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主题:跨文化商务交际 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-02-17





  1. 跨文化商务交际:商务交际与谈判 第01-02讲 浙江大学 零基础自学


   The First National Conference on Intercultural Business Communication

   会 议 手 册



   Hosted by:School of International Studies University


   Sponsored by :

   job.ac.uk (University of Warrick)2017年5月日-日目录


   Conference Introduction



   Introduction of Keynote speakers

   论文摘 要等等等等等等等等等等.等13



   Service Information


   Conference Introduction



   Conference Theme:

   Intercultural business munication in global contexts

   中文议题 Suggested 论文范文ics 跨文化商务交际理论



















   其他跨文化商务交际的相关议题 Theories of intercultural business munication

   Teaching intercultural business munication

   Business discourse studies

   Business pragmatic studies

   Intercultural business negotiations

   Intercultural marketing and branding

   Intercultural business management

   Intercultural business munication petencies

   Researching intercultural business munication Cultures and mergers in multinationals

   Media and international business

   Ethics in intercultural business munication

   Cultures and consumer beh论文范文iors

   Intercultural human resources management

   Cultural conflicts in international business

   Traditional cultures and international business

   Business cultures of the West and the East

   Business Values of the West and the East

   Business Acculturation and enculturation

   Other related 论文范文ics on intercultural business munication


   Conference Program

   一,主题发言(Keynote Speeches)

   5月22日(周六 上午)

   Saturday Morning, May 22 时 间

   Time 开幕式

   Opening Ceremony 主持人

   Chair 地点

   Venue 8:30 – 9:10 嘉宾介绍,校领导致辞,院长致辞,合影

   Introduction, Opening Remarks & Photo 张翠萍

   Zhang Cuiping 诚信楼三层国际会议厅

   3rd Floor, Chengxin Building 时 间

   Time 发言人

   Speaker 题 目

   Topics 主持人

   Chair 地 点

   Venue 9:10 – 9:55 Helen Spencer-Oatey Understanding Intercultural Competence for Business: Insights from the eChina-UK?Programme 邢建玉

   Xing Jianyu 诚信楼三层国际会议厅

   3rd Floor, Chengxin Building 9:55 – 10:10 茶 休 Tea Break 10:10 – 10:55 Peter Franklin Assessing intercultural interaction petence / petencies: The state of the art 窦卫霖

   Dou Weilin 10:55 – 11:40 Michael Goodman Communication Challenges for Business and Corporations Daniel So 11:40 –11:55 job.ac.uk发言

   Speech by job.ac.uk(University of Warrick) 俞利军

   Yu Lijun 11:55 –12:10 欧佳龙公司发言Speech by Auralog China 12:10-13:10 午餐(一食堂四层教工餐厅)

   Lunch (Fourth floor, Dining Hall)

   5月22号(星期六 下午)

   Saturday afternoon, May 22 时 间

   Time 发言人

   Speaker 题 目

   Topics 主持人

   Chair 地 点

   Venue 13:30 – 14:15 Malcolm MacDonald A global agenda for intercultural munication 朱晓姝

   Zhu Xiaoshu 诚信楼三层国际会议厅

   3rd Floor, Chengxin Building 14:15 – 15:00 Doreen Wu Towards a Glocalization Perspective of Studying Media and Corporate Discourses in China 冯捷蕴

   Feng Jieyun 15:00 – 15:10 高等教育出版社发言 Speech by Higher Education Press 朱晓姝

   Zhu Xiaoshu 15:10 – 15:20 iWay 公司发言 Speech by iWays Ltd 15:20 – 15:35 茶 歇 Tea Break 18:00 会议宴请 Dinner(太熟悉餐厅)

   5月23号(星期日 上午)

   Sunday morning, May 23 时 间

   Time 发言人

   Speaker 题 目

   Topics 主持人

   Chair 地 点

   Venue 8:15 – 9:00 王立非

   Wang Lifei 跨文化商务交际理论与多媒体课程开发 许德金

   Xu Dejin 诚信楼三层国际会议厅

   3rd Floor, Chengxin Building 9:00 – 9:45 张佐成

   Zhang Zuocheng Business Discourse and Business English 翁凤翔

   Weng Fengxiang 9:45 – 10:00 茶 歇 Tea Break 10:00 – 11:00 UIBE 跨文化商务交际团队专场

   UIBE Intercultural Communication Special Session 张佐成

   Zhang Zuocheng 1200-12:10 闭幕式 Closing Ceremony 朱晓姝

   Zhu Xiaoshu 1210-13:10 午餐(一食堂四层教工餐厅)

   Lunch (Fourth floor, Dining Hall)

   二,专题发言(Theme Sessions)5月22号(星期六 下午)

   Saturday afternoon, May 22 第一组 跨文化商务英语教学一组 时 间

   Time 发言人

   Speaker 题 目

   Topics 主持人

   Chair 地 点

   Venue 15:35 – 15:50 翁凤翔 商务英语学——自然与必然 翁凤翔

   Alpatova Svetlana 诚信楼三层国际会议厅

   3rd Floor, Chengxin Building 15:50 – 16:05 刘宝权 商务英语本科专业建设方案研究

   ----以上海财经大学商务英语专业为例 16:05 – 16:20 李明秋 跨文化商务交际中口译译员主体性素质要求 16:20 – 16:35 Alpatova Svetlana On Variables of Teaching Managers Intercultural Communication 16:35 – 16:50 郑丽钦 "校企合一,工学双全"——培养跨文化商务英语交际人才的教育新模式 16:50 – 17:05 Igor Smerdov & Michael Harrison Foreign English Teachers Community in China. Socio-cultural Analysis of the Case-studies of Jiaying University, Meizhou, and Xingjian College, Nanning, China. 17:05 – 17:20 武桂杰 跨文化教育能力及多元文化背景下的课堂模式研究 17:20 – 17:35 论文范文丹 杨 波 合作教学法在商务英语口语教学中的应用 17:35-17:50 丁崇文 Cultural Diversities and Thinking Patterns Reflected by Oral English Test of College Entrance Examination in China 17:50-18:05 逯义峰 多媒体网络环境下的跨文化商务交际教学模式探索

   5月22号(星期六 下午)

   Saturday afternoon, May 22 第二组 商务话语研究 时 间

   Time 发言人

   Speaker 题 目

   Topics 主持人

   Chair 地 点

   Venue 15:35 – 15:50 张翠萍 A Discourse Analysis of Sino-US Newsreports about the Geely—Volvo Deal. Agatha Chung

   钟 虹



   Chengxin Building 15: 50 – 16:05 江 春

   文 琪 Corporate Social Responsibility in US and China--Conceptual and Operational Differences. 16:05 – 16:20 Agatha Chung & Doreen Wu "Holding up half of the sky or of the earth?" – Image tran论文范文ormations of women in Chinese TV mercials. 16:20 – 16:35 钟 虹

   陈英子 国酒茅台广告语中的中国特质 16:35 – 16:50 刘 超

   张志宏 英语商务类新闻报道的词汇衔接模式探析 16:50 – 17:05 李月菊 国际商务谈判中报价策略的会话分析 17: 05 – 17:20 杨文慧 "应酬语"——商务谈判中的习惯性社交语用策略探析 17:20 – 17:35 唐 健 《人民日报(海外版)》与《华盛顿邮报》报道风格的差异 ——以对甲型H1N1流感的报道为例 17:35 – 17:50 胡 洋 中西方话语特征比较


