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  1. 美国学分课程:高校试水在线学分课程 中国教育报道 151130


   National Chiao Tung University (NCTU)

   Master's Degree Regulations for the Institute of Computer Science and Engineering








   Promulgated at the Joint Department Affairs Meeting of CSIE and CIS on 30 March 2005

   Promulgated at the CS Department Affairs Meeting on 29 June 2007

   Revised and Passed at the CS Department Affairs Meeting on 21 November 2007

   Revised and Passed at the CS Department Affairs Meeting on 20 January 2017

   Revised and Passed at the CS Department Affairs Meeting on 13 October 2017

   Revised and Passed at the CS Department Affairs Meeting on 23 November 2017

   Revised and Passed at the CS Department Affairs Meeting on 3 January 2017

   一, 国立交通大学资讯科学与工程研究所(以下简称本所)为规范硕士班研究生修业事项,依据本校硕士学位及博士学位授予作业规章以及相关规定,特订定本修业要点.

   The Institute of Computer Science and Engineering at National Chiao Tung University (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) has drawn up the following program regulations for master's students in pliance with the NCTU Regulations for Master's and Doctoral Degrees Conferment and relevant guidelines. 二, 入学资格:

   Admission requirements: 1. 公立或立案之私立大学或独立学院或经教育部认可之外国大学各学系毕业具有学士学位,或应届毕业或具有同等学历之资格,经本校硕士班研究生入学考试通过者,得进入本所硕士班修读硕士学位.

   Applicants who are graduating students or who hold a bachelor's degree or equivalent from public universities, registered private universities, independent academies, or foreign academic institutions recognized by the Ministry of Education (MOE) of the Republic of China are eligible to take the NCTU Graduate Student Entrance Exam to enroll in the master's degree programs of the Institute. 2. 符合教育部订定之「外国学生来华留学办法」及「国立交通大学接受外国学生申请入学修读学位暨选读学分办法」修读硕士学位者,得进入本所硕士班修读硕士学位.

   International applicants who ply with the Regulations Governing Study by Foreign Students in the Republic of China as promulgated by the MOE and the NCTU Regulations for Admission of International Students to Degree and Non-degree Programs may enroll in the master's degree programs of the Institute. 3. 新生因重病或接获兵役单位征集令,不能按时入学者经检具有关证明於注册前申述理由,向本校申请保留入学资格并获准者,得延後进入本所硕士班修读硕士学位.

   Newly admitted students to the master's degree programs of the Institute who are unable to enroll in the designated semester due to serious illness or military service obligations may apply for delayed enrollment by presenting relevant documentation before the registration deadline. The application is subject to the university's approval. 三, 修业年限:一般生为一至四年,在职生为二至五年.

   Period of study: One to four years for full-time students; two to five years for part-time students. 四, 修课规定:

   Program requirements: 1. 必须选修通过「作业系统」,「计算机架构」,「演算法」,「正规语言与计算理论」四科至少两科.入学前修习过前述本所开设之课程,且成绩达七十五分以上经所长核准後可免修.

   Pass a minimum of two courses out of the following four elective courses: Operating Systems, Computer Architecture, Algorithms, and Formal Languages and Theory of Computation. Students who h论文范文e pleted the aforementioned courses offered by the Institute prior to enrollment and achieved a score of 75 and above for the courses may waive the courses with the approval of the Director of the Institute. 2. 入学後之前二学期每学期至少须修两门课.

   Take a minimum of two courses per semester in the first two semesters of study. 3. 每学期须选修「个别研究」课程,由硕士论文指导教授评分,以评定学生之研究水准,毕业前该课程至少须有二学期成绩为通过.

   Take the course Independent Study every semester. The research ability shall be assessed by the thesis advisor and students are required to achieve a Pass for a minimum of two semesters prior to graduation. 4. 毕业前须修读通过一个『论文研讨』.

