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大学毕业论文大纲格式 大学毕业论文提纲怎样写有关写作资料

主题:大学毕业 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-12-06




  1. 五、大学毕业典礼演讲的评价分析论文提纲
  2. 四、功能语言学视角下中美大学毕业典礼校长演讲对比研究论文提纲范文
  3. 三、英汉大学毕业典礼演讲中词汇衔接手段的对比研究论文提纲格式范文模板
  4. 二、组织职业生涯管理对大学毕业三年内员工离职意愿影响研究论文提纲范文
  5. 一、民营企业90后大学毕业新员工短工化行为的影响因素研究论文提纲范文





Chapter One Introduction

Chapter Two Literature Review

2-1 The Definition of Public Speaking

2-2 The Development of Public Speaking

2-3 Features of Public Speaking

2-4 Classification of Public Speaking

2-5 Studies on Public Speaking

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework:The Appraisal Theory

3-1 Overview

3-2 The Framework of the Appraisaal Theory

3-2-1 Attitude System

3-2-1-1 Affect

3-2-1-2 Judgment

3-2-1-3 Appreciation

3-2-2 Graduation System

3-2-3 Engagement System

3-2-3-1 Dialogistic Contraction

3-2-3-2 Dialogistic Expansion

3-3 Application of Appraisal Theory

Chapter Four Appraisal Resources in Four Harvard CommencementAddresses

4-1 Data Collection

4-2 Frequency and Distribution of the Appraisal Resources in the Commencement Addresses

4-3 The Analysis of Attitude

4-3-1 The Analysis of Afect Resources

4-3-2 The Analysis of Judgment Resources

4-3-3 The Analysis of Appreciation Resources

4-4 Graduation Resources Analysis

4-4-1 Graduation as Force

4-4-2 Graduation as Focus

4-5 Engagement Analysis

4-5-1 Analysis of the Dialogic Contraction Resources

4-5-1-1 Disclaim

4-5-1-2 Proclaim

4-5-2 Analysis of the Dialogic Expansion Resources

4-5-2-1 Entertain

4-5-2-2 Attribution

Chapter Five Conclusion

5-1 Major Findings

5-2 Significance and Limitations












List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Abbreviations

1 Introduction

1-1 Research Background

1-2 Purpose and Significance of the Thesis

1-3 Organization of the Thesis

2 Literature Review

2-1 An Introduction to Speech

2-2 An Introduction to President’s Commencement Address

2-3 Previous Studies on Speeches and CommencementAddresses

2-4 Previous Studies on Functional Grammar

2-5 Comments on Previous Studies

3 Theoretical Framework

3-1 Systemic Functional Grammar

3-2 Theories on GSP

3-3 Theories on Three Meta-functions

3-4 The Framework for the Present Study

4 Research Methodology

4-1 Research Questions

4-2 Data Collection

4-3 Research Method and Research Instrument

5 Results and Discussions

5-1 Comparison of Structure Elements in CPCAandAPCA

5-2 Comparison of Three Meta-functions in CPCAandAPCA

6 Conclusion

6-1 Major Findings

6-2 Implications and Significance

6-3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study


Appendix:Sources of Presidents’CommencementAddresses from Chinese andAmerican Universities

Author Resume

Thesis Data Collection





List of Abbreviations

Chapter One Introduction

1-1 Research background

1-2 Research significance

1-3 Research objectives

1-4 Organization of the thesis

Chapter Two Literature Review

2-1 Definitions of the related terms

2-1-1 Text

2-1-2 Cohesion and coherence

2-1-3 Lexical cohesion

2-2 The development of lexical cohesion theory

2-2-1 Research abroad

2-2-1-1 M-A-K- Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan

2-2-1-2 Ruqaiya Hasan

2-2-1-3 Michael Hoey

2-2-2 Research at home

2-2-2-1 Hu Zhuanglin

2-2-2-2 Zhu Yongsheng and Zheng Lixin et al

2-2-2-3 Other scholars

2-3 University commencement speeches

2-3-1 Definition of university commencement speeches

2-3-2 Relevant research on lexical cohesive devices in English and Chinese UCS

2-4 Summary

Chapter Three Research Design

3-1 Research questions

3-2 Data collection

3-3 Research method and procedures

3-4 The taxonomy of lexical cohesive devices adopted in this study

3-5 Summary

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

4-1 Analysis of one English version and one Chinese version

4-1-1 Analysis of one English version

4-1-2 Analysis of one Chinese version

4-2 Distribution of using different lexical cohesive devices

4-3 Reiteration

4-3-1 The use of reiteration in English and Chinese UCS

4-3-2 The use of repetition

4-3-3 The use of synonymy (near-synonymy)

4-3-3-1 Similarities of using synonymy (near-synonymy) in English and Chinese UCS