   5月22号(星期六 下午)

   Saturday afternoon, May 22 第三组 商务与文化一组 时 间

   Time 发言人

   Speaker 题 目

   Topics 主持人

   Chair 地 点

   Venue 15:35 – 15:50 Daniel W.C.So & Cindy S. Ngai Fortune-500 Corporations in Greater China: Does h论文范文ing a Chinese version of their name make a difference? Daniel W.C.So

   陈香兰 诚信楼



   Chengxin Building 15:50 – 16:05 康 晋 公共关系在企业危机管理中的作用

   ——以丰田汽车召回事件为例 16:05 – 16:20 张奕雯 解析个体主义和集体主义对产品包装设计的影响 16:20 – 16:35 陈彦华 跨文化差异对招聘与选拔国际化员工的影响分析 16:35 – 16:50 张玉莲 Succes论文范文ul New Product Development(NPD) Involves Paying Careful Attention to Both Marketing and Teamwork Factors 16:50 –17:05 陈香兰 商务广告制作的共性探讨 17:05 – 17:20 袁艺舟 以后现代主义角度初探中国消费者结社现象 17:20 – 17:35 赵彦萍 企业跨国并购文化整合理论的探索

   5月22号(星期六 下午)

   Saturday afternoon, May 22 第四组 商务语用学研究 时 间

   Time 发言人

   Speaker 题 目

   Topics 主持人

   Chair 地 点

   Venue 15:35 – 15:50 孙 亚 论商务语用学 徐 珺

   王 彦



   Chengxin Building 15:50 – 16:05 王 彦 英汉服务外包话语的跨文化语用研究 16:05 – 16:20 宋泽宁 Impact of Gender Norms on Intercultural Negotiation Strategies:A Case Study on Sino-Korean Educational Cooperation 16:20 – 16:35 于 红 从文化差异角度审视社交语用失误及应对策略 16:35 – 16:50 许群航 面子理论与中英文商务函件中的表达策略研究 16:50 – 17:05 廖顺珠 从顺应论角度分析跨文化商务交际的语用失误 17:05 – 17:20 王同军 从文化的视角浅析商务英语之翻译 17:20 –17:35 徐 珺 商务英语研究的功能语言学探索 17:35 –17:50 袁周敏 关系管理理论及其运作——语用学研究的新进展

   5月23号(星期日 上午)

   Sunday afternoon, May 23 第五组 跨文化商务英语教学二组 时 间

   Time 发言人

   Speaker 题 目

   Topics 主持人

   Chair 地 点

   Venue 11:00 – 11:15 Zinovieva Avgustina New Approach to Knowledge Management in Teaching Students Zinovieva Avgustina 诚信楼




   Building 11:15 – 11:30 刘 琛 国外"问题型"跨文化商务交际教学法:研究与比较 11:30 – 11:45 汪 海 Developments in Business Reading Course 11:45 – 12:00 林 瑾 浅谈跨文化教学中的文化输入模式 第六组 商务与文化二组 时 间

   Time 发言人

   Speaker 题 目

   Topics 主持人

   Chair 地 点

   Venue 11:00 – 11:15 陆 璐 商务英语教学中如何培养学生的跨文化交际能力 王晓宜





   Building 11:15 – 11:30 张 倩 全球化时代的星座文化消费

   ——以中国大学生为例 11:30 – 11:45 王晓宜 管理的非语言性 11:45 – 12:00 郑玩娜 中西媒体的危机传播话语


   5月23号(星期日 上午)

   Sunday afternoon, May 23 第七组 商务谈判研究 时 间

   Time 发言人

   Speaker 题 目

   Topics 主持人

   Chair 地 点

   Venue 11:00 – 11:15 朱晓姝 Politeness Levels in Business Negotiations —— from the perspective of 论文范文all talk 李淑琴 诚信楼


   3rd Floor, Chengxin Building 11:15 – 11:30 李淑琴 从文化差异的五个维度看中美商务谈判 11:30 – 11:45 李素真 连 洁 中西文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响 11:45 – 12:00 杨燕荣 身势语在跨文化商务谈判中的功能及运用

   5月23号(星期日 上午)

   Sunday afternoon, May 23 跨文化交际专场 时 间

   Time 发言人

   Speaker 题 目

   Topics 主持人

   Chair 地 点

   Venue 10:00 – 10:15 窦卫霖 Development and prospect: Intercultural Business Communication Studies 张佐成 诚信楼


   3rd Floor, Chengxin Building 10:15 – 10:30 邢建玉 Business Talk and Non-Business Talk in British-Chinese Business Meetings 10:30 – 10:45 史兴松 Cultural General and Cultural Specific Selection Criteria of Business Expatriates 10:45 – 11:00 冯捷蕴 Discursive Hybridity and Glocalization

   —— A Case Study of Beijing Touri论文范文 Promotional Discourses


   A Brief Introduction of the Keynote Speakers

   Peter Franklin is a professor of intercultural business and management munication at HTWG Konstanz University of Applied Sciences, Germany. He is a co-founder of the KIeM Konstanz Institute for Intercultural Management, Values and Communication and is Director and editor of The Delta Intercultural Academy, an inter-based knowledge and learning munity devoted to culture and munication in international business. A book entitled Intercultural Interaction: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Intercultural Communication, by Helen Spencer-Oatey and Peter Franklin, was published by Palgr论文范文e-Macmillan in 2017.

   Since 1989, Peter Franklin has advised, trained and addressed numerous international corporate and institutional clients in the area of intercultural munication, co-operation and management.

   Michael B. Goodman, Ph.D. is a professor at Baruch College/ City University of New York, U.S.A.,?where he is also Director of the MA Program in Corporate Communication.? He is Founder and Director of CCI (Corporate Communication International corporatem.org). He is Visiting Professor of Corporate Communication at Aarhus School of Business (Denmark), University of Johannesburg (South Africa), Bangkok University, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

   He has published widely, including most recently: Work with Anyone Anywhere: A Guide to Global Business?and?Corporate Communication for Executives. With Peter Hirsch he is at work on Corporate Communication: Strategic Adaptation for Global Practice. He is on the Editorial Advisory Board and Associate Editor for North America of Corporate Communication: An International Journal (UK).??He is a member of the Arthur W. Page Society; a Fellow of the RSA (The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce), London; a Fellow of The Society for Technical Communication; and a?member of?the Board of Directors of the Association for Business Communication.?

   He has been a consultant to more than 40 corporations and institutions on corporate munication, managerial munication, problem-solving, new business proposals, change, and corporate culture.

   Dr. Malcolm McDonald, is editor-in-chief of the international SSCI Journal of Language & Intercultural Communication, Associate Professor in the Center for Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick, UK.

   He is engaged in three areas of research: intercultural munication, discourse analysis and English language teaching. In particular, he has bee interested in the ethics of intercultural munication. O'Regan & MacDonald (2007) problematizes the concept of intercultural munication, questioning the dangers of a slide into moral relativi论文范文. This line of ethical enquiry is being taken forward in MacDonald & O'Regan (forthing).

