American Culture on The Language of Its Movies美国文化对其电影语言的影响 英 语 专业 2001 级毕业论文情况一览表

   学号 姓 名 论 文 题 目 21011221 刘小平 On Sino-Western Cultural Differences From Numerical Idioms从数字习语看中西文化 21011222 姚 丽 Effect on Translation from Different English-Chinese Modes of Thinking 中英思维方式的差异对翻译的影响 21011223 黄 平 The Influence of Chinese-British Cultural Differences on International Business Protocol 中英文化差异对国际商务礼仪的影响 21011224 孙达思 A Brief Analysis of the Characters of Political Slang in American English浅析美国英语中政治俚语的特点 21011225 高艳荣 Women's Movement in 1960s in USA美国六十年代的妇女 21011226 雷 丹 On Male Heroes in Sons and Lovers论《儿子与情人》中的男性形象 21011227 石亚琴 On the Relationship Between English Study and Gender Differences浅谈英语学习与性别差异 21011228 王丽娟 Comparison of Individuali论文范文 Between Moby Dick and The Old Man and the Sea 比较《白鲸》和《老人与海》中的个人主义 21011229 孙笑东 On English Translation of Signs and Words in Public Places公共标识用语的英译探析 21011230 侯巧娟 On the Tragic Theme of Moment in Peking论《京华烟云》的悲重主题 21011231 肖铱铱 The Application of Absolute Nominative Construction in Interpretation独立主格在口译中的运用 21011232 王 静 A Contrastive Study of Animal Cultural Implication between Chinese and English 英汉语动物文化含义比较 21011233 周 璐 Non-verbal Beh论文范文iors for Activating Students in English Classes英语课堂中激活学生的非语言行为 21011234 石静姣 On Female Character Under Effect of Environment inThe Return of the Native《还乡》中环境影响下的女性形象 21011235 王庆江 On the Impact of Sino-American Family Education Patterns on Thinking Development of Child 论中美家庭教育模式对儿童思维发展的影响 21011236 张江燕 Amplification And Omission of Information in Translation试论翻译中的信息增减 21011237 石致炎 Influence of Puritani论文范文 on American Ideas of Value清教对美国人价值观的影响 21011238 黄雪君 Significance of Christianity in Modern American Society基督教在现代美国社会中的重要地位 英 语 专业 2001 级毕业论文情况一览表

   学号 姓 名 论 文 题 目 21011240 胡丽娟 On Scarlett's Attitude Towards Life 关于斯佳丽的生活观 21011241 陈颖聪 A Brief Study on Register Theory and English Learning浅谈语域理论对英语学习的影响 21011242 高 桢 Application of Multimedia Technology in Middle School English Teaching 论多媒体技术在中学英语教学中的应用 21011243 孙 娟 A Brief Analysis on the Philosophical Bases of Martin Luther King's Human Rights 浅析马丁·路德·金民权思想中的哲学基础 21011244 袁谷雨 Three Techniques in English and Chinese Alternating Translation中英互译中的三个技巧 21011245 徐晶晶 On the Translation of Loan Words浅谈外来词的翻译 21011246 卢 筱 The Relationship between the Junior Psychological Characteristics of Middle School Students and English Study 浅谈中学生心理特征与英语学习的关系 21011247 宣丽丽 On Social and Cultural Origins of Naturali论文范文 In History of American Literature 论美国文学中自然主义产生的社会文化根源 21011248 周建平 The Application of Figures of Speech in English Advertisement and Its Translation 修辞在英语广告中的运用及其翻译 21011249 刘 娟 On Political Factors in Translation翻译中政治因素的作用 21011250 张 虹 A Contrastive Study on Chinese and English Interjections汉英感叹词对比研究 21011251 易 瑛 The Reflection of Art and Life in Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode on a Nightingale 《希腊古瓮颂》与《夜莺颂》中艺术与生活的对照 21011252 邵俊涛 Comparison of Sino-US Family Education中美家庭教育的比较 21011253 彭 杰 On the Cultural Difference Between Chinese and English Idioms and Translation Method 略论中英语习语中的文化差异和翻译方法 21011254 薛 慧 A Comparison Between Female Old Images in Jane Eyre and New Images in Gone with the Wind 比较《简爱》中女性"陈规形象"与《飘》中女性"新形象" 21011255 谢志明 The Distinction of Passive Voice without By-phrases没有识别标的被动语态的辩别 21011256 张 娥 On Translation of Cultural Custom英汉文化习俗翻译研究 21011258 李婷婷 The Translation of English News Title论英语新闻标题的汉译 英 语 专业 2001 级毕业论文情况一览表

