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主题:教师课程能力 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-01-15





  1. 教师课程能力:论文范文心理咨询师培训执业能力课程设计理念介绍01


   一,专业名称:汉语言文学 专业代码:050101





















   综合课程:现代汉语 讨论式课程:文学概论 研究型课程:比较文学





   七,学习年限:3-6年 通 识 课 程 42+5 14 61 35.3% 学科基础课程 39 18 57 32.9% 专 业 课 程 14+20 18 52 30.1% 第 二 课 堂 / 3 3 1.7% 合 计 120 53 173 100.0% 比 例 69.4% 30.6% 实践教学 28学分 比 例 16.2% 九,专业特色


   1,注重人文情怀的培养,注重培养学生的自我展示能力和人际交往能力,尤其是注重对语言表达能力和文字表达能力的培养.大学生的知识能力不仅表现在心里,还要表现在口头和笔头上.无论是语言类课程还是写作创新班课程,无论是文学类课程还是文化类课程,都非常注重对学生思维能力和独立分析能力以及语言 表达能力的培养.



   4,以培养具有国际化视野的复合型应用人才为目标,鼓励学生跨学科选课,要求学生具有传播,管理,经济,自然科学,工程科学等多方面的知识,开设5门双语课程,重视国外先进理论的引介,重视国外先进文化的引介,培养学生的国际化视野. 浙江理工大学2017级汉语言文学专业教学计划表

   课程类别 课程性质 课程归属大类 课程代码 课程名称 学分 总学时 讲课学时 实验(践)学时 建议修读学期 建议 周学时 考核方式 备注 通识教育 必修 计算机信息类 02524 计算机基础概论 1.0 16 16 1 2 ▲ 1 2.0 32 32 2 2 53695 创业基础 2.0 32 16 16 3 2 74509 思想道德修养与法律基础 3.0 48 32 16 2 3 74510 2.0 32 28 4 1 2 74514 1 3.0 48 32 16 3 3 74515 2 3.0 48 32 16 4 3 74516 3.0 48 42 6 1 3 07501 2.0 128 2 语言类 73508 英语2 4.0 64 64 1 4 ▲ 3 73510 英语4 4.0 64 64 2 4 ▲ 2.0 32 32 4 2 ▲ 73014 2.0 32 32 3 2 ▲ 04503 职业发展与就业指导 2.0 38 4 体育与健康类 03502 体育1 1.0 32 4 28 1 2 03503 2 1.0 32 4 28 2 2 03504 3 1.0 32 4 28 3 2 03505 4 1.0 32 4 28 4 2 04507 2.0 32 16 16 1 2 08501 1.0 36 21 15 4 3 5 学科基础教育 必修 26637 1.0 16 16 1 2 26601 1 4.0 64 64 1 4 ▲ 26602 2 4.0 64 64 2 4 ▲ 26603 3 4.0 64 64 3 4 ▲ 26604 1 4.0 64 64 3 4 ▲ 26605 2 3.0 48 48 4 3 ▲ 26502 2.0 32 32 6 2 26550 4.0 64 64 2 4 ▲ 26533 2.0 32 32 5 2 26591 A 4.0 64 64 1 4 ▲ 26661 3.0 48 48 3 3 26567 2.0 32 32 4 2 26614 2.0 32 32 2 2 26577 2.0 32 32 2 2 26647 2.0 32 32 4 2 26624 2.0 32 32 5 2 27546 2.0 32 32 5 2 26549 2.0 32 32 5 2 26566 2.0 32 32 2 2

   课程类别 课程性质 课程归属大类 课程代码 课程名称 学分 总学时 讲课学时 实验(践)学时 建议修读学期 建议 周学时 考核方式 备注 学科基础教育 选修 27508 影视艺术概论 2.0 32 32 2 26616 2.0 32 32 5 2 48566 2.0 32 16 16 6 2 26526 2.0 32 32 4 2 27582 2.0 32 32 4 2 27590 2.0 32 32 3 2 26555 2.0 32 32 6 2 26572 2.0 32 32 6 2 26583 2.0 32 32 7 2 26653 2.0 32 32 5 2 必修 26609 1 4.0 64 64 5 4 ▲ 26643 2 4.0 64 64 6 4 ▲ 26626 1 4.0 64 64 3 4 ▲ 26608 2 2.0 32 32 4 2 ▲ 26557 2.0 32 32 5 2 26543 2.0 32 32 6 2 26537 2.0 32 32 7 2 26571 2.0 32 32 5 2 26638 2.0 32 32 5 2 26639 2.0 32 32 6 2 26648 2.0 32 32 6 2 26553 2.0 32 32 3 2 26565 2.0 32 32 6 2 26640 (双语) 2.0 32 32 4 2 26649 2.0 32 32 7 2 26625 2.0 32 32 5 2 26663 (双语) 2.0 32 32 7 2 26664 (双语) 2.0 32 32 7 2 26665 (双语) 2.0 32 32 7 2 26666 (双语) 2.0 32 32 7 2 中国现代文论选读 2.0 32 32 6 2 25535 第二语言习得概论 2.0 32 32 5 2 "▲"为集中笔试.