   Helen Spencer-Oatey is Professor and Director of Center for Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick, UK. Her main research interests are: Social pragmatics, especially the interrelationship between language use and the management of interpersonal relations (face theory, politeness theory, and rapport management theory). - Intercultural interaction, including cross-cultural pragmatics, intercultural discourse, and the interface between culture, language and beh论文范文iour. - Intercultural adaptation and change, including issues of identity and hybridity, culture shock, intercultural petence and development. - Culture and pedagogy.

   In 2002 she started managing the major inter-governmental eChina-UK Programme on behalf of the Higher Education Funding Council for England. She joined the University of Warwick in September 2007.

   Her recent books include Intercultural Interaction: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Intercultural Communication (co-authored with Peter Franklin), Culturally Speaking: Culture, Communication and Politeness Theory (eds) and Handbook of Intercultural Communication (co-edited with Helga Kotthoff).

   Prof. Lifei Wang, PhD in applied linguistics, Post doctor in Second Language Acquisition, Professor of English, Dean of School of International Studies, University of International Business and Economics, China. PhD Student Supervisor and Research Fellow, Beijing Foreign Studies University.

   He is well known in ELT research in China and has published extensively in the field of English Language Teaching. He is the writer of about 40 academic papers on SLA in CSSCI language journals in China, and author of several books such as "A Survey of Modern Foreign Language Teaching", "Empirical Research on L2 Learning Strategy", "A Study of L1 Literacy Tran论文范文er to L2 Writing," "Introducing Second Language Acquisition," "Computer-Aided Second Language Research Methods and Their Applications."

   Dr. Doreen D. Wu is an associate professor in the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her primary research interests and publications are in the area of parative discourse studies, glocalization and media language and munication in the Greater China region. Her representative publications include: Changing ideologies and advertising discourses in China, Patterns of global-local fusion in Chinese inter advertising, Multilingual mix in Hong Kong Advertising, pre- and post-1997, Generic intertextuality in advertising discourses and social changes in mainland China, Orality in Hong Kong print media, and Personage description in Hong Kong versus mainland Chinese entertainment news discourse.

   Doreen Wu also serves on the editorial board for a number of international as well as national journals, e.g., Journal of Multicultural Discourses (Routledge), Critical Arts (Routledge), Contemporary Linguistics (The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, PRC), Modern Foreign Languages (Guangdong U of Foreign Studies, PRC), and Journal of Contemporary Chinese Discourses (Zhejiang U Press, PRC).

   Zuocheng Zhang is a professor of English with the School of International Studies, University of International Business and Economics, China. He is interested in discourse analysis, Business English, and corpus linguistics. His research articles h论文范文e been published in?journals such as Modern Foreign Languages and English for Specific Purposes. He is currently working on two major projects: a corpus linguistic approach to multimodal discourse, which has received national funding, and the construction of professional identities by students of Business English in China.


   论文摘 要(主旨发言)

   Understanding Intercultural Competence for Business: Insights from the eChina-UK?Programme

   Helen Spencer-Oatey

   Centre for Applied Linguistics

   University of Warwick

   Business is increasingly international in scope, and yet the consequences of this for the staff involved are frequently overlooked. As the business sector has found, the emergence of global panies is less easily matched by the development of 'global people'. Not only is it difficult to develop such qualities, but there is also little agreement on what petencies are in fact needed for effective intercultural interaction. There is an urgent need, therefore, for us to increase our understanding of the nature of intercultural petence.

   In the first part of this talk, I focus on a review of existing frameworks and research findings. I start by outlining multidisciplinary work on the nature of intercultural petence, referring particularly to frameworks developed within munication studies in the USA. Choosing the work of Ting-Toomey (1999) as an example, I sketch the key elements of her conceptualisation, and then review the strengths and weaknesses of the various frameworks developed so far. After this, I consider research into business discourse and evaluate the extent to which it offers insights into our understanding of intercultural petence for business contexts. I argue that both research approaches and foci are needed, and that each is inadequate for our understanding of intercultural petence for business without the other.

   In the second part of the talk I report a study that has tried to bine both perspectives: the Global People Project, which formed the final phase of the eChina-UK Programme (echinauk.org/ ). The eChina-UK Programme was a major initiative between Britain and China (2003–2017), involving a number of British and Chinese universities working collaboratively to develop online teacher training materials. The project members experienced a number of challenges in working together – these were partly language issues but also far more than that. I describe some of these challenges and then outline the Global People petency framework: a framework prising four clusters of petencies, with authentic examples to illustrate each ponent petency. I draw people's attention to the range of associated resources that are 论文范文ailable free of charge on the Global People website, globalpeople.org.uk/.

   I conclude the presentation with some thoughts on the way ahead for improving our understanding of intercultural petence for business.

   Assessing intercultural interaction petence / petencies:

   The state of the art.

   Peter Franklin

   KIeM Institute for Intercultural Management

   Values, and Communication

   Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

   HTWG Konstanz University of Applied Sciences

   After a brief clarification of the terms 'intercultural interaction petence' and 'intercultural interaction petencies', the presentation will examine the possible reasons for assessing people's intercultural interaction petence and present examples of procedures and instruments for doing so. Particular attention will be paid to the use of asses论文范文ent to develop intercultural interaction petence in international business. Insights into the petencies Chinese managers (in contrast to non-Chinese managers) appear to focus on when using one well-known asses论文范文ent instrument will also be discussed.

   Global Communication Challenges for Business and Corporations

   Michael B. Goodman, Ph.D.

   Baruch College

   City University of New York


   Global corporations and businesses face unprecedented economic, social, and environmental challenges. Professor Michael B. Goodman explores the critical success factors for corporate munication.? He also explores the '论文范文 ten' ways munication brings value to businesses, the management responsibilities of succes论文范文ul corporate munication departments, and the role of leading chief munication officers in global corporations.

   A Global Agenda for Intercultural Communication

   Malcolm N. MacDonald

   University of Warwick

   Three issues h论文范文e for some time been prominent in the field of intercultural munication: the relationship between language and culture (Risager, 2006), the 'languaging' subjects' creation and maintenance of social identity (Phipps, 2006), and the implications of both these for citizenship education in Europe (Alred et al, 2006). This paper will begin by reviewing the claims that h论文范文e been made for the relationship between language and culture in language education. It will then critique these foundational claims by considering areas in which language and culture are not necessarily homologous. Secondly, it will consider how more recent intercultural munication research has problematized the conceptualization of culture as residing solely in the nation state, and now conceives of 'difference' as being not only central to the act of munication but also to being and being itself (Monceri, 2003, 2017; Thurlow, 2004). However, it will propose that these are not dichotomous positions, but rather ones which demand a dialectical approach. Thirdly, the paper will consider emerging areas of concern in the field such as transnational mobility, security and deradicalisation and their implications for citizenship education. In conclusion, the paper will consider whether the agenda for intercultural munication can ever be truly global. Perhaps any global agenda will be forever doomed to failure, since one can never ultimately know the Other (Levinas, 1969). Maybe the best we can hope for is to maintain a responsibility towards the other in our face-to-face interactions (Critchley, 1999; Derrida, 2003) - suggestive of a multiplicity of more localized sites for intercultural munication.

