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主题:血管活性药物 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-01-16





  1. 血管活性药物:第二章 药物的结构和药物的作用 第二节 药物结构与药物活性2

   姓 名 刘宏伟 性别 男 出生

   年月 1974年3月3日 民 族 汉 婚否 已婚 政治

   面貌 论文范文

   党员 健康

   状况 好 学 历 博士研究生 学位 药学博士

   水产学博士 籍贯 辽宁沈阳 毕业院校 沈阳药科大学

   日本论文范文海洋大学 专业

   方向 天然药物化学

   海洋天然产物化学 任职情况 清华大学深圳研究生院作博士后助研


   现任首都医科大学药学院天然药物论文范文副教授 家庭情况 妻子:许真玉

   工作单位:国家食品药品监督管理局药品审评中心审评四部项目负责人 联 系

   方 式 通信地址:北京市右安门外西头条10号


   e-mail: liuhongwei60@yahoo.; 教



   历 1993,9—1998,6:沈阳药科大学,英语药学专业理学学士.

   1998,9—2003,6:沈阳药科大学,天然药物化学博士学位,导师 姚新生院士.

   2001,10—2004,9:国立论文范文海洋大学,海洋生物学博士学位(海洋药物化学),导师 朗越通夫教授.





   价 身体健康,具有良好的品德,学术和科研道德,具备领导科研以及团队合作精神.具有药物化学博士学位和水产学两个博士学位(海洋天然产物化学方向),有国内外着名高校留学及科研工作经历,能够把握天然药物化学的发展前沿并已取得一定的学术成就.具备组织和领导天然产物创新药物研制开发,利用生物活性筛选体系追踪分离天然活性化合物以及新活性化合物结构鉴定能力和教学能力.精通英语,可用日语进行日常交流,能够熟练撰写学术论文参加国际学术会议进行国际性合作交流,关心国际上研究新动向,把握学科前沿;能够承担申请和主持国际合作或国家重点科研项目. 研



   域 主要从事生理活性天然产物的研究,研究对象包括陆上植物,动物,微生物及海洋低等无脊椎动物和海洋微生物.利用各种体外活性筛选模型,例如抗微生物,体外细胞毒,微管蛋白聚集解聚,海星卵细胞细胞周期调节等活性评价方法结合现代分离纯化技术对中药和其他来源的活性成分进行跟踪分离;并能够利用现代光谱方法(1D, 2D-NMR, MS)和化学方法实现对复杂天然产物的结构解析.在此基础上,进行结构修饰和体内药理活性的评价,为创新药物的研制提供先导化合物和候选化合物.先后从4种中草药及6种海洋生物和3种海洋真菌中提取分离得到并鉴定了近百种天然化合物,包括生物碱,黄酮,皂苷,植物多酚等各类型天然化合物;部分化合物显示很好的生物活性.


   生物活性天然产物提取物的研究与开发,先后进行过粉背荜解,大根草多酚及总皂苷的制备和质量控制方法的研究. 技术

   特长 1.善于利用各种分离分析仪器(HPLC,LC-MS, GC-MS等)对单味中药及复方进行系统分析,建立质量控制方法,阐明作用物质基础,研制新型中药和活性提取物.对中药二次开发和中药有效部位,有效成分的研究有一定的经验.


   3. 掌握了利用高速逆流色谱,HPLC-MS等联用技术,实现天然产物化合物的快速分离及在线快速鉴别.

   4.具有初级潜水员资格证书,在论文范文海洋大学系统学习了海绵共生真菌的采集,分离,培养等技术. 奖励及

   荣誉 大学期间多次获得一等,特等奖学金;并被评为辽宁省优秀毕业生.






   历 1. 1998-2000 参与中药抗癌新药粉背荜解的质量标准制定(与东北制药总厂合作研究25万元).

