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主题:微观经济学 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-02-09





  1. 微观经济学:哈工大 曼昆版 宏观经济学 54 零基础自学

中级宏观经济学模拟试题 2

   1(15 points) As we all know China is suffering from moderate inflation. The following is about the relevant basic concept.

   (3 points) what's the definition of inflation, and how to measure?

   (4 points) what's the dynamic inconsistency, and how to solve it?

   (4 points) what's the definition of inflation tax, and how to measure?

   (4 points) please ment on the inflation in China, such as cause, solution and so on.

   2(15 points) Please consider the derivation of AD schedule.

   (3 points) what's the definition of AD curve?

   (6 points) graphically derive the AD schedule when the moary authority is targeting the interest rate.

   (6 points) graphically derive the AD schedule when the moary authority is targeting the money stock.

   3 (20 points) The following equations describe an economy (Think of, as being measured in Billions and as a percentage.)

   (6 points) What are the equations that describe thecurve, curve and curve?

   (10 points) Suppose the government spending increase to 1000, and that moary policy is acmodating, what does the moary authority do?

   (4 points) By how much do the changes in policy mix affect the AD curve?

   4 (20 points) Suppose an economy, which is at its natural level, experiences a permanent decline in marginal propensity to consume.

   (5 points) graphically Show, in the Solow model, the effects of the decline in marginal propensity to consume.

   (5 points) graphically Show, in theframework, the effects of the decline in marginal propensity to consume.

   (5 points) graphically Show, in theframework, the effects of the decline in marginal propensity to consume.

   (5 points) ment on your answers to parts <4.1>, <4.2> and <4.3>.

   5 (20 points) Suppose a person who lives for three periods and earns ines of 30, and 60 in the first two periods of life cycle. There are no earnings during retirement. Assume the interest rate is 0, and the life-time utility is

   (4 points) if the credit market is open to individuals, determine the level of consumption for the person who maximizes the life-time utility.

   (4 points) if the credit market is close to individuals, determine the level of consumption for the person who maximizes the life-time utility.

   (8 points) Suppose there is a pay-as-y

微观经济学:哈工大 曼昆版 宏观经济学 54 零基础自学

ou-go social security system in the economy, whereby 8 lump-sum taxes on the currently working generation in every period are used to fund payments to retirees. Now, check changes in your solutions to parts <5.1> and <5.2>.

   (4 points) ment on the consumption in China.

   6(10 points) Consider China economy with four sectors, that's. For simplicity, think of as autonomous foreign demand, and being measured as US dollar. The central bank buysat the fixed exchange rate, and therefore endogenously increases the money supply.

   (5 points) Show, in theframework, the effects of the increase in.

   (5 points) Suppose China economy is at potential level initially, what is the required policy to deal with the increase in? Use theframework to show your proposal.



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