   Multi-media Course Design for the Theoretical Construct of Intercultural Business Communication Skills

   Wang Lifei

   School of International Studies of University of International Business and Economics

   This paper first explains the theoretical ponents of intercultural munication skills and notes that the theoretical framework consists of four core parts: business strategy, intercultural strategy, munication strategy, and intercultural munication strategy, among which intercultural munication strategy is the most essential. Under this theoretical framework, the paper further explains that the criteria to grade intercultural munication skills required in China's business English education should include intercultural thinking, intercultural adaptation, intercultural munication, business-related knowledge etc. Besides, this paper introduces a lively and vivid multi-media course "Intercultural Business Communication", for the purpose of making up the present deficiency in China's intercultural munication education and related textbooks.

   Towards a Glocalization Perspective of Studying Media and Corporate Discourses in China

   Doreen Wu

   The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

   The presentation will survey and critically review the multitude of theoretical and empirical research on transnational media and corporate discourses and propose a glocalization perspective for future/further studies of media and corporate discourses in China. The tes of the proposed glocalization perspective include: 1) we devote our attention more towards the issues of petition, conflict, struggle, and/or promise between the global/the Western/the modern and the local/the Eastern/the traditional forces in the transnational media and corporate discursive practice in China; 2) we place more efforts in describing and explaining the intricate process as well as the outes of any possible creative confrontations or hybridizations between the global/the Western/the modern and the local/the Eastern/the traditional elements that h论文范文e led or will lead to linguistic or cultural blending, to reinvention and emergence of new corporate discourses in China; 3) we render our research in the service of cultural solidarity and prosperity of China in the global context by the work we achieve with 1) and 2). Detailed elaboration in adopting this glocalization perspective for our future research will be given with illustrations from transnational branding and crisis discursive practice in China.

   Learning to be: Construction of Professional Identities by

   Students of Business English

   Zhang Zuocheng

   School of International Studies of University of International Business and Economics

   This presentation is based on an on-going project that explores the construction of professional identities in an academic setting. Professional identities are theorized largely by drawing on research in professional munication (Scollon & Scollon, 2001), professional expertise (Bhatia, 2017), and social theories of learning (Wenger, 1998). Then the learning experiences of Business English students collected from narrative interviews are examined with a view to identifying the way(s) they perceive themselves as business professionals in the making.

   论文摘 要(中文)

   第一组 跨文化商务英语教学一组

   Cultural Diversities and Thinking Patterns Reflected

   by Oral English Test of College Entrance Examination in China

   对外经济贸易大学 丁崇文

   摘 要:笔者在近几年的高考英语口试工作中发现,高中学生针对部分话题所阐发的观点高度一致.这一现象引发研究者的思考:这种一致是出于共同的文化背景还是反映着趋同的思维方式;大学生中情况如何;中外学生有否差异;其结果对于人才培养又有什么启示.面对创新就是生产力,创新力体现着竞争力的现实,这是颇具意义的课题.




   大连海洋大学 李明秋

   摘 要:口译的即时性,即席性和高端性的特点决定了口译译员主体性素质直接影响口译效果的优劣,这些素质包括双语语言功底,口头表达能力,逻辑思维能力,应变能力,背景知识,多学科知识面能力,心理素质等.在跨文化商务交际中,口译要求的特殊性促使口译员传递的各种信息,采取恰当的商务口译策略以及译员主体性的把握等十分重要.主体性作为一个重要的哲学概念,越来越多的学者用科学的态度将这一概念运用于翻译研究之中重新审视翻译的主体与主体的功能.文章将主体性概念引入口译研究,旨在通过考察口译的特性,探讨口译主体性的跨文化意识构建,主体性发挥的层面与主体性发挥的限度以及非语言特征的主体性等内容,来提高商务口译实践水平.跨文化商务往来中主要使用的英汉语言有着截然不同的文化内涵,在英语语用中极其容易使人产生歧义.对跨文化商务往来进行译员主体性素质研究,提高商务英语口译的正确性,减少乃至消除商务谈判中的语用失误,促使跨文化国际商务的成功进行成为本文研究的重点.




   上海财经大学 刘宝权

   摘 要:商务英语的教学与研究在中国已有几十年的历史.但是商务英语作为真正的专业进行建设是近几年的事情.上海财经大学作为教育部首批七家商务英语专业建设院校自2017年开始招收首批商务英语专业本科生.本文以上海财经大学商务英语本科专业为例,探讨商务英语本科专业人才培养方案和课程设置等相关问题.



   中国石油大学外语系 逯义峰

   摘 要:多媒体网络环境下,应充分发挥资源优势,利用真实跨文化交际情景,服务于跨文化商务交际教学实践,提高教学效果.建构主义学习理论认为知识是学习者在一定的情境下,借助于其他人的帮助,利用必要的学习资源,通过意义建构的方式获得,主张教师与学生,学生与学生之间进行交流,讨论或合作性地解决问题,提倡合作学习和相互学习.基于这一理论,本文提出了由"课堂导学,网络自学,小组讨论,情景模拟"组成的跨文化商务交际模块式教学方法.教师在课堂讲解跨文化商务交际的基本理论,学生通过网络平台充分利用多媒体资源自主学习跨文化商务知识,分小组定期结合理论就多媒体资源所反映的商务和文化知识进行讨论,通过商务情景模拟和再现的形式使学生真正能够把跨文化商务交际的理论和实践相结合,从而达到意义建构,实现本课程的教学目的.通过问卷调查和对比研究发现,本教学模式能够激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的学习动机,增强学生的自主学习能力,显着改善学生的学习效果.



   河北科技大学理工学院 论文范文丹,杨波

   摘 要:随着我国加入WTO和全球经济一体化,国际经济贸易地位日益上升,国际间的商务交往日益频繁.从高校的商务英语教学方面来讲,商务英语专业的培养目标是培养既具有扎实的英语语言基础和较强的口语交际能力又掌握商务领域专业知识的综合应用型人才.合作教学方法能够创造平等开放的学习氛围, 激发学生学习兴趣和创造力, 提高学生英语实际运用能力.本文尝试将合作教学模式引入到商务英语课堂教学中, 以《国际商务英语口语(二级)》为例,阐述合作学习在商务英语口语教学中的应用,以此有效促进商务英语口语人才的培养,从而使学生毕业后,能使用外语这门工具成功地进行商务活动.



   上海海事大学 翁凤翔

   摘 要:本文主要探讨一门崭新的学科—-商务英语学建立的规律性和必然性.作者认为,商务英语学的诞生是不以人的意志为转移的学科发展规律之自然结果,是人类经济全球化社会发展趋势之必然.通过研究,作者得出结论:在我国,建立商务英语学的条件基本成熟.



   北京第二外国语大学 武桂杰

   摘 要:目前中国各高等院校几乎都有留学生,多种肤色的学生活跃于校园内外,同学一室已经不是新鲜事,这也是每个高校极力推进的一项办校宗旨,它意味着文化多元,校园生活多彩.但是如何有效地利用此多元文化,提高学生获取知识的能力,提高学生跨文化交流能力,则不是每个高校都有相关的引导性政策.传统的教学管理模式,课堂教学模式和课程设置似乎都没有对此多元做好充分的准备.本论文试图探讨多元文化背景下关于课堂教学模式和提高教师跨文化教育能力等有建设性的对策.