   2. 1998-2001 中药福州薯蓣,齿叶黄杞抗肿瘤活性成分研究

   3. 2001-2004 4种海绵,一种海鞘来源生物活性成分研究

   4. 2004-2006 中药长柄七叶树,多棘海盘车活性物质研究

   5. 2004-2006 作为主要成员参与国家中医药管理局供高通量筛选用100种中药分离组分样品库的建设(国中医科技2004ZX02, 100万元).

   6. 2006-2007 瑶族草药血风抗菌,抗肿瘤活性成分研究




   历 作为辅导师指导两名天然药物化学专业硕士研究生的论文研究.



   在教学方面,认真履行了教师的职责,按时上课,认真备课,讲课,耐心辅导学生,认真按照教育教学进度完成教学任务;并能够拓展学生的相关专业知识. 申请


   情况 2004-2006 海洋生物活性成分研究,清华大学博士后基金2万元 (项目负责人,023100029).

   2004-2006 南海海星甾体活性成分研究,中国博士后基金2万元(项目负责人,2005037065).

   2006-2017 大根草诱导新生血管形成及心肌细胞再生活性成分研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金25万(项目负责人,20502016).


   2007-2017人事部,北京市留学回国人员择优资助优秀项目 10万.

   2007-2017北京市教委人才强教引进人才项目 8万.





   况 1:二聚体可水解鞣质衍生物用于制备治疗肥胖的药物和饮食添加剂的用途(申请号:200710163924.3,第一发明人).


   3. 一种甾体化合物心脑血管疾病药物中的应用200710029721.5, 第二发明人).

   4: 多溴取代二苯醚类衍生物的制备和医药用途(申请号:200410026675.X,中国,第二发明人).

   5: 具有海星卵细胞细胞周期抑制作用的二萜类衍生物的制备及用途(已授权专利号:ZX200410026676.4,中国,第二发明人).

   6.生理活性物质lissoclibadin 1 和lissoclibadin 2的用途(特许:2005-050467,日本,第二发明人).

   7.Pharmaceutical Composition and Method for Neoangiogenesis / Revascularization Useful in Treating Ischemic Heart Diseases. (International Application No. PCT/CN2006/002886,第三发明人).

   8. Pharmaceutical Composition and Method for Regenerating Myofibers in the Treatment Of Muscle Injuries. (International Application No. Pct/CN2006/002885第三发明人).








   况 英文发表文章:

   1.Zheng junxia,Wang naili, Liu hongwei,Chen haifeng, et al.Four new bifl论文范文onoids from Selaginella uncinata and their anti-anoxic effect. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2017 (in publication)

   2. Hong-wei Liu*, Jian-kuan Li , Da-wei Zhang, Jing-chao Zhang, Xue Zhang, Xiao-hong Song, Ying Xia, Nai-li Wang, Xin-sheng Yao , Guo-Ping Cai. Isolation of a new glycoside from starfish Asterias amurensis Lutken, and its stimulation activity on proliferation of UMR106 cell line, Natural Product Research, 2017 (accepted). (MS-NO-13122007-H-IN-2481)

   3. Hong-Wei Liu, * Man-Yuan Wang, Xue-Ying Song , Ying Xia, Yi-Song Zhao, Xiao-Hong Song , Miao-Miao Jiang, Xue Zhang , Hao Gao, Nai-Li Wang, Xin-Sheng Yao. Three Escin-Like Triterpene Saponins: Assamicins VI, VII, VIII from the Seeds of Aesculus assamica Griff, Helvetica Chimaca Acta, 2017 (accepted).

   4. Hongwei Liu,* Jiankuan Li, Wenhua Zhao, Li Bao, Xiaohong Song, Ying Xia, Xue Wang, Chao Zhang, Xiaozhu Wang, Xinsheng Yao, Ming Li. Fatty acid synthase inhibitors from Geum japonicum Thunb var. chinense. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2017 (accepted).

   5. Bin Chen, Yan Liu, Hong-Wei Liu, Nai-Li Wang, Bao-Feng Yang, and Xin-Sheng Yao. Iridoid and Aromatic Glycosides ifrom Scrophularia ningpoensis Hemsl. and Their Bioactivity on [Ca2+]i Increase Induced by KCl. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2017 (accepted).