   2. 备注栏说明



   层次 第一学期 第二学期 必修 必修 一般层次 计算机基础概论(02524) 计算机应用技能C(02514) 软件应用课程 高层次 计算机基础概论(02524) 办公软件应用(02527) 第二学期学生除修读表中所列课程外,有余力者还可修读其他应用开发课程和综合应用课程,具体课程详见"计算机基础课程开设一览表".



   注4: "职业发展与就业指导"分散在第1,4,5(6),7学期,分别为12,4,16和6学时.

   注5: "军事理论"课除21学时外还有15学时安排在军训期间进行.

   浙江理工大学2017级汉语言文学专业 选修课最低修读学分一览表

   课程类别 课程归属大类 最低修读学分 是否指定教学计划表内课程选修 备注 通识教育 自然科学类 4 否 通识选修课至少完成14学分,除上表所列课程归属大类学分必须修读完成外,其他6学分可在九个大类中任意选择课程修读. 工程技术类 人文艺术类 经济管理类 4 否 综合类 计算机信息类 语言类 体育与健康类 思想政治理论类 学科基础教育 18 是 专业教育 18 是


   课程类别 课程性质 课程归属大类 课程代码 课程名称 学分 总学时 讲课学时 实验(践)学时 建议修读学期 建议 周学时 考核方式 备注 通识教育 必修 计算机信息类 02514 计算机应用技能C 2.0 32 32 1 2 1 02527 办公软件应用 2.0 32 32 1 2 43610 艺术素质认知实习 1.0 1W 1W 2 1W 04501 社会实践 1.0 2W 2W 4 2W 03501 军训 1.0 2W 2W 1 2W 必修 26642 (创作,新闻,策划) 2.0 2W 2W 3 2W 26667 2.0 2W 2W 6 2W 26645 2.0 2W 2W 7 2W 26644 2.0 2W 2W 6 2W 26668 (设计) 10.0 16W 16W 8 16W 26641 2.0 2W 2W 5 2W 课程归属大类 最低修读学分 是否指定教学计划表内课程选修 备注 通识教育 学科基础教育 专业教育 第二课堂教育 3


   Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   2017 Program Outline of Chinese Language and Literature Program

   Ⅰ Name of Major: Chinese Language and Literature Code for Major: 050101

   Ⅱ Objectives

   This major aims to cultivate interdisciplinary talents with a high degree of social responsibility, outstanding professional petitive power, a solid foundation of knowledge, wide scope of service and practical ability. And the graduates are equipped with vision, great potential for future development, a broad international perspective, as well as sound mentality and personality. Upon graduation as high quality interdisciplinary talents, they are able to be employed in such positions as dealing with Chinese teaching and research, Chinese language and literature studies, secretarial work, Publicizing, text planning, journali论文范文 and editing in middle schools, organs, institutions, enterprises, news media and other related fileds.

   Ⅲ Basic Knowledge and Abilities Required for Graduation

   1 Knowledge structure

   Instrumental knowledge: the students should h论文范文e English proficiency at CET4 level or above it; ability of literature retrieval and information retrieval via library resources and work; familiar with puter usage and information technology, and h论文范文e puter proficiency of Band 2 or above it; master document writing, basic writing knowledge.

   Professional knowledge: the students are expected to master knowledge of Chinese language and literature major, including ancient Chinese literature, modern Chinese literature, contemporary Chinese literature, foreign literature, parative literature, aesthetics, modern Chinese, ancient Chinese, linguistics, literary theory etc.

   Interdisciplinary, international knowledge: this program focuses on training interdisciplinary talents with international vision. Students are encouraged to choose interdisciplinary courses so as to be fully developed in the fields of media, management, economy, natural science, engineering science etc.

   2 Ability structure

   Ability to acquire knowledge: students are required to h论文范文e ability of self-study, puter and information technology application, expressing, as well as municative petence.