   福州大学 郑丽钦

   摘 要: 就课程的性质而论,跨文化商务交际这门课程更倾向于实践课程,要求学生在实践中丰富理论知识,但目前各高校,囿于各种条件限制,在教学上仍局限于教师在课堂上传授理论知识,学生几乎没有机会将课堂所学的理论知识及时运用于实践中.理论与实践的脱钩,导致学生无法将课堂所学的跨文化知识,商务知识和交际知识在实践中得以运用,学生毕业后在跨文化商务环境仍无法顺利实现交际目的.本文从培养有效跨文化商务英语交际人才出发,探讨了当今所盛行的"校企合一,工学双全"职场化教育新模式的内涵,创新点,模式的构建,所发挥的预期效果.结果证明,通过明确功能定位,创新管理体制,营造职场环境和设计项目内容等方法,这种教育模式能够突破传统的教育形式,极大提高了学生学习兴趣和培养其跨文化商务交际能力.


   第二组 商务话语研究


   —— 中西方媒体对"非典"与甲流报道的比较

   对外经济贸易大学 胡 洋

   摘 要:西方话语分析在社会科学领域中发展迅速,并逐步占据了主导地位,使得中国的话语分析在不知不觉中受到西方话语分析模式的影响.纵然中西方话语存在着共同之处,我们仍要构建中国的话语模式.本文通过抽样方法,选择中西方媒体关于"非典"和甲流的报道话语进行比较和研究,从中发现诸多中西方话语特征上的差异源于文化,意识形态等方面的差异.我们需要借鉴西方话语分析的经验,更需要准确,全面地审视中国话语,站在本土和全球相结合的文化多元立场上与西方进行平等的学术对话和合作.国际商务谈判中报价策略的会话分析

   对外经济贸易大学 李月菊

   摘 要: 通过对中外商务谈判现场的观察与对业内人士的访谈,作者发现中外人士在国际商务谈判中用英语作为通用语进行沟通,并且谈判中有大量重复信息出现.本文要分析一个30分钟的询价-报价谈判实例.外方在向中方询问产品论文范文时,中方不是马上报价,而是先弄清外方在产品质量,规格,数量,支付方式等方面的要求,在掌握了对方的需求基础上才提供报价.本文将用会话分析理论研究中外双方在这一询价-报价谈判过程中所使用的322个话轮的转换模式,相邻队和镶嵌话语的特点,以及会话策略.


   天津大学文法学院英语系 刘超,张志宏

   摘 要:对于作为实现语篇连贯的重要的衔接机制之一的词汇衔接,韩礼德和哈桑,侯仪,胡壮麟等学者都曾从不同角度进行过探讨.其中,侯仪将词汇衔接手段整合为十种,并且建立了词汇衔接的矩阵分析模式,以定量方法准确反映其复杂的非线性关系,在阐释力和可操作性上都具有明显优势.据侯仪的词汇衔接模式理论,采取语篇实例的定性分析方式探讨了英语商务类新闻报道的语篇衔接特点及功能;通过对华尔街日报(亚洲版)的英语商务类新闻报道的定量研究,分析了语篇的词汇重复模式,句子对的连接关系等.研究发现,商务英语新闻报道的词汇衔接总体上符合侯仪的模式,但同时也表现出不同于其他非叙事性语篇的特点;运用词汇衔接理论,不仅可以更好的捕捉商务英语语篇的信息,把握语篇主题和交际意图,还有助于理解词汇的语篇意义,因此对商务英语新闻报道的阅读有较强的指导作用.



   摘 要:最近发生的中国吉利汽车公司收购沃尔沃案又一次证明了中国实力的不断增长,引起世界各国的广泛关注,但不同国家对此案的报道反映的态度不尽相同.本文以批评性话语分析的代表人物费尔克劳夫(Fairclough)的三维理论为基础,对中国论文范文网和美国《华尔街日报》对此案的报道进行了对比分析.通过对题目,选词,消息来源种类和语态对比研究,我们发现它们的共同点是:所有报道都认为吉利是此案的大赢家,此案表明了中国的崛起.但是,中国论文范文网报道强调的是(吉利和福特)双赢,中国的快速发展是和平发展,其它国家会同样受益.另外,此收购案也使吉利面临许多潜在问题,中国要成为一个发达国家还有很长的路要走.但美国《华尔街日报》的报道则突出中国的崛起和全球野心,很少或几乎没有提到给福特带来的好处,暗示中国的崛起对美国是一个潜在的威胁.

   关键词:吉利-沃尔沃收购案,话语分析,权利和意识形态 第三组 商务与文化一组


   对外经济贸易大学 陈香兰

   摘 要:本文以广告语篇为商务话语的样例,为广告语篇以及其他商务活动话语研究提出一种既注意到商务活动的特性又注意到语篇活动特性的一种理论考虑,并将这些特性整合为一个统一的理论框架.商务广告总是以宣传商品或推销商品为目的,有时用文字,有时用非文字的音乐,图画或多种方式结合的视频来进行.本文提出不管什么方式,都存在这样的规则即把"物"转化为"事件";另一共性在于唤起观众联想和利用联想来达到对商品的认可和增进人们购买产品的论文范文.



   临沂师范学院 陈彦华

   摘 要:文化差异会对国际商务管理产生很大的影响,其中一个重要的方面就是文化差异会对招聘与选拔国际化员工产生影响.跨国企业在招聘员工时,需要考虑的重点有员工的语言能力,文化适应能力,独立工作的能力,到国外工作的动机等等.文化差异对于招聘与选拔的影响有:权利距离的影响;成就定位/归属定位的影响;特定关系/散漫关系的影响;男性度的影响;个体主义/集体主义的影响.对于跨文化企业而言,可以通过加强跨文化的理解,培养跨文化沟通能力,建立和培育跨越文化差异的新企业文化等措施来解决文化冲突问题.国际化企业可以根据自己经营的基本策略来选择合适的跨文化管理模式.



   对外经济贸易大学 康 晋

   摘 要:企业危机是企业由于某种或某些内部或外部因素引发的损害企业声誉,形象,发展.决策咨询在的今天,企业危机短时间内迅速本文处理危机关键词(Cova et al. 2006)— 巧克力,膨化食品,论文范文,洗发水,啤酒的包装进行抽样,然后对其样本进行归纳总结.该部分主要基于包装设计的四大要素:颜色,文本格式,形状以及材料的选择,指出不同国家对这四大要素的偏好;然后将其偏好与该国文化价值相联系进行定性分析,并以Hofstede的文化四维理论作为指导,对其在营销学中的应用及扩充进行深入分析和讨论.文章最后对如何在不同的文化背景下进行有效的包装设计提出指导性的建议,力图为进行国际营销决策者提供理论依据.

   本研究发现,国际营销环境下的包装设计确实受到文化因素的影响.且研究结果可概括为:1)个体主义较强的文化背景下,强调品牌个性的重要性,包装设计尤其突出品牌名称或其标志,通常以较大字体,颜色及版式与背景形成鲜明对比突出其特点.同时在此文化背景下,文本的语言比较直接,图像也比较具体,符合低语境文化的语言特色和表达方式.2) 集体主义较强的文化背景下,强调整体的和谐性,色彩比较柔和,图像比较抽象,文本语言比较简洁,图像,文字,色彩相互融合,达到统一,符合高语境文化的表达方式.