   6. Miao Miao Jiang, Xue Zhang, Yi Dai, Hao Gao, Hong Wei Liu, Nai Li Wang, Wen Cai Ye, Xin Sheng Yao. Alkaloids from the root barks of Goniothalamus cheliensis. Chinese Chemical Letters 2017, 3:131-133.

   7.Li Qiu, Feng Zhao, Hongwei Liu, Lixia Chen, Zhihu Jiang, Hongxia Liu, Naili Wang, Xinsheng Yao, and Feng Qiu. Two New Megastigmane Glycosides, Physanosides A and B, from Physalis alkekengi L. var. franchetii, and Their Effect on NO Release in Macrophages. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2017, 5: 758-763.

   8.Hong-Wei Liu,* Jian-Kuan Li, Da-Wei Zhang, Jing-Chao Zhang, Nai-Li Wang, Guo-Ping Cai and Xin-Sheng Yao. Two new steroidal pounds from starfish Asterias amurensis Lutken. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2017, 6: 521-529.

   9. Hui-ying Han, Hong-wei Liu, Nai-li Wang, Xin-sheng Yao, Sesquilignans and dilignans from Campylotropish hirtella (Franch.) Schindl. Natural Product Research. 2017, (in press).

   10. Xue Zhang, Hong-Wei Liu, Hao Gao, Hui-Ying Han, Nai-Li Wang, Hou-Ming Wu, Xin-Sheng Yao, Zhao Wang. Nine New Sesquiterpenes from Dendrobium nobile. Helvetica Chimaca Acta, 2007, 90: 2386-2394.

   11. Gao H, Hong K, Zhang X, Liu HW, Wang NL, Zhuang L, Yao XS. New steryl fatty esters from the mangrove fungus Aspergillus awamori. Helvetica Chimaca Acta 2007, 90(6): 1165-1178.

   12.Winghong L. Cheung, Lei Cheng, Hongwei Liu, Xuemei Gu, Ming Li. The dual actions of angiogenesis and anti-apoptosis induced by an isolated pound from Geum japonicum repair muscle ischemia. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 2007, 459: 91-97.

   13 Hongwei Liu,* Hao Gao, Michio Namikoshi, Hisayoshi Kobayashi, Remy E. P. Mangindaan, Naili Wang, Xinsheng Yao. Characterization and online detection of aromatic alkaloids in the ascidian Lissoclinum cf. badium by liquid hromatography/UV detection mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2007, 21:199-206.(IF 3.087)

   14. Gao H, Zhang X, Wang NL, Liu HW, Zhang QH, Song SS, Yu Y, Yao XS. Triterpenoid saponins isolated from Stauntonia chinensis. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research 2007, 9(2):175-182.

   15.Gu X, Cheng L, Chueng WL, Yao X, Liu HW, Qi G, Li M. Neovascularization of ischemic myocardium by newly isolated tannins prevents cardiomyocyte apoptosis and improves cardiac function. Mol Med. 2006, 12: 275-83.

   16. Hongwei Liu,* Guanghui Wang, Michio Namikoshi, Hisayoshi Kobayashi, Xinsheng Yao, and Guoping Cai. Sesquiterpene Quinones From Marine Sponge Hippospongia sp., That Inhibit Maturation Of Starfish Oocytes And Induce Cell Cycle Arrest With Hepg2 Cells. Pharmaceutical Biology 2006, 44:522-527.

   17.Lei Cheng, Xuemei Gu, John E. Sanderson, Xisha Wang, Kwongman Lee,

   Xinsheng Yao, Hongwei Liu, Winghong L. Cheung, Ming Li. A new function of a previously isolated pound that stimulates activation and differentiation of myogenic precursor cells leading to efficient myofiber regeneration and muscle repair. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 2006, 38(7): 1123-1133.