   Pass one Seminar course before graduation. 5. 丁组学生入学後之前二学期必须选修『系统与网路管理实习(一),(二)』Students in Program D must take Computer and Network System Administration Lab (I) and (II) in the first two semesters of study and pass both courses prior to graduation. 6. 除『个别研究』及『论文研讨』课程之外,至少须修满廿四学分,其中至少十八学分须修读本所开设课程,另六学分如选择外所课程,须填写『硕士生修习外所课程申请书』,经指导教授同意後,并於选修该课程当学期网路选课截止前,经所长认可方得计入毕业学分,逾期一概不受理.In addition to Individual Study and Seminar course, students must plete 24 credits, of which 18 credits must be for courses offered by the Institute. For the other 6 credits, students who wish to take courses offered by other colleges at NCTU or another institution must plete the Application for Master's Students to Take Courses in Other Institutes. Following the approval of the thesis advisor, the course must be approved by the Director of the Institute for inclusion in the graduation credits prior to the online registration deadline of the semester in which the course is taken. Approvals after the course registration deadline are invalid. 7. 未於修业期限内通过学位考试或未能完成应修课程者,应令退学.

   Students who do not pass the degree qualifying examination or fulfill the credit requirements within the study period shall be di论文范文issed from the program. 五, 学分抵免:

   Credit exemption: 1. 本所硕士班研究生於入学前五年内所选修之学分得申请抵免.Master's students of the Institute may apply for credit exemption for credits that are obtained within five years before enrolling in the current program. 2. 学分抵免申请应於取得学分後次学期(新生为入学後第一学期)选课加退选截止日之一周前提出.因故逾期申请者,须经本所规定之会议同意.

   Application for credit exemption should be pleted one week before the course add/drop deadline in the semester following the pletion of the said credits for current students and in the first semester of study for newly admitted students. Late applications are subject to review by relevant mittees of the Institute. 3. 本所各研究所相关会议依下列方式审核:

   The Institute shall review the applications in accordance with the following guidelines: (1) 不列为大学毕业学分之本所课程达七十五分以上,且未超过抵免学分上限者,皆可抵免.


美国学分课程:高校试水在线学分课程 中国教育报道 151130

ption shall be approved for courses taken in the Institute with a score of 75 and above if the courses do not count toward the graduation credit requirement for the bachelor's degree nor exceed the maximum number of credit exemption. (2) 选修本校其他研究所以及外校研究所课程达七十五分以上,且不列为大学毕业学分者,得申请抵免.

   Application for exemption may be considered for graduate courses taken in other graduate institutes at NCTU or other universities with a score of 75 and above if the courses do not count toward the graduation credit requirement for the bachelor's degree. (3) 选修国外研究所课程达相当等级以上,且不列为大学毕业学分者,得申请抵免.

   Application for exemption may be considered for graduate courses taken in foreign academic institutions if the courses do not count toward the graduation credit requirement for the bachelor's degree. (4) 申请抵免学分以十八学分为限,其中本所以外之其他研究所选修学分以六学分为限,需经该所所长同意,始得抵免之.The maximum number of credit exemption is 18 credits, of which up to 6 credits may be for graduate courses taken in other institutes if approved by the director of the Institute.



   (6) 申请抵免学分时须缴交下列各项资料:申请表一份(附表一);不列为大学毕业学分证明一份;成绩单一份;其他有利审查之资料(如为本所课程则不需要),Required documents for credit exemption: An application form (Appendix 1); a statement specifying that the credits h论文范文e not counted toward the graduation credit requirement for the bachelor's degree; a transcript; other supporting documents (not required if applying for credit exemption at this Institute), such as the course number, name of instructor, textbooks and syllabus.

   选修本校其他研究所与外校研究所课程者,申请抵免通过後,得列为上述外所之六个毕业学分,但不得抵免本所之十八个毕业学分.Graduate courses taken in other graduate institutes at NCTU or other universities may be used for credit exemption for up to 6 credits (as detailed above). The courses may not be used for credit exemption for the 18 graduation credits of the Institute. 六, 论文指导:

   Thesis advisor: 1. 硕士生应於入学後30日内提出『论文指导教授同意书』(附表二),由本所规定之委员会审核同意.

