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物业管理毕业论文提纲 论文大纲范文模板有关写作资料

主题:物业管理毕业论文提纲 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-02-11




  1. 1、1.1 客户服务的含义
  2. 1 1 6.6 完善物业管理法律法规
  3. 1 1 结束语
  4. 1 2 参考文献
  5. 1 3 致谢





【关健词】 物业管理 客户服务质量 对策


Property management belong to the service sector, and the production of is the intangible service products, and therefore, the customer service level will have a direct impact on the owner of the property management in the satisfaction, customer service quality has a direct influence on the property management enterprise',s operation efficiency. This paper focus on the current property management of quality service to customers, the main problems of property management of analysis on the main factors of quality service to customers, and thereafter puts forward improving customer service quality property management advice.

Property management industry existing customer service quality problem affected property management enterprise development and the construction of harmonious society, and constantly improve enterprise own problems and improve the level of qualification to raise the level of quality service to customers. As the people',s living level and culture quality rise ceaselessly, the consumption idea, rights protection consciousness is also in having huge changes, enjoy high quality property management customer service has bee a general owners', aspirations. Discusses how to coordinate the property management enterprise and the owner of the relationship, improve property management enterprise customer service quality and on the building of a harmonious munity and promote the harmonious development of the society to have the important meaning.

【key word】 property management service quality Countermeasures


III Abstract

IV 第1章、物业管理客户服务概述

1、1.1 客户服务的含义

1 1.2 客户服务在物业管理中的作用 ....................................................... 1 第2章、物业管理客户服务特性 ......................................................... 1 2.1 服务和管理合二为一 ............................................................... 2 2.2 服务对象非常广泛,服务内容不断丰富 ...............................................

2 2.3 服务标准难于落实 ................................................................. 2 第3章、物业管理客户服务质量社会现状 ................................................. 3 3.1 物业管理与业主之间矛盾重重 ....................................................... 3 3.2 行业人才匮乏,高素质人才更是凤毛麟角 ............................................. 3 3.3 *资金投入与产出比例失调 ....................................................... 4 3.4 物业管理的法制建设滞后 ........................................................... 4 第4章、影响物业管理客户服务质量的主要原因 ........................................... 5 4.1 观念亟待转变,物业管理推广难 ..................................................... 5 4.2 建筑工程遗留问题多,物业服务不到位 ............................................... 5 4.3 市场竞争不足,服务质量提升难 ..................................................... 5 4.4 物业管理公司游离于业主委员会 ..................................................... 5 4.5 小区设施不健全 ................................................................... 6 4.6 物业管理企业与业主缺乏沟通 ....................................................... 6 第5章、如何做好物业客户服务工作 ..................................................... 6 5.1 要摆正位置,调整心态 ............................................................. 6 5.2 要博学多才,能言善辩 ............................................................. 7 5.3 要严格自律,不计较个人得失 ....................................................... 7 5.4 要明礼诚信,尽职尽则 ............................................................. 7 5.5 要追求卓越,勇于开拓 ............................................................. 7 5.6 适当地提供增值服务 ............................................................... 8

第6章、提高物业管理客户服务质量的建议 ............................................... 8 6.1 加强小区基础设施建设 ............................................................. 8 6.2 引入优秀人才 ..................................................................... 8 6.3 建立良好的客户服务质量标准 ....................................................... 8 6.4 建立规范合理的收费标准 .......................................................... 10 6.5 强化业主权责意识


1 1 6.6 完善物业管理法律法规

1 1 结束语

1 2 参考文献

1 3 致谢



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