   18. Taiko Oda, Takeshi Fujiwara, Hongwei Liu, Kazuyo Ukai, Remy E. P. Mangindaan, Masataka Mochizuki and Michio Namikoshi. Effects of Lissoclibadins and Lissoclinotoxins, Isolated from a Tropical Ascidian Lissoclinum cf. badium, on IL-8 production in a PMA-stimulated Promyelocytic Leukemia Cell Line. Mar. Drugs, 2006, 4:15-21.

   19. Liu Hong-wei, LI Jian-kuan, WANG Nai-li, YAO Xin-sheng, and CAI Guo-ping. Sulfated Sterols Isolated from Starfish Asterias amurensis Lutken. Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences 2006, 15: 1-5.

   20. Hong Wei Liu, Xin Sheng Yao, Nai Li Wang, Guo Ping Cai. A New Triterpenoid Spaonin Isolated from the Seeds of Aesculus assamica Griff. Chinese Chemical Letter 2006, 17(2): 2

血管活性药物:第二章 药物的结构和药物的作用 第二节 药物结构与药物活性2


   21. Xiao Yu Guo, Jue Wang, NaiLi Wang, Susumu Kitanaka, Hong Wei Liu, and Xin Sheng Yao. New Stilbenoids from Pholidota yunnanensis and Their Inhibitory Effects on Nitric Oxide Production. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2006, 54(1): 21-25.

   22. Taiko Oda, Hongwei Liu, Michio Namikoshi. Effects of Polybrominated Diphenol Ethers from a Marine Sponge Phyllospongia dendyi on IL-8 Production in a PMAstimulated Promyelocytic Leukemia Cell Line. Mar. Drugs 2005, 3:119-125.

   23. Hongwei liu,* Xue Zhang, Hao Gao, Naili Wang, Sanlin Jin, Bin Cai, Xinsheng Yao, and Guoping Cai. Two new triterpenoid glycosides isolated from Aesculus assamica Griff. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2005, 53(10):1310-1313.

   24. Hongwei Liu, Takeshi Fujiwara, Teruaki Nishikawa, Yuri Mishima, Hiroshi Nagai, Takeshi Shida, Kazuo Tachibana, Hisayoshi Kobayashi, Remy E. P. Mangindaan and Michio Namikoshi. Lissoclibadins 1–3, three new polysulfur alkaloids, from the ascidian Lissoclinum cf. badium. Tetrahedron 2005, 61: 8611-8615.

   25.Hongwei Liu, Michio Namikoshi, Kyoko Akano, Hisayoshi Kobayashi, Hiroshi Nagai, and Xinsheng Yao, Seven new Meroditerpenoids from a Marine Sponge Strongylophora strongylata which Inhibited the Maturation of Starfish Oocytes, Journal of Asian Natural Product Researc, 2005, 7:661-670.

   26. Hongwei Liu, Sanlong Wang , Bin Cai, Xinsheng Yao, Anti-cancer Activity of Compounds Isolated from Engelhardtia serrata Stem Bark. Pharmaceutical Biology 2004, 42:475-477.

   27. Hongwei Liu, Yuri Mishima, Takeshi Fujiwara, Hiroshi Nagai, Akira Kitazawa, Yuji Mine, Hisayoshi Kobayashi, Xinsheng Yao, Junko Yamada, Taiko Oda, and Michio Namikoshi. Isolation of Araguspongine M, a New Stereoisomer of an Araguspongine/Xestospongin alkaloid, and Dopamine from the Marine Sponge Neopetrosia exigua Collected in Palau. Marine Drug. 2004, 2:154-163.

   28. Hongwei Liu, Silvester Benny Pratasik, Teruaki Nishikawa, Takeshi Shida, Kazuo Tachibana, Takeshi Fujiwara, Hiroshi Nagai, Hisayoshi Kobayashi, and Michio Namikoshi. Lissoclibadin 1, a Novel Trimeric Sulfur-Bridged Dopamine Derivative, from the Tropical Ascidian Lissoclinum cf. badium. Tetrahydron Letter 2004, 45: 7015-7017.