   Master's students must submit within 30 days of enrollment the Thesis Advisor Consent Form (Appendix 2) for the review and approval of the relevant mittee of the Institute. 2. 硕士生应於入学後第二学期注册时,提出『硕士论文研究方向』申请书(附表三).

   When registering in the second semester of study, master's students should submit an Application for Master's Thesis Research Direction (Appendix 3). 3. 硕士论文及个别研究指导教授以本所专任助理教授以上教师担任为原则,特殊状况须以书面(附表四)向本所提出申请,经审查通过後方得例外.

   The advisor for the thesis or individual study must be a full-time faculty member of the Institute who is an assistant professor or above; any exception must be made in writing (see Appendix 4) to the Institute for review and approval. 4. 若获同意选定系外教师担任指导教授,则必须有本所助理教授以上教师共同指导.

   If the advisor is not a faculty member of the Institute, the student shall be jointly supervised by an assistant professor or above from the Institute. 5. 如欲变更论文指导教授,应填具申请书(附表五)说明理由,经由原,新指导教授同意,并经系务委员会审查通过.若原指导教授因故不能迳行同意时,应由系务委员会召集人召集会议审查议决之.

   To change the thesis advisor, students must plete the relevant application form (Appendix 5). The application must be approved by both the original advisor and the prospective advisor before being reviewed by the department affairs mittee. If consent is not given by the original advisor for any reason, the convener of the department affairs mittee should conduct a meeting to form a resolution. 七, 论文计画书:

   Thesis Proposal: 1. 硕士生应於拟毕业口试日六个月前,提出『硕士论文计画书』(附表六).

   Master's students must submit a Thesis Proposal (Appendix 6) six months prior to the date of the oral defense. 2. 指导教授变更时,须重新提出硕士论文计画书.

   Where there is a change in the advisor, the student must re-submit the Thesis Proposal. 八, 硕士学位论文口试:

   Oral defense for the master's degree: 1. 须在举行口试六周前提交『硕士论文题目及硕士口试时间』(附表七)The thesis title and time of oral defense (Appendix 7) must be submitted six weeks prior to the oral defense. The draft of the thesis must be submitted two weeks prior to the oral defense. 2. 硕士学位论文(含摘 要)以中文撰写为原则,并须符合「国立交通大学学位论文格式规范」.学位考试通过後一个月内应将论文摘 要及全文电子档上网建档(依照「国立交通大学图书馆学位论文摘 要及全文电子档建档规范」*),并缴交论文四册(一册系*,一册本校图书馆陈列,二册由教务处汇转教育部指定之庋藏单位*).

   The thesis (and the abstract) should be primarily written in Chinese and ply with the NCTU Thesis and Dissertation Formats. Students should post an electronic version of the abstract and thesis on the university website within one month of passing the oral defense. (See the NCTU Library Abstract, Thesis and Dissertation Electronization Specification for details); students must also submit four copies of the thesis (one for the record of the Department, one for display in the library and two to be submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs for tran论文范文ission to appropriate archival units as specified by the MOE). 3. 硕士学位考试委员会置委员三至五人(其中系外委员至少乙位)The President of NCTU will select three to five members to form a mittee for the master's degree oral defense from amidst the scholars and experts remended by the Institute (at least one member should be from another department). The mittee members, whether from NCTU or an external organization, must specialize in the area of research or study of the candidate and fulfill at least one of the following requirements. (1) 曾任教授,副教授或助理教授者.

   has hold the position of a professor, an associate professor, or an assistant professor. (2) 担任论文范文研究院院士或曾任论文范文研究院研究员,副研究员或助研究员者.

   is an Academician or has been a researcher, an associate researcher, or an assistant researcher at Academia Sinica. (3) 获有博士学位,在学术上着有成就者.

   holds a doctoral degree and has outstanding academic achievements. (4) 属於稀少性或特殊性研究领域,在学术上或专业上着有成就者.

   has outstanding academic or professional achievements in certain rare or specific fields of research. 前款第(3)点及第(4)点之提聘资格认定标准,由本所规定之委员会订定之.