4-3-3-2 Differences of using synonymy (near-synonymy) in English and Chinese UCS

4-3-3-3 Causes for these similarities and differences

4-3-4 The use of superordinate

4-3-4-1 Similarities of using superordinate in English and Chinese UCS

4-3-4-2 Differences of using superordinate in English and Chinese UCS

4-3-4-3 Causes for these similarities and differences

4-3-5 The use of general word

4-3-5-1 Similarities of using general word in English and Chinese UCS

4-3-5-2 Differences of using general word in English and Chinese UCS

4-3-5-3 Causes for these similarities and differences

4-4 Collocation

4-4-1 The use of collocation in English and Chinese UCS

4-4-2 The use of antonymy

4-4-2-1 Similarities of using antonymy in English and Chinese UCS

4-4-2-2 Differences of using antonymy in English and Chinese UCS

4-4-2-3 Causes for these similarities and differences

4-4-3 The use of co-reference

4-4-3-1 Similarities of using co-reference in English and Chinese UCS

4-4-3-2 Differences of using co-reference in English and Chinese UCS

4-4-3-3 Causes for these similarities and differences

4-4-4 The use of other collocation

4-4-4-1 Similarities of using other collocation in English and Chinese UCS

4-4-4-2 Differences of using other collocation in English and Chinese UCS

4-4-4-3 Causes for these similarities and differences

4-5 Summary

Chapter Five Conclusion

5-1 Summary of the major findings

5-2 Implications of the present research

5-3 Limitations of the present research and suggestions for further study


Appendix Ⅰ

Appendix Ⅱ

Appendix Ⅲ


有关论文范文主题研究: 关于大学毕业论文提纲范文检索 大学生适用: 3000字函授论文、2000字学位论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 105 写作解决问题: 论文大纲如何写
毕业论文开题报告: 标准论文格式、论文结论 职称论文适用: 核心期刊、初级职称
所属大学生专业类别: 大学毕业专业 论文提纲推荐度: 免费提纲



第1章 绪论

1-1 研究背景

1-2 研究意义

1-3 研究内容和论文结构

第2章 文献综述及假设

2-1 员工离职的概念、测量及相关研究

2-2 组织职业生涯管理的概念、维度及测量

2-3 组织职业生涯管理与员工心理及行为的关系

2-4 工作满意度与离职意愿的关系研究

2-5 组织承诺与离职意愿的关系研究

2-6 本文理论框架与研究假设

第3章 研究方法

3-1 调查对象与收集资料的方法

3-2 收集资料的工具

3-3 问卷的信度和效度评估

3-4 资料的处理方法

第4章 结果与讨论

4-1 样本特征分析

4-2 各变量的描述性统计分析

4-3 个体特征在离职意愿上的差异分析

4-4 各变量与离职意愿的相关性分析

4-5 结构方程分析

第5章 结论与今后研究建议

5-1 结论

5-2 局限与未来研究建议









(一) 选题背景与意义

1- 选题背景

2- 研究意义

(二) 研究思路和内容结构

1- 研究思路

2- 内容结构

(三) 本文可能的创新点


(一) 理论基础

1- 期望理论

2- 公平理论

3- 马斯洛需求理论

(二) 国内外相关研究综述

1- 知识型员工离职问题研究现状

2- 民营企业知识型员工离职问题研究现状

3- 新生代知识型员工的特点及离职问题的研究现状

4- 员工离职模型研究现状


(一) 相关概念的界定

1- 90后大学毕业新员工及其特征

2- 短工化行为

(二) 研究假设

1- 个体价值观与短工化行为

2- 校园短期*行为与短工化行为

3- 民营企业人力资源管理制度与短工化行为

4- 职业成长期望与短工化行为

5- 民营企业文化与短工化行为

(三) 问卷设计与分析

1- 问卷量表设计

2- 量表的信度分析

(四) 研究方法和研究模型

1- 研究方法

2- 研究模型


(一) 问卷样本基本信息分析

(二) 因子分析

1- KMO值和Bartlett球体检验

2- 新因子的确定和命名

(三) 研究变量的描述性统计分析

(四) 各变量与短工化行为的相关性分析

1- 个体价值观与短工化行为相关性分析

2- 校园*行为与短工化行为相关性分析

3- 民营企业人力资源管理制度与短工化行为相关性分析

4- 职业成长期望与短工化行为相关性分析

5- 民营企业文化与短工化行为相关性分析

(五) 变量与短工化行为的回归分析


(一) 研究结论

(二) 研究对策与建议

1- 90后大学生加强个人修为

2- 高等院校积极开展就业培训

3- 民营企业完善组织制度

(三) 研究不足与展望

1- 本文研究的不足

2- 对未来研究的展望








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