   29. M. Namikoshi, H. Kobayashi, H.W. Liu, X.S. Yao, and H. Zhang. Antifungal and Antimitotic Substances Discovered by the Bioassay Using Conidia of Pyricularia oryzae. Drug Design Reviews- Online, 2004, 1: 257-271.

   30. Hongwei Liu, Michio Namikoshi, Shiori Meguro, Hiroshi Nagai, Hisayoshi Kobayashi, and Xinsheng Yao. Isolation and Characterization of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers as Inhibitors of Tubulin Polymerization from Palau Sponge Phyllospongia dendyi. Journal of Natural Products 2004, 67(3): 472-474.

   31. SL. Wang, B Cai, CB. Cui, HW Liu, CF. Wu, XS. Yao. Diosgenin-3-O-(-L-rhamnopyranosyl -(1(4)-(-D-glucopyranoside, Obtained as a New Anticancer Agent from Dioscorea Futschauensis Induces Apoptosis on Human Colon Carcinoma HCT-15 Cells via Mitochondria-controlled Apoptotic Pathway. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research 2004, 6(2): 115-125.

   32. Hong-Wei Liu, San-Long Wang, Bin Cai, Ge-Xia Qu, Xu-Juan Yang, Hisayoshi Kobayashi, Xin-Sheng Yao. New Furostanol Glycosides from the Rhizomes of Dioscorea futschauensis R. Kunth, Journal of Asian Natural Product Research 2003,5(4):241-247.

   33. Hongwei Liu, Zhili Xiong, Famei Li, Gexia Qu, Hisayoshi Kobayashi, Xinsheng Yao. Two New Pregnane Glycosides from Dioscorea futschauensis R. Kunth, Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2003, 51(9):1089-1091.

   34. Hongwei Liu, Gexia Qu, Xinsheng Yao. The polyphenolic constituents of Engelhardtia serrata Bl. stem bark, Pharmaceutical Biology 2003, 41(4):305-307.

   35. Liu, H. W.; Wang, S. L.; Cai, B.; Yao, X. S. Two new non-steroidal constituents from Dioscorea futschauensis R. Kunth, Die Pharmazie, 2003, 3:214-215.???

   36. Liu, H. W.; Hu, K.; Zhao, Q. C.; Cui, C. B.; Kobayashi, H.; Yao, X. S., Bioactive sponins from Dioscorea futschauensis Die Pharmazie 2002, 8:570-572.?

   37. Liu, H.W., Kobayshi, H, Qu, G.X., Yao, X.S. A new furostanol saponin from Dioscorea futshauensis. Chin. Chem. Lett. 2002, 13(3):241-244. ?

   38. Liu, H.W., Kobayshi, H, Qu, G.X., Yao, X.S. A new spirostanol saponin from Dioscorea futshauensis, Chin. Chem. Lett. 2001, 12(7):613-616.

   39. Hu ke, Aijun Dong, Hongwei Liu and Xinsheng yao. Bioactivity of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine against Pyricularia Oryzae. Pharmaceutical Biology 1999, 37(3):225-230.


   1. 高昊, 张雪, 王乃利, 刘宏伟, 庄令, 洪葵, 姚新生. 具有细胞毒活性的红树林真菌泡盛酒曲霉中的甾类成分. 中草药, 2006, 37(supplement): 193-196.

   2. 宋珊珊,王乃利,高昊,刘宏伟,张庆华,浪越通夫,姚新生. 海洋真菌96F197 抗癌活性成分研究, 中国药物化学杂志, 2006, 16(2),93-97.

   3.张庆华,王乃利,高昊,刘宏伟,宋珊珊,浪越通夫,姚新生.海洋真菌97F49 的化学成分研究,中国药物化学杂志,2006,16(2),98-101.

   4.罗群会, 王乃利, 刘宏伟, 范 明, 丁爱石, 姚新生.滨蒿的化学成分,沈阳药科大学学报,2006,23(8),492-494.