   Capacity of applying knowledge: students should h论文范文e practical ability in utilizing knowledge to solve problems, group coordinating etc.

   Ability of Innovation: this major emphasizes on cultivating students' sense of creativity, innovation and scientific research.

   3 Quality structure

   Ideological and moral qualities: the students should h论文范文e good political quality, ideological quality, moral quality, legal consciousness, social responsibility.

   Cultural quality: students should h论文范文e good quality in literature and art, history and philosophy; awareness of interpersonal munication, humanity, as well as consciousness of contemporary society and culture.

   Professional quality: students are required to h论文范文e certain professional quality, including aesthetic quality, literature quality, aesthetic quality of language munication, aesthetic quality of culture, journali论文范文 and munication quality.

   Physical and mental quality: this major also requires students to obtain good physical and mental quality.

   Ⅳ Main Disciplines: Chinese language and Literature

   Ⅴ Core Courses

   Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Sociali论文范文 with Chinese Characteristics,English,Introduction to asic Computer,Readings in ClassicsChinese Ancient Literature,Chinese modern and Contemporary Literature,Foreign iterature,Introduction to Literature,Ancient Chinese,Modern Chinese,Basic riting,Introduction to Art.

   Ⅵ Special Courses

   Integrated course: Modern Chinese

   Discussion course: Introduction to Literature

   Investigative Course: Comparative Literature

   Bilingual teaching course: Introduction to Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Introduction to Linguistics, Ancient Chinese Language and Culture, Overseas Sinology: Selected Readings, the North American Chinese Literature Overview

   The innovative and practical course: Culture Investigation (social culture, regional culture), Practice on Training Quality of Humanity

   Interdisciplinary course: Cultural Anthropology

   Network teaching course: Chinese Ancient Literary Theory

   Ⅶ Length of Courses: 3-6 years

   Minimum Credits Required for Graduation:173

   Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Arts in Literature In-Class Hours: 2357

   Separate Practice Teaching: 31Weeks+32 Hours

   Ⅷ Proportion of Course Credits

   Course Classification Compulsory Credits Optional Credits Total credits Percentage General Studies 42+5 14 61 35.3% Basic Discipline-related Courses 39 18 57 32.9% Major-related Courses 14+20 18 52 30.1% Extracurricular Activities / 3 3 1.7% Total Credits 120 53 173 100.0% Percentage 69.4% 30.6% Practice Teaching 28 Percentage 16.2% Ⅸ Characteristics of the Major

   After nearly 10 years of professional construction, Chinese language literature has formed a team of teachers with high degree or senior professional titles. All teachers h论文范文e obtained doctoral degree or senior professional title, and All the professors h论文范文e participated into teaching of undergraduate. The distinctive features are as follows:

   1. Focus on cultivating students' quality of humanity, training students' self-expressive ability and interpersonal skills, especially the ability of using language in oral and written form. And this guideline has been fully exhibited in the setting of curriculum, including language courses, creative writing courses, literature and culture courses, which aims to foster students' thinking ability, analytical ability, as well as expressive ability.

   2. Focus on cultural creativity. Compared with others, this major h论文范文e set more culture courses, in order to cultivate students' creative spirit. The culture industry is a relatively new and hot concept. Through setting the relevant courses, this major wants to keep up with the pace of the times, and make the graduates acplish greatness in the field of cultural industry and cultural creativity.

   3. Emphasize cultivation


of practical ability. Compared with other Chinese language and literature major, this program attaches great importance not only to the imparting of basic theory, but also the fostering of practical ability. Students are required to h论文范文e: literature retrieval and information retrieval ability, puter application ability; creative writing and text planning ability, teamwork spirit and scientific research ability, as well as practical petence in media, secretary, society investigation and culture creativity.

   4. This program focuses on training interdisciplinary talents with international vision. Up till now, five bilingual courses h论文范文e been set and students are encouraged to choose interdisciplinary courses so as to be fully developed in the fields of media, management, economy, natural science, engineering science etc. Besides, we also emphasize on introducing advanced foreign theory and culture.

