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情境毕业论文模板范文 英语和初中英语类论文写作技巧范文5000字有关写作资料

主题:英语和初中英语 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-04-10




  1. 1、What is situation



Abstract:This paper discussed the current situation of English vocabulary teaching in junior high school of China by studying and thinking on the theory of English vocabulary teaching at home and abroad. According to the learning characteristics of junior high school students, this paper summarizes the feasibility of English situational teaching in junior high school. That is, through setting English vocabulary learning situations, and it acts on the students' learning psychology. These can stimulate students' learning positivity, and realize the goal of vocabulary teaching. Finally it can achieve the purpose that the students can remember English vocabulary accurately.

Key words: Situation; Situation teaching; English Vocabulary Teaching in Junior High School

I. Introduction

According to the data, the number of people who speak English as the first language globally stands at 375 million, and nearly 400 million people speak English as the second language, while nearly 800 million people speak English as a foreign language. With the globalization of the economy and information, as one of the most popular languages in the world, the importance of English in the world is self-evident. To learn a language, we he to learn from vocabulary first, like building a building, we he to establish bricks first. If English were a building, then the blocks of stone which made up the English building were words. Due to the influence of the test-oriented education, many English teachers in middle schools in China he divided English into segments to teach, they pay too much attention to grammar explanation, they just ask students to memorize mechanically. These results a serious condition that the teachers talk a lot and the students sleep a lot in many English teaching classroom. Some students even want to give up English learning.

II. About situational teaching

1、What is situation

Situation refers to the relative situation of circumstances in a given period of time. In social psychology, Situation refers to environmental conditions that affect the occurrence of an object or on the behiour of an organi. It said that Situation was the social Situation in which a person acts in a certain way and was a specific condition that arises from social behior. Situation is different under different circumstances. The teaching situation refers to the emotional atmosphere created by the teacher in the teaching process, and also refers to the teaching activities with a certain emotional atmosphere.

2. Performance and experience

"whatever way you learn a word, you he to learn it usefully. It is only in the use of language that vocabulary knowledge can be deepened and consolidated"(桂诗春,1988). The performance in situational teaching is making students play a role in a class. It can develop a sense of familiarity with the words.They will learn naturally and enhance their memory of the words. For example, you can create a situation about trel, ask the students to perform pre-tour scenes, tourists and guides in the course of treling. Through the students' performance, they can enjoy the pleasure of learning, also strengthen their memory of English words.

VI. Conclusion

Through the implementation of situational teaching, the relationship between teachers and students has changed. This paper analyzes the feasibility and necessity of implementing situational teaching in English vocabulary teaching from different angles such as pedagogy and psychology, and discusses the strategies of vocabulary teaching based on practice. In the course of writing the thesis, the author also found many new problems which needed to be solved. All in all, the study of English vocabulary situational teaching in junior high school is a long-term, complex and systematic work. We still he many problems to be solved, and we hope that the experts and scholars can work together to push this research to a higher level.


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