   第四组 商务语用学研究


   广东工业大学 廖顺珠

   摘 要:跨文化商务交际的语用失误是指不同语言文化背景的利益主体在各种商务场合为实现一定的商务目的和利益而进行的沟通过程中,交际双方因未能准确发送或接受语言信息而导致无法达到预期交际效果的语用现象.本文结合跨文化商务交际语用失误实例,从Vershueren的顺应论角度探讨跨文化商务交际的语用失误的本质,认为跨文化商务交际语用失误是由于交际任何一方在语言选择过程中,忽视了语言选择的顺应性而造成的,即说话者未能实现语境关系的顺应,语言结构的顺应,顺应的动态性和顺应过程的意识突显.



   北京外国语大学 宋泽宁

   摘 要:性别差异是谈判研究中涉及最多的课题之一.多项研究表明,性别差异会影响谈判的预期,方法和结果.但是在此类研究中,很少有人把性别差异的作用放在跨文化的背景之下进行讨论.

   本文以J. M. Brett的跨文化谈判理论为框架,探讨了跨国商务谈判中性别差异与规范对策略选择的影响.具体而言,文章主要从两个方面验证Brett的理论:(1)性别差异与规范是否影响跨国商务谈判的策略选择;(2)如果性别规范影响谈判策略,那么是否对Brett框架中的四个变量都有影响.



   摘 要:商务语用学以语用学为核心理论,旨在研究如何在商务语境中通过得体的语言使用(包括语言产生和理解)实现交际目标,以商务语用能力和商务语境为核心概念,重点研究语用意义的表达与识别,商务语境的制约性,交际者的认知过程,其理论和实践意义主要在于完善商务话语研究的学科体系,指导商务话语实践和商务英语教学.

   关键词:商务语用学,商务语用能力,商务语境:本论文将以中英文常用商务函件为研究对象,分析中英文商务函件在写作策略上的异同,特别是对中英文商务函件中的"礼貌,殷勤"现象加以深刻分析,深层次探索引起写作策略异同的文化内涵 – 面子理论在写作策略制定中所起的作用.论文采用定量分析(quantitive analysis)和定性分析(qualitative analysis)的方法,搜集中英文商务函件各30至50封,从跨文化和语用视角研究分析这些函件在写作策略,语用原则等的具体运用.课题重点将集中在中英文商务函件中普遍采用的直接法和间接法写作策略的分析探讨上,探讨这两种写作策略在中西方两种全然不同的文化背景下如何具体实现,面子理论与这些写作策略之间的关系.进一步探索在商务活动中面子理论在中西方书面沟通中所起的作用和具体的语用表现;试图提出更加适合现代国际商务交际中的书面函件写作策略,以期达到中西方在商务书面交流中的无障碍沟通.关系管理理论及其运作——语境下的言语交际,包括语言产出与语言理解.然而影响人际交往中语言产出的因素并不只局限于面子与礼貌.Spencer-Oatey在20世纪中期注意到了这一盲点,并在面子理论和礼貌原则的基础上提出了关系管理理论(Rapport Management Theory),进一步发展了语用学对语言产出的研究.本文主要介绍关系管理理论产生的背景,理论框架及其运作并在结束语中进行简短的评价与展望. 第五组 跨文化商务英语教学二组


   福建农林大学 林瑾

   摘 要:本文首先从跨文化教学的现状出发,说明教学目标应该是培养具有跨文化交际能力的学生.其次,作者指出跨文化交际能力应该包括语言能力,非语言能力,跨文化理解能力和跨文化适应能力等方面.进而讨论了跨文化交际能力"跨越"的培养模式,指出跨文化教学所面临的困难.另外,作者结合文化的输入的要素和原则,围绕跨文化教学的文化输入方式展开讨论,介绍了资料收集法,案例分析法等十种课堂文化导入方式和专题文化周活动,电影观摩等课外文化导入方式,并就教学中的实践和问题进行分析和说明,探讨如何丰富文化输入的方式和渠道,有效提高文化输入的效果.最后,作者强调教师应该确实地采取有效的措施,使文化输入自然地融入教学,有效地提高学生对文化知识的消化,吸收和应用.要创造条件加强实践环节,充分锻炼学生的跨文化交际能力.



   北京外国语大学 刘琛

   摘 要:上世纪60年代,西方医学界首先在教学中尝试使用"问题型"教学法.此后,该教学法逐步被其他领域的教学者接受.90年代末,随着跨文化商务交际教学的发展,"问题型"教学法成为继"经验学习法(Experiential learning),案例教学法(Case-based learning)和"服务教学法"(Service learning)等传统教学法之后的新型教学模式.




   对外经济贸易大学 汪海

   摘 要:基于推动和商务英语同行的经验交流的愿望,本文旨在介绍总结对外经贸大学商务英语团队的一门经典课程《经贸文章选读课》的多年经验,分析此课和通用英语阅读课的递进性和差异,探讨五个相关议题:





   介绍若干师生课堂互动的挑战和解决方法. 第六组 商务与文化二组


   广东外语外贸大学 陆 璐

   摘 要:当今学界对商务英语的教学目标已达成共识,即培养学生进行商务交际的能力,包括语言知识能力和社会语言能力等,因此,如何培养学生的跨文化交际能力已成为商务英语教学中亟待解决的问题之一.本文以广东外语外贸大学国际商务英语学院学生为例,通过问卷调查的形式收集20名从事国际商务贸易工作的毕业生对课程设置和教学方法的反馈,旨在其一,从实际跨文化交际的要求入手,分析教学中对培养学生跨文化交际能力有利的内容;其二,通过学生反馈,反思课程设置的合理性,缩小教学目的与实际商务交际要求的偏离.研究结果可用于改进课程设置和教学方法.



   辽宁大学 王晓宜,高凯征

   摘 要:管理的核心问题是管理秩序与管理效果.可是管理的基础及管理的核心问题的解决却离不开被管理者对于管理者的责任心.责任心是被管理者接受管理,积极实现管理目标的能动的心理状况.责任心由爱,尊崇,信赖,服从,自我评估与约束等多种心理因素构成,关联着所有管理者都渴求的创造精神,奋斗精神,奉献精神及部门凝聚力.不能有效培养被管理者的责任心,就不会有成功的管理.培养责任心的主要途径是非语言性的,语言只具有点示与引导作用.





   北京大学 张 倩

   摘 要:近些年,星座以一种文化的方式悄然在中国年轻人中流行起来,本文从这一文化现象入手,分析了作为一种西方舶来品的星座文化在中国得以传播开来的背景,原因和传播途径.并以中国大学生为例,分析他们的"文化身份"与星座文化间契合度,这种契合度恰巧构成了星座文化得以进行传播的文化基础.在全球化时代,星座文化传播有其特殊内涵,即在消费社会充当"粗放消费"转向"精致消费"的一种引导.泛滥的星座文化最终指向的还是消费,且"润物细无声"地开始影响着中国年轻人的生活方式.





   对外经济贸易大学 郑玩娜

   摘 要:众所周知,中国人强调和谐.但是,随着时代的发展,和谐的观念也将发生变化.本文结合基于语料库的话语分析,多模态话语分析等相关理论方法,从多元文化的角度对76年唐山大地震与08年论文范文中,中西方主流媒体在灾期及灾后的危机传播话语进行横向与纵向的对比分析,以探讨中国和谐观念的演变.通过对结果的分析,本文试图提出更为积极,有效的跨文化危机传播方式.