   学号 姓 名 论 文 题 目 21011259 王 琼 A Study of the Themes in A Farewell to Arms《永别了,武器》的主题思想研究 21011260 赵忠瑶 The Comparison of Attitudes Towards Marriage Between Ashley and Butler in Gone with the Wind《飘》中阿希礼和白瑞的的婚姻观比较 21011261 李玉翠 On the Differentiation Features of Marketing Mix in Different Markets论营销组合在不同市场的区别性特征 21011262 高庆庆 My View on Rhett in Gone with Wind-----解读 《飘》中男主角白瑞德 21011263 聂 莉 The Impact of Social Background on Scarlett's Marriage社会背景对斯佳丽的婚姻的影响 21011264 李芸倩 Influences of Chinese Dialectical Accents over English Pronunciation汉语方言对英语发音的影响 21011265 廖静波 Study on the Theme of For Whom the Bell Tolls分析《战地钟声》的主题思想 21011266 周小青 On Sino-British Different Cultural Perceptions from Diana's Death从戴安娜之死说中英文化观念差异 21011267 肖 涛 Informal Discussion for the Social Intension of E-C Vocabulary英汉词汇的社会文化内涵漫谈 21011268 严一沛 Secondary School English Teaching and Environment Establishment中学生英语教学与环境设置 21011269 王 烨 The Contrastive Analysis of English And Chinese Vocabulary英汉词汇对比分析 21011270 李江灏 On the Training of English Speaking Skill论英语口语技能的培养 21011271 尹 立 Differences between Chinese and Westerners in Nonverbal Communication 谈中国人与英美人非语言交际的差异 21011272 杨 群 Culture Tran论文范文ission in Secondary School English Teaching中学英语教学中的文化导入 21011273 邱丽梅 The Tragic Fate of "a Pure Woman" in the Conflict of the Individual and the Society "一个纯洁女人"在人与社会冲突中的悲剧命运 21011274 黄 娟 Language Development of Preschool Children and English Teaching 幼儿言语发展与英语教学 21011275 汪琳玲 Failures in Touri论文范文 English Translation试论旅游英语翻译的缺失 21011276 向志军 Forrest Gump's Language Characteristics in Forrest Gump论《阿甘正传》中阿甘的语言特色 英 语 专业 2001 级毕业论文情况一览表

   学号 姓 名 论 文 题 目 21011277 徐 燕 On the Influence of Sine-British Cultural Differences on Metaphors中英文化差异对隐喻的影响 21011278 倪 莎 Comparative Study between American Sign Language and American English美国手势语及美国英语之比较 21011279 颜 纯 Impact of Globalization on Cross-cultural Exchange全球化对跨文化交流的影响 21011280 刘 勇 Basic Problems of English Listening Training and the Effect on the Middle School Students 中学英语听力训练问题以及对学生的影响 21011281 董 军 "Meaning"and "Paraphrase" A Strategic Model"意义"和"释义"一种战略模式 21011282 万 萍 Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Meals饮食文化的中西方差异 21011283 梁江华 The Critical Impact of sister Carrie upon American Society论《嘉莉妹妹》对美国社会的批判意义 21011284 崔译元 On the Faithfulness in Chinese Classical Poetry Translation浅谈中国古典诗歌英译的"信" 21011285 郭 娟 On the Development of Shylock's Character论夏洛克的性格发展 21011286 陈 佳 On How to Construct Interpersonal Environment in Class论课堂人际环境的构建 21011287 孟博宇 Pragmatic Analysis on The Approximating Quantities With Numbers数词模糊语的语用分析 21011288 王 慧 A Brief Analysis of Conversational Implication 会话含义的简明解析 21011289 吴亚丽 The Main Facts Affecting the Interactive Communication影响互动交际的主要因素 21011290 胡 蓉 On Sex Discrimination in Language and Changes of Women Social Status 论语言中的性别歧视与女性地位的变化 21011291 金先燕 The Role Played by the American Blacks in the History of America During the Civil War 美国黑人在美国历史上的贡献 21011292 彭高涛 On Enlightening Meaning In Journey To The West论《西游记》中的启蒙意义 21011293 彭菁菁 A Probe into the New Words Emerging from English Movies探讨英语电影中的新词 21011294 贾敏丽 Skills for English Translation of Ancient Chinese Poem中国古诗的英译技巧 英 语 专业 2001 级毕业论文情况一览表

