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特色农业和互联网参考文献格式范文 关于特色农业和互联网相关硕士毕业论文范文3000字有关写作资料

主题:特色农业和互联网 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-01-14




[摘 要]分析延壽县互联网特色农业的发展状况及其存在的问题:延寿大米享誉国内外,但电商化的特色农业产品、品牌单一;对点销售,具有一定的长尾效应;电商化扶贫发展整体呈较快上升趋势,但缺少电商专业人才限制了其深化发展;社会预期与实际落实有较大差距.进行模型的设定与变量选取,得出以下结论:经济增长和收入增长能够显著降低贫困率,特色农业促进农村经济发展,证实互联网建设促进特色农业产量增加,进而对收入增长有促进作用,来达到减贫效果.提出立足脱贫攻坚,实施金融支持战略,加大“互联网+特色农业”的资金支持力度;提高农户“互联网+农业产业”的意识,培养现代化特色农业电子商务运营人才;加快利用大数据等技术打造特色农业品牌;提高特色农业的专业化、标准化、多样化,推动产业协调发展.在“互联网+”环境下实现有效扶贫,在实现脱贫目标后,继续深化优势,带动新农村经济的可持续发展.


[中图分类号] F322 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 2095-3283(2020)06-0092-04

Investigation and Research on the Poverty Alleviation Effect of Special Agriculture

from the Perspective of Internet——Taking Yanshou County as an Example

Xu HongLiu HaiyanFu Hanyun

(Harbin Institute of Finance, Harbin Heilongjiang 150001)

Abstract: This paper analyzes the development status and existing problems of Internet featured agriculture in Yanshou county. Yanshou rice enjoys a good reputation at home and abroad, but the featured agricultural products and brands of e-commerce are single; point sales he a long tail effect; the overall development of e-commerce poverty alleviation is on the rise, but the lack of e-commerce professionals limits its further development; there is a big gap between social expectations and actual implementation. By setting the model and selecting the variables, the following conclusions are drawn: agricultural production can promote income growth and economic growth, improve the rural poverty situation, and the urbanization rate is also one of the important factors. Based on the strategy of financial support, the financial support strategy should be implemented to increase the financial support for "Internet plus characteristic agriculture", raise the awareness of farmers' "Internet plus agriculture industry", train modern talents with special characteristics in agricultural e-commerce, accelerate the use of big data and other technologies to create distinctive agricultural brands, and improve the specialization, standardization and diversification of characteristic agriculture and promote the industrial associations. Adjust development. In the environment of "Internet +" to achieve effective poverty alleviation, after achieving the goal of poverty alleviation, we will continue to deepen our advantages and promote the sustainable development of the new rural economy.

Key Word: Characteristic Agriculture; Internet; Poverty Reduction Effect



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