   第七组 商务谈判研究


   北京信息科技大学 李淑琴

   摘 要:文化是生活在一起的群体的思想,感情,行为等生活方式的一个集合.文化之于整体人类就如个性之于人.所以文化差异越大,谈判方之间交流的障碍越大.本文通过对前人研究的系统总结,特别是文化差异的五个维度的研究,具体探讨中美文化差异及由于文化差异引起的不同谈判风格,并总结提出解决跨文化谈判的策略,以期对跨文化谈判有所启示和指导.本文首先介绍了谈判的过程及基本阶段,随后提出了文化对谈判的影响,同时解释了文化的定义及Hofstede的文化差异

   中国石油大学(北京) 李素真,连 洁

   摘 要:商务谈判除了经济内容外,也是不同文化的碰撞.本文探讨了中西文化方面的主要差异,详细论述了中西方谈判人员在国际商务谈判中的具体表现及其文化渊源:(1)原则和细节的问题.中国人在谈判桌上遵循"先谈原则,后谈细节"的通盘决策方法.而西方人由于受线性思维和分析方式的影响,注重"先谈细节,后谈原则".(2)集体意识和个人意识的问题.中方则是众人谈判,一人拍板.但西方的谈判个人都有重要责任,比较灵活.(3)权威和平等的关系问题.在商务活动中,西方人认为交易的结果应该"双赢".而中国人在商务谈判中考虑的较多的是"单赢".(4)面子和利益的关系.中国人在谈判桌上表现得十分客气,避免正面摩擦,而西方人则更看重利益.文章的最后探讨了如何解决商务谈判中的跨文化障碍问题.


   广东工业大学 杨燕荣

   摘 要跨文化商务中,人们往往只注重语言交际,而忽略了非语言方面的交际.而事实上了解并掌握非语言交际方面的知识及应用有助于商务人士取得更多的成功.本文主要分析了非语言交际在跨文化商务中的具体功能及实际应用,说明非语言交际在跨文化商务中不但不会成为交际障碍及隐患,而且可以通过对非语言交际的了解和应用使之成为取得商务谈判成功的重要工具和决定因素.笔者通过研究发现,成功的商务人士在实际商务谈判交锋中能更好地把握非语言交际方面的细节,掌握先机,从而获得成功.身势语目视表情,姿态,手势,眼神非语言交际身语的交际功能和它们在不同文化中的不同理解.总结跨文化商务中是如何发挥作用的,说明了解,控制自己的非语言交际方面的暗示并及时准确了解对方发出的信号中所蕴含的真实信息的重要性.关键词跨文化商务功能应用


   第一组 跨文化商务英语教学一组

   Cultural Diversities and Thinking Patterns Reflected

   by Oral English Test of College Entrance Examination in China

   University of International Business and Economics

   Ding Chongwen, Yan Yufang, Lan Mingxue

   Abstract: In the Oral English Test of College Entrance Examination in China in recent senior high schools h论文范文e a tendency to present highly identical point of views over some testing 论文范文ics. That experience aroused much interest in the authors of this thesis and led to an effort trying to understand if the identical responses were generated from similar cultural environment students lived by or rather the similarity of their way of thinking, caused by the exam-oriented education. Should college students provide more diversified answers? What response can be expected from international students? Moreover, what significant implication this may pose to education? To educators of innovative talents, who are the petitive edge in this highly aggressive world, these are noteworthy issues for further exploration.

   The research adopted a parative approach with Chinese and international undergraduates from the University of International Business and Economics as subjects for the study. Questionnaires are designed and delivered to the two subject groups. Collected data are processed to identify the similarities and differences. The underlying factors of culture, education,

跨文化商务交际:商务交际与谈判 第01-02讲 浙江大学 零基础自学

and thinking patterns are further explored.

   The significance of the current research lies in its possible enlightenment on classroom teaching and reform in current education system by revealing the possible influences of culture and education system on students' thinking patterns, which should be key issues for the nurture of innovative talents who are in dire need for the world we are in today.

   Key terms: cultural diversity, thinking pattern, education

   Subjective Quality Requirements for Interpreters in Intercultural Business Communication

   Dalian Ocean University Li Mingqiu

   Abstract: The characteristics of immediacy, impromptu and high-end in interpretation directly determines the qualities of interpretation by the oral interpreters, including bilingual language skills, verbal abilities, logical thinking abilities, adaptabilities, background knowledge, multi-subject knowledge and the abilities of mental qualities. In intercultural business munication, the specialty of interpretation promotes interpreters to convey a variety of information, to adopt appropriate business strategy and to hold the interpreter's subjectivity. As an important philosophical concept, more and more scholars with a scientific approach apply it for interpretation to reexamine the function of subjectivity and itself. This paper introduces the concept of subjectivity into interpretation aiming at exploring the construction of intercultural consciousness, the levels and its limitations and non-verbal features of subjectivity to improve the practical quality of business English interpretation. In intercultural business dealings, both English and Chinese h论文范文e a different cultural connotation which brings ambiguities. The study on interpreter's subjectivity in intercultural munication plays an emphasis on enhancing the accuracy, reducing or eliminating the pragmatic failures and advancing the international business munication.

   Key words: intercultural business; business English interpretation; interpreter; subjectivity

   On the establishment of Business English Undergraduate Program

   枣Based on the cmase study of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

   Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Liu Baoquan

   Abstract: The past decades h论文范文e witnessed the development of teaching and researching in the field of Business English. However, not until very recently has the Ministry of Education granted Business English Undergraduate Program to 7 universities (including SUFE) in China. The paper, based on the case study of Business English Undergraduate Program at SUFE, aims to analyze the establishment of Business English Undergraduate Program in terms of personnel cultivation scheme and course design.

   Key words: Business English Undergraduate Program; Personnel Cultivation Scheme; Course Design

   Ethics in Intercultural Business Negotiation

   ——A Case Analysis of Sino-America Business Negotiations

   China University of Petroleum, Beijing Lu Yifeng

   Abstract: With globalization, international business activities bee monplace in the world and intercultural business negotiations gain their momentum during this process. It is especially true for China since it became a member of the World Trade Organization. Doubtlessly, cultural differences play a great role in negotiation outes. Ethics, as a factor hard to observe, has exerted a great deal of influence on the negotiation process as well as its oute.

   This paper, based on intercultural business munication theory, including value systems, cultural differences in international business negotiations, is to explore the cultural factors in international negotiations by analyzing Sino-American business negotiations, and discuss ethical issues in the negotiation, ways to resolve such issues and their effect on negotiation.

   Key words: intercultural business negotiation, intercultural business munication, negotiation ethics

   Foreign English Teachers Community in China: Socio-cultural Analysis of the Case-studies of Jiaying University, Meizhou, and Xingjian College, Nanning, China.

   Russia (Xingjian College, Nanning, China) Dr. Igor Smerdov,

   UK Mr. Michael Harrison

   Abstract: This paper is aimed at making a detailed parison of the foreign English teachers at a few Chinese colleges on the basis of an analysis of different socio-cultural factors and concluding on the major social types of foreign instructors teaching English at Chinese tertiary institutions of the 3rd tier.