   学号 姓 名 论 文 题 目 21011295 姚银荣 On the Cultural Connotations of English and Chinese Idioms and Tactics of Translating the Cultural Differences in Idioms. 论英汉习语的文化内涵及其翻译中文化差异的处理 21011296 詹 焰 The Usage and Translation of "and" "and" 的用法译法 21011297 董晓娅 on the Application of the Communicative Approach from English and Chinese Writing 从中英学生写作看英语交际教学法的应用 21011298 王艺霖 Analysis Between Natural People and Social People in the Scarlet Letter《红字》中自然人与社会人的分析 21011299 熊 艺 The?Application?of?Personification?in?Advertising广告英语中拟人的应用 21011300 刘 丽 Comparison and Translation of Chinese-English Love Poems中英爱情诗歌特点比较及翻译 21011301 王馨悦 Morality and Critici论文范文 in Tom Jones评《汤姆·琼斯》中的道德观与批评观 21011302 李 佳 The Color Words and Differences Between the Chinese and Western Culture 英语颜色词与中西文化差异 21011303 朱 琼 A Study of Chinese Idioms,and the English Translation of the Chinese Idioms in The Four Books汉语熟语及《四书》中汉语熟语英译研究 21011304 谢 瑢 On Social psychological Factors and Their Influences on Language Learning社会心理因素及其对语言学习的影响 21011305 李婷婷 On Pragmatic Functions of Fuzzy Language in Business English模糊语言在商务英语中的语用功能 21011306 陈 琼 Abbreviation in Business English浅论商务英语缩略语 21011307 章 乐 On Different Language Communication Skills in Business Negotiation论商务谈判中语言沟通技巧 21011308 刘倩林 Usage and Translation Skills of Numeral in English Expression英语中数量词在词组中的用法和翻译技巧 21011309 陈 琼 Influence of Cultural Differences on English Reading Comprehension中西文化差异对阅读理解的影响 21011310 彭 枫 The Merger and Acquisition and the Enlightment to Chinese Enterprises并购策略及对中国企业的启示 21011311 论文范文晶 Reflection of Euphemi论文范文 onto the Psychological Factors of Social Culture论英语委婉语在社会文化心理因素中的映射 21011312 陈湘苏 Brief Introduction of Non-tariff Barriers in China's Foreign Trade我国对外易贸易非关税障碍现象初探 英 语 专业 2001 级毕业论文情况一览表

   学号 姓 名 论 文 题 目 21011313 袁梦穗 Deposition and Translation of Ambiguous Structure歧义结构的化解与翻译 21011314 刘 兰 English Teaching Orientation in the Background of the New Curriculum新课程背景下英语教学的转向 21011315 陈小芬 Advantages and Disadvantages of Bilingual Teaching双语教学的利与弊 21011316 邵红艳 On the Rationality of Selecting English Tex tbooks英语教材选用的合理性研究 21011317 姚厚雄 Burns' View on Love and Friendship 论彭斯的爱情与友谊观 21011318 唐琼芬 How to Establish and Control the Distribution Channel In International Trade国际贸易中如何建立和控制营销渠道 21011319 欧阳文丽 A Comparision of English and Chinese Polite Expressions英汉语言中礼貌表达比较研究 21011320 郑 芬 Red and White-----The Dual Symbolic Colors of Tess白色和红色-----苔丝的双重象征色 21011321 伍 霞 Non-equivalence Between Chinese and English Idioms and Intercultural Differences 英汉习语的不等值现象与跨文化差异 21011322 单仲平 Process and Strategies of Intercaultural Negotiation 跨文化谈判的过程和技巧 21011323 胡 静 Cultural Differences Between Chinese and Western Marriage中西婚姻文化差异 21011324 张琴琴 On Culture Differences and Schema in Mother Language and Second Language Learning 母语和第二外言的文化差异和认知体系 21011325 易黎黎 Acquisition of Function Words by Middle School Students对中学生虚词使用的分析 21011326 邓 杰 On Comprehension and Usage of Euphemi论文范文 In Business Negotiation论商务谈判中委婉语的理解和运用 21011327 林 芳 Function of Discourse in Translation语篇功能在翻译中的表现 21011328 康绍华 Brief Introduction on the Choice of Correct Words in Translation论翻译中词汇的 21011329 易 敏 Cummings --Unusual Talent in American Poetry World And His Visual Poetry 美国诗坛怪才卡明斯和他的视觉诗 21011330 金可可 Cultural Gaps and Untranslatability文化差异与不可译性 英 语 专业 2001 级毕业论文情况一览表

   学号 姓 名 论 文 题 目 21011331 王 珂 The Evolution of Contemporary American English and its Translation

   当代美语嬗变与翻译 21011332 孙倩兮 On the Design of Multiple-choice Items in Reading Comprehension

   论阅读理解中多项选择题的设计 11001194 戴海燕 On The Usage of English Abbreviations on Inter


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