   2017 Teaching Schedule of Chinese Language and Literature

   Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification C/O Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits Total Hours Lecture Hours Practice Hours Terms Weekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note General Education C Computer Sciences 02524 Introduction to Computer Basics 1.0 16 16 1 2 ▲ N1 Software Application Course 2.0 32 32 2 2 Economics and Management 53695 Foundation of Entrepreneur 2.0 32 16 16 3 2 Ideology and Politics 74509 Ideological and Ethical Cultivation and Foundations of Law 3.0 48 32 16 2 3 74510 The Outline of Modern Chinese History 2.0 32 28 4 1 2 74514 Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Sociali论文范文 with Chinese Characteristics 1 3.0 48 32 16 3 3 74515 Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Sociali论文范文 with Chinese Characteristics 2 3.0 48 32 16 4 3 74516 Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxi论文范文 3.0 48 42 6 1 3 07501 Current Issues and Policies 2.0 128 N2 Languages 73508 College English 2 4.0 64 64 1 4 ▲ N3 73510 College English 4 4.0 64 64 2 4 ▲ 73558 College English for Advanced Learners 2.0 32 32 4 2 ▲ 73014 English Speaking and Writing 2.0 32 32 3 2 ▲ Comprehensive 04503 Career Development and Employment Guidance 2.0 38 N4 Physical and Healthy 03502 Physical Education 1 1.0 32 4 28 1 2 03503 Physical Education 2 1.0 32 4 28 2 2 03504 Physical Education 3 1.0 32 4 28 3 2 03505 Physical Education 4 1.0 32 4 28 4 2 04507 Students' Mental Health Education 2.0 32 16 16 1 2 08501 Military Theory 1.0 36 21 15 4 3 N5 Basic Discipline-related Courses C 26637 Introduction to Disciplines 1.0 16 16 1 2 26601 Ancient Chinese Literature 1 4.0 64 64 1 4 ▲ 26602 Ancient Chinese Literature 2 4.0 64 64 2 4 ▲ 26603 Ancient Chinese Literature 3 4.0 64 64 3 4 ▲ 2017 Teaching Schedule of Chinese anguage and Literature

   Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification C/O Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits Total Hours Lecture Hours Practice Hours Terms Weekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note Basic Discipline-related Courses C 26604 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature 1 4.0 64 64 3 4 ▲ 26605 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature 2 3.0 48 48 4 3 ▲ 26502 Comparative Literature 2.0 32 32 6 2 26550 Introduction to Literature 4.0 64 64 2 4 ▲ 26533 Aesthetics 2.0 32 32 5 2 26591 Modern Chinese A 4.0 64 64 1 4 ▲ 26661 Introduction to Linguistics 3.0 48 48 3 3 26567 Introduction to Art 2.0 32 32 4 2 26614 Basic writing 2.0 32 32 2 2 O 26577 A Comprehensive Explanation of Chinese Culture 2.0 32 32 2 2 26647 Study on Chinese Myths and Legends 2.0 32 32 4 2 26624 Introduction of Religion and Culture 2.0 32 32 5 2 27546 Introduction to Popular Culture 2.0 32 32 5 2 26549 Cultural Anthropology 2.0 32 32 5 2 26566 Speech Communication 2.0 32 32 2 2 27508 Introduction to Screen Art 2.0 32 32 3 2 26616 Literature Retrieval and Thesis Writing 2.0 32 32 5 2 48566 Basic Photography 2.0 32 16 16 6 2 26526 Writing of Documentary Feature 2.0 32 32 4 2 27582 Advertisement Planning and Creativity 2.0 32 32 4 2 27590 News Gathering and Writing 2.0 32 32 3 2 26555 Western Literature Theories and Critici论文范文 2.0 32 32 6 2 26572 Theories of Ancient Chinese Literature 2.0 32 32 6 2 26583 Comparative Literature of China and Western Countries 2.0 32 32 7 2 26653 Modern Chinese Rhetorics 2.0 32 32 5 2 Major-related Courses C 26609 Foreign Literature 1 4.0 64 64 5 4 ▲ 26643 Foreign Literature 2 4.0 64 64 6 4 ▲ 26626 Ancient Chinese 1 4.0 64 64 3 4 ▲ 26608 Ancient Chinese Language 2 2.0 32 32 4 2 ▲ O 26557 Study on Pre-Qin Dynasty Poetry 2.0 32 32 5 2 26543 Close Reading for Poems of Tang and Song Dynasty 2.0 32 32 6 2 26537 Close Reading of Classic Novels of Ming and Qing Dynasty 2.0 32 32 7 2 2017 Teaching Schedule of Chinese anguage and Literature

   Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification C/O Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits Total Hours Lecture Hours Practice Hours Terms Weekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note Major-related Courses O 26571 Trends of Thought in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature 2.0 32 32 5 2 26638 Study of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry 2.0 32 32 5 2 26639 Study on Modern and Contemporary Chinese Writers 2.0 32 32 6 2 26648 Research of the Modernist School of Western Literature 2.0 32 32 6 2 26553 Literary Psychology 2.0 32 32 3 2 26565 Exegesis 2.0 32 32 6 2 26640 Introduction to Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language(Bilingual) 2.0 32 32 4 2 26649 Study on Contemporary Hot Cultural and Literary Issues 2.0 32 32 7 2 26625 History of Ancient Chinese Novels 2.0 32 32 5 2 26663 Reading for Ancient Chinese Classics Literature(Bilingual) 2.0 32 32 7 2 26664 Language and Culture of Ancient China(Bilingual) 2.0 32 32 7 2 26665 Brief Introduction of the Writings of Western Sinologist(Bilingual) 2.0 32 32 7 2 26666 Survey of Chinese Writing in North America(Bilingual) 2.0 32 32 7 2 26538 Reading in Chinese Modern Literature Theory 2.0 32 32 6 2 25535 A Brief Introduction to Second Language Acquisition 2.0 32 32 5 2 1. In evaluation mode column, "▲"means a collectively written examination is required.

   2. Remarks for Note Column

   N1: Computer sciences courses for general studies will be taught in a level-based manner, the arrangement is as follows


   Level 1st Semester 2nd Semester Compulsory Compulsory Basic Level Introduction to Computer Basics(02524) Computer Skills Training (0251) Software Application Course Higher Level Introduction to Computer Basics(02524) (0252)

   N2: The course "Current Issues and Policies" will be lectured for 16 periods and evaluated once each semester, the score of this course will be the 论文范文erage of scores obtained in all academic years.

   N3: Those whose English scores in college entrance examination rank 论文范文 30% among all freshmen of our university are qualified for English level test organized by the university; those who score A grade in both written and oral tests can be exempted from College English 2 and College English 4.

   N4. 38 periods of Career Development and Employment Guidance are allocated in terms 1, 4, 5 and 7, with 12, 4, 16 and 6 periods in each term respectively.

   N5. Apart from 21 periods in class, 15 periods of Military Theory will be given during military training.

   C等于Compulsory, O等于Optional

   The List for Required Minimum Credit of Optional Courses

   2017 Chinese Language and Literature

   Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification Course Category Required Minimum Credits Whether Only Those Courses Listed in Teaching Schedule Can Be Selected Note General Education Sciences 4 N Students should obtain at least 14 credits for optional courses in General Studies; 8 credits should be obtained from the designated course category, the rest 6 credits can be obtained freely from 9 course categories. Engineering Humanities and Arts Economics and Management 4 N Comprehensive Computer Sciences Languages Physical and Healthy Ideology and Politics Basic Discipline-related Courses 18 Y Major-related Courses 18 Y

   2017 Schedule of Separate Practical Teaching for

   Chinese Language and Literature Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification C/O Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits Total Hours Lecture Hours Practice Hours Terms Weekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note General Education C Computer Sciences 02514 Computer Skills Training C 2.0 32 32 1 2 Check N1 for detail 02527 Office Software 2.0 32 32 1 2 Humanities and Arts 43610 Cognitive Practice of Artistic Acplishments 1.0 1W 1W 2 1W Comprehensive 04501 Social Practice 1.0 2W 2W 4 2W Physical and Healthy 03501 Military Training 1.0 2W 2W 1 2W Major-related Courses C 26642 Skill Practice (Creation, News, Planning) 2.0 2W 2W 3 2W 26667 Humanistic Quality of Cognitive Practice 2.0 2W 2W 6 2W 26645 Graduation Practice 2.0 2W 2W 7 2W 26644 Academic Year Thesis 2.0 2W 2W 6 2W 26668 Graduation Thesis(Design) 10.0 16W 16W 8 16W 26641 Cultural Survey 2.0 2W 2W 5 2W

   The List for Required Minimum Credit of Separate Practical Teaching 2017 Chinese Language and Literature

   Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification Course Category Required Minimum Credits Whether Only Those Courses Listed in Teaching Schedule Can Be Selected Note General Education Basic Discipline-related Courses Major-related Courses Extracurricular Activities 3 Note:Students can obtain certain extracurricular credits through a variety of approaches such as participating in research programs, academic petitions, science and cultural arts activities, publishing papers, literary works or design works, obtaining patents, participating in independent experiments, social surveys, club activities, obtaining national certificates of various types, etc.




[1] 能力课程论文范文 关于能力课程方面论文如何怎么撰写2万字
[2] 职业能力和课程开发论文范文资料 职业能力和课程开发类有关硕士毕业论文范文2万字
[3] 职业能力和课程学士学位论文范文 职业能力和课程方面本科论文开题报告范文2万字