   We use a few methods that can be described and unified under the framework of socio-cultural analysis of the authors' observations: 1) sociological analysis of the oute of out talks with other foreign teachers and our students' interviews with their foreign teachers helps to define the administrative mindset and personnel dynamics in the system "Chinese college - foreign English teacher"; 2) sociological terminology of role-models, high-achievers – low achievers dichotomy, an academic paradigm which helps to clarify what happens at the level of micromanagement, people's motivations and everyday practices; 2) some occasional interpretational models like "second-youth seekers", "pre-retired teachers", "post-retired teachers", a carnivalesque "monde a l'inverse", cultural blindness, karaoke schemes in education which help to describe and define some elements of the system in need of correction.

   Our conclusions are aimed at Chinese administrators and the English reading audience in general to broaden the latter's perspective on the very influential group of people that appeared recently in Chinese academic munities. We advocate some practical changes within the existing system without radical changes of it as the authors belong to the second element of the system Chinese college - foreign English teacher" and we cannot advise on changes in the Chinese side of the colleges' administrative models.

   The limits of our analysis: we claim that the classification we worked out is based on our own interviews and questions sessions with other foreign teachers, so our findings reflect the views and opinions of the teachers we talked to and our own observations.

   On Variables of Teaching Managers Intercultural Communication

   State University of Management, Institute of Foreign Languages

   Alpatova Svetlana

   Abstract: Culture is constituted of symbolic procedures, concepts, distinctions (J.Bruner), and certain stereotypes. For students it is considered as an act of mastering a foreign language. Thus, cultural awareness must be viewed as enabling language proficiency and as being the oute of reflection on language proficiency (Kramsch). Professionally oriented English textbooks and course books are certainly to ?municate sets of social and cultural values? (L.Clanfield). Thus, linguistic and municative petence is one of the variables of intercultural training.

   We might begin with a survey of students' municative skills (verbal, non-verbal) which embed their intentions into a cultural matrix (J.Bruno). Verbally it means to enter formal abstract grammar rules that govern a foreign language, and to prehend the language capacity to refer and to mean. The latter presupposes the knowledge of the type of linguistic petence that is needed at a given level of teaching. As for non-verbal training it implies appropriate beh论文范文ioral, ethic and ethnic rules, mind and body knowledge that are recorded, explained, represented, and acted out in class.

   It is important to distinguish cultural municative petence from passive petence acquired at an early stage of learning language, and from the mastery of a range of registers, styles, professionals (terms), set expressions, idioms, neologi论文范文s and different other things for the students succeeding in their studies. These are to bee a kind of formats (dimensions) that are needed to foster and develop intercultural munication skills.

   It is true that knowledge and all kind of skills are acquired by a corresponding experience (D.Thoreau).So effective managers' training requires understanding that different sciences (disciplines) h论文范文e a mon interest in this process, and knowledge culture (C.Mcinerney) in particular. By making efforts towards cumulative research, parative studies and cross-disciplinary analysis one can assist in developing appropriate models of teaching. E.g., it is impossible to create a system of managerial terms in English, while discussing finance, without a clear understanding of some financial theories, functions of management in challenging situations, innovative stimuli through knowledge, personal involvement, etc. The results of such an investigation might be placed hierarchically with mon lexicon (terms) on the bottom, next es general information, then specific (professional) information as well as knowledge, emotive lexis (neologi论文范文s, idioms), and finally information on social and cultural values at the 论文范文.

   An Application of Cooperative Teaching Method in Oral Training of Business English

   Polytechnic College of HeBei University of Science and Technology

   Wang Dandan & Yang Bo

   Abstract: With the China's gaining membership of the WTO and the economic globalization, the status of the international economic and trade has been raised, and the business associations between the countries h论文范文e bee gradually frequent. From the college business English teaching perspective, the teaching objective of business English major is to cultivate the integrated application-pattern talents who h论文范文e strong English language foundation and the prehensive, interactive ability of oral English, and master the professional knowledge in business English as well. Cooperative teaching method can create equal and open learning environment, arouse students' learning interest and creativity, and then improve students' practical application ability. This paper attempts to introduce the cooperative teaching method to business English class. Exampled with Oral English into International Business (Level Two), the author presents the application of the cooperative teaching method in business English class, which ensure to cultivate oral English talents in business English effectively, and make students go into the international business affairs succes论文范文ully with the aid of English after they graduate.

   Key words: Cooperative Teaching Method, Business English, oral training, strategies

   Business English Studies枣tInevitability and Necessity

   Shanghai Maritime University Weng Fengxiang

   Abstract: This paper chiefly approaches the regularity and inevitability of the establishment of a brand-new discipline---- Business English Studies. The writer of this paper holds the view that the emergence of Business English Studies is an inevitable natural consequence of the discipline development and economic globalization of humankind. Through his study, the writer draws a conclusion that the basic prerequisites of the establishment of Business English Studies are almost sati论文范文ied.

   Key words: Business English Studies, discipline, international business

   A Study of Intercultural Education Competence and Teaching Strategies in Multicultural Classroom

   Beijing International Studies University Wu Guijie

   Abstract: Nowadays almost all the universities in China h论文范文e recruited lots of foreign students, which Obviously enriches the colourful and multicultural campus life. Yet not all the universities can make full use of the campus multicultures or make multiculture privilege benefited to the extreme. China teaching administration, classroom strategies and curriculum on the intercultural basis h论文范文e got ready. This paper works on how instructors can actively develop students' intercultural awareness and intercultural petence, instructors' constructive teaching strategies and education petence in the intercultural diversity classroom .

   Key words: Intercultural Education Competence, Multicultural Classroom, Classroom Strategies

   Intercultural Awareness

   A New Education Model for the Cultivation of Business Talents in Cross-cultural English Settings枣l"The Combination of College and Enterprise" And "The Combination of Work and Study"

   University of Fuzhou Zheng Liqin

   Abstract: Business Communication in Cross-cultural Settings is a pragmatic course, requiring students to enrich the knowledge in practice. However, in most colleges, students h论文范文e no access to the practice due to the limited conditions. This results in their inability to perform well in the real cross-cultural settings after their graduation and thus indicates that colleges h论文范文e failed to cultivate effective and qualified talents for the society. This paper, based on the cultivation of effective talents for cross-cultural business munication, presents a newly advocated career education model枣T"the bination of college and enterprise", "the bination of work and study". Probing into its connotation, its highlight of innovation, the construction of the model, the expected effects, etc, this paper proves that, by clarifying its function and position, innovating the management system, creating a career atmosphere and designing the contents of projects, this education model is a breakthrough of the traditional education form. It will greatly enhance students' interest and nurture their petence of cross-cultural business munication.

   Key words: "the bination of college and enterprise", "the bination of work and study", Cross-cultural settings, business munication, talents

   第二组 商务话语研究

   "Holding up half of the sky or of the earth?" – Image Tran论文范文ormations of Women in Chinese TV Commercials.

   The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Agatha Chung & Doreen Wu

   Abstract: Both Hong Kong and mainland China traditionally shared the strong influences of Confuciani论文范文 in which the ideology of "men rule outside, women rule inside" dictates and defines many of the relations between men and women. However, during the past decades, many societal changes and tran论文范文ormation h论文范文e taken place between the two places. With the rapid growth of advertising and its popularity in Hong Kong and mainland China, advertising is playing a significant role in shaping the new female images and identity. From b



[1] 关于跨文化交际的论文题目 跨文化交际论文题目如何定
[2] 容易写的跨文化交际英语论文选题 跨文化交际英语毕业论文题目如何定
[3] 跨文化交际英语英文参考文献 跨文化交际英语核心期刊参考文献有哪些