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纺织英语论文提纲模板 纺织英语论文大纲怎么写有关写作资料

主题:纺织英语 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-01-22




  1. 五、专门用途英语学术论文中的it be V-ed that型式研究论文提纲
  2. 四、目的论观照下服装英语翻译研究论文提纲范文
  3. 三、纺织科学英语学术论文引言的短语学特征研究论文提纲格式范文模板
  4. 二、纺织科学英语学术论文摘要的短语学特征论文提纲范文
  5. 一、纺织科学英语学术论文摘要中报道动词的型式研究论文提纲范文


五、专门用途英语学术论文中的it be V-ed that型式研究论文提纲




A List of Tables

Chapter 1 Introduction

1-1 Research background

1-2 Research objectives

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2-1 The concept of pattern

2-2 Pattern and meaning

2-3 Interpersonal functions in an academic corpus

2-3-1 The nature of academic discourse in ESP

2-3-2 Inadequacy of researches

2-4 Review on"it be V-ed that"pattern

Chapter 3 Methodology

3-1- The Donghua Textile Academic Articles Corpus

3-2- Method

3-2-1 Data collection

3-2-2 Data analysis

Chapter 4 Analysis of"it be V-ed that"pattern in the DTAAC

4-1 The subpattern "it is/was V-ed that"

4-1-1 Semantic features of"it is/was V-ed that"

4-1-2 Pragmatic features of"it is/was V-ed that"

4-2 The subpattern "it auxiliary be V-ed that"

4-2-1 Modal auxiliaries

4-2-2 Semantic features of"it auxiliary be V-ed that"

4-2-3 Pragmatic features of"it auxiliary be V-ed that"

Chapter 5 Conclusion

5-1 Conclusion of findings

5-2 Strengths and limitations of this study

5-3 Suggestions for future research





第1章 绪论

1-1 研究背景

1-2 研究目的及意义

1-3 文献综述

第2章 目的论下服装英语翻译的定义

2-1 翻译

2-2 目的论指导下翻译的定义

2-3 目的论观照下服装英语翻译

第3章 服装英语翻译的特点

3-1 服装英语特点

3-1-1 交叉学科方面

3-1-2 词法层面

3-1-3 句法层面

3-2 服装文字语言特点

第4章 目的论观照下的服装英语翻译——以Fashion 一书的中文译本为例

4-1 翻译目的论研究

4-1-1 目的论起源和发展

4-1-2 目的论对翻译失误的定义

4-1-3 目的论法则

4-2 目的论角度下译本《时尚》的翻译失误评析

4-2-1 功能翻译失误分析

4-2-2 文化翻译失误分析

4-2-3 语言翻译失误分析

4-3 目的论观照下的服装英语翻译策略及技巧

4-3-1 目的论下的服装英语翻译策略

4-3-2 目的论三法则指导下的服装英语翻译技巧

第5章 从目的论角度分析服装译者的作用以及应具备的素质

5-1 目的论中服装英语翻译者的作用

5-1-1 服装英语译者作为读者的作用

5-1-2 译者在翻译过程中作为创作者的作用

5-1-3 译者作为协调者的作用

5-2 从服装英语译者的重要作用讨论其应具备的素质

5-2-1 较高的英文水准

5-2-2 扎实的汉语基础

5-2-3 深厚的服装专业背景知识

5-2-4 大量的翻译实践

5-2-5 掌握恰当的翻译策略和技巧

5-2-6 具备细致谨慎的学风

第6章 结论








List of Figures and Tables

List of Abbreviations

Chapter 1 Introduction

1-1 Research Background

1-2 Overview of the Thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2-1 Studies on RA Introduction

2-2 Studies on Phraseology

2-2-1 Qualitative Approaches

2-2-2 Quantitative Approaches

2-3 Summary

Chapter 3 Methodology

3-1 Corpus and Software

3-2 Methods and Research Questions

3-2-1 Identifying phraseological sequences

3-2-2 Categorizing Phraseological Sequences

3-3 Summary

Chapter 4 Findings and Discussion

4-1 Frequency Distribution

4-2 Clause Constituents and Their Pragmatic Functions

4-2-1 Multiple Clause Constituents

4-2-2 Single Clause Constituents

4-3 Patterns and Functional Features of Incomplete Phrases

4-4 Summary

Chapter 5 Conclusion

5-1 Summary of the Study

5-2 Significance and Implications

5-3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Study



有关论文范文主题研究: 关于纺织英语论文提纲范文集 大学生适用: 2500字自考毕业论文、2000字自考论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 214 写作解决问题: 论文提纲如何写
毕业论文开题报告: 文献综述、论文设计 职称论文适用: 期刊发表、职称评中级
所属大学生专业类别: 纺织英语方面 论文提纲推荐度: 免费大纲





List of Figures and Tables


Chapter 1 Introduction

1- Research background

2- Aims of the thesis

3- Research questions

4- Structure of the thesis

Chapter 2 A Review of Theoretical Background

2-1 An introduction to phraseology

2-1-1 An overview of influential concepts of phraseology

2-1-2 The parameters of defining phraseological sequences

2-1-3 Operational definition of phraseological sequences

2-2 Previous studies of phraseology

2-2-1 Theory-driven study of phraseology

2-2-2 Corpus-driven study of phraseology

2-2-2-1 Sinclair's extended units of meaning

2-2-2-2 Hunston's patten grammar

2-2-2-3 Altenberg's recurrent combinations

2-2-2-4 Biber's lexical bundles

2-3 The summary of the literature review

Chapter 3 Methodology

3-1 Corpus used for the study

3-2 Tools to be used

3-3 Study methods

3-3-1 Frameworks to be investigated

3-3-2 Data collection

Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Findings

4-1 Frequency-based analysis of n-word clusters

4-1-1 Multiple clause constituents

4-1-2 Incomplete phrases

4-2 Semantic analysis of phraseological sequences

4-2-1 Process/action PSs

4-2-2 Entity/notion/activity PSs

4-2-3 Experiential PSs for specifying attributes

4-2-4 Experiential PSs for specifying time and space

4-2-5 Vagueness expressions

4-3 Functions of phraseological sequences in CEATRA

4-4 Findings and discussion

Chapter 5 Conclusion

5-1 Summary of the study

5-2 Pedagogical implications

5-3 Limitations of the study and further research








A List of Tables

Chapter 1 Introduction

1-1 Research background

1-2 Aims of the research

1-3 Structure of the thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2-1 Previous studies on research-announcing verbs

2-1-1 Studies on "coming-to-know" verbs

2-1-2 Lexical verbs of reporting researches

2-1-3 The definition of research-announcing verbs

2-2 Pattern and meaning

2-2-1 Lexical grammar

2-2-2 Pattern grammar

2-2-3 Lexical priming

2-3 Studies on verb patterns

Chapter 3 Methodology

3-1 Corpus to be used

3-2 Tools to be used

3-3 Working procedures

Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Discussion

4-1 Experimental verbs

4-1-1 Patterns of procedure verbs

4-1-2 Discourse functions of procedure verbs

4-1-3 Patterns of finding verbs

4-1-4 Discourse functions of finding verbs

4-2 Discourse verbs

4-2-1 Patterns of discourse verbs

4-2-2 Discourse functions of discourse verbs

4-3 Cognitive verbs

4-3-1 Patterns of cognitive verbs

4-3-2 Discourse functions of cognitive verbs

Chapter 5 Conclusion

5-1 Summary of this study

5-2 Implications and limitations of this study

5-3 Suggestions for future research





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[3] 纺织英语论文提纲模板 纺织英语论文大纲怎么写
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