   5.李建宽, 刘宏伟 , 王乃利 , 李明 , 姚新生.柔毛水杨梅的化学成分23 (11),694-697.

   6. 刘宏伟 ,姚新生,王乃利 ,蔡国平. 长柄七叶树的化学成分. 中国天然药物,2005,3(6):350-353.

   7. Wang SL, Cai B, Cui CB, Liu HW, Wu CF, Yao XS. Apoptosis of human chronic myeloid leukemia k562 cell induced by prosapogenin B of dioscin (P.B) in vitro. Ai Zheng, 2003, 22(8): 795-800.

   8. Qu GX., Qi XL, Liu HW,Cai QF. Preliminary screening of traditional Chinese anti-fungi medicines, Journal of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University. 2002, 19(3):218-220.

   . Hongwei Liu, Xinsheng Yao. A Study on Chemical Constituents of the Stem bark of Engelhardtia serrata Bl. Chinese Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2001, 11(1), 51-52.

   10. Hongwei Liu, Xinsheng Yao. Determination of diosgenin in Diocscorea collettii var. hypoglauca by HPLC-ELSD methods. Journal of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University,2001, 18(3),195-197.

   11. Hongwei Liu, Xinsheng Yao. A survey of studies on the action mechani论文范文 and screening methods of farnesyltran论文范文erase inhibitors as anti-cancer drug., Journal of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, 1999,16(4):298-303.







   1. Yao xinsheng, Wang Naili, Ye Wencai, Liu Hongwei. The current approaches and future direction for the mor, dernization of traditional Chinese medicine 4th Shenyang Naogoya Nanjing Pharmaceutical Science Syposium (2005 Shenyang) Plenary Presentation.

   2. Liu Hongwei, Namikoshi michio, Kobayashi Hisayoshi, Wang naili, Cai guoping, Yao xinsheng. Three novel polysulfur alkaloids isolated from the ascidian Lissoclinum cf. badium. 4th Shenyang Naogoya Nanjing Pharmaceutical Science Syposium (2005 Shenyang) Poster 81.

   3. Liu, H.W., Namikoshi, M., Kobayashi, H., Wang, N.L., Cai, G.P., and Yao, X.S. Discovery of biologically active metabolites from marine sponge and ascidian. 国际生药学学术研讨会,2005年5月,北京. (口头报告).

   4.Liu, H.W., Mishima, Y., Nishikawa, T., Fujiwara, T., Nagai, H., Kobayashi, H., Shida, T., Tachibana, K, Pratasik, B. S, Namikoshi, M. Three Novel Polysulfur Alkaloids Isolated from the Ascidian, Lissoclinum sp. 第46届国际天然产物化学研讨会2004, 日本广岛poster 88(P-10) 5. Namikoshi Michio, Liu Hongwei, et al. Effect of new inhibitors of microtubule polymerization on IL-8 production by PMA-stimulated HL-60 cells. 日本药学会 124 年会,2004,31【P2】I-471. Liu, H.W., Namikoshi, M., Nagai, H., Akano, K., Kobayashi, H., Yao, XS., New Meroditerpenoids from the Marine sponge Strongylophora stronglata and the Inhibitory activity on Maturation of Starfish Oocytes. 日本水产学会2003,论文范文(口头发表)

   7. Liu, HW., Namikoshi, M., Nagai, H., Akano, K., Kobayashi, H., Yao, XS., New Meroditerpenoids from the Marine sponge Strongylophora stronglata and the Inhibitory activity on Maturation of Starfish Oocytes., 第44届国际天然产物化学研讨会2002, 论文范文. Poster-46: 217

   8. Hongwei Liu, Aijun Dong,Hisayoshi Kobayashi and Xinsheng yao. Isolation of Antineoplastic Constituents From rhizomes of Dioscorea futshauensis R. Kunth, 中日韩三国药学研讨会 2000, 沈阳. (口头发表)



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