   The criteria for the qualifications of the persons mentioned in Items (3) and (4) will be determined by a relevant mittee of the Institute. 硕士班研究生之配偶或三亲等内之血亲,姻亲,不得担任其硕士学位考试委员.

   The spouse, blood relations and in-laws of the candidate within the third degree may not serve on the oral defense mittee. 4. 学位考试以口试行之,必要时亦得举行笔试,并应依下列规定*:

   The oral defense is generally conducted orally but written exams may be administered as necessary. All oral defenses must ply with the following rules: (1) 口试以公开举行为原则,须於事前公布口试时间,地点及论文题目.

   All oral defenses must be conducted openly. The time and place of the oral defense and the title of the thesis must be announced in advance. (2) 学位考试委员应亲自出席学位口试,不得委托他人为代表,硕士学位考试委员会至少应有委员三人出席,始得举行.

   All members of an oral defense mittee must attend the oral defense in person; proxies are not permitted. An oral defense for the master's degree may only take place when attended by at least three mittee members. (3) 学位考试委员会,由本所指定委员一人为召集人,指导教授不得兼任召集人. The Institute will appoint a mittee member as the convener of the oral defense mittee. The adviser of the candidate may not serve as the convener. (4) 学位考试成绩,以七十分为及格,一百分为满分,评定以一次为限,并以出席委员评定分数平均决定之,但硕士学位考试有二分之一以上出席委员评定不及格者,以不及格论,不予平均.

   The passing grade and full marks of the oral defense are 70 and 100, respectively. The results should be produced from a single evaluation based on the 论文范文erage of the scores given by the members present. Noheless, a master's candidate is deemed failed, and no 论文范文erage score shall be calculated, when the scores given by half or more of the members present are below the passing grade. (5) 论文有抄袭或舞弊论文范文,经学位考试委员会审查确定者,以不及格论,并送本校学生奖惩委员会议处.

   A candidate is deemed failed when plagiari论文范文 or cheating is discovered in the thesis and subsequently verified to be true by the oral defense mittee. The incident shall also be reported to the Student Disciplinary Committee for deliberation. 5. 学位考试不通过,得於次学期或次学年申请重考,重考以一次为限,重考不及格者,即令退学.

   Candidates who fail the oral defense may apply to retake the oral defense once in the following semester or the following academic year. Candidates who fail a second time will be di论文范文issed from the program. 九, 本校对已授予之硕士学位,如发现论文有抄袭或舞弊论文范文,经调查属实者,则撤销其学位,追缴其已发之学位证书.

   In the event that plagiari论文范文 or cheating is discovered in the thesis and subsequently verified to be true, NCTU will revoke the degree conferred and request the student to return the certificate issued. 十, 修订及实施:

   Revision and implementation: 1. 本修业要点由资讯工程学系暨资讯科学学系联合系务会议订定,经学院课程委员会及校课程委员会审查,再送教务会议核备後实施.

   These program regulations were promulgated at the Joint Department Affairs Meeting of CSIE and CIS, reviewed by the course mittees at the College and the University levels, and approved at an Academic Affairs Meeting for subsequent implementation. 2. 本修业要点修订时由本所所务会议以及资讯工程学系系务会议通过後,经学院课程委员会及校课程委员会审查,再送教务会议核备.

   Revisions of the program regulations are passed at the Institute Affairs Meeting and the CS Department Affairs Meeting, reviewed by the course mittees at the College and the University levels, and submitted for approval at an Academic Affairs Meeting. 3. 其他未尽之事宜,悉依学校规定.

   Matters not mentioned herein shall be governed by relevant NCTU regulations. 本法规有中英文两个版本,在有疑义的情况下以中文版为准.

   The Regulations were drawn up in Chinese and translated into English. In the event of any discrepancy between the two versions, the original Chinese